No. 1
Alternance et renouveau politiques en Polynésie fançaise
Bruno Sara Original French Version
Power switching and renewal in French Polynesian politics: the importance of 2004
transl Bess Flores English Version 
Redistricting via coups and constitutions: the construction of ethnically-mixed constituencies in Fiji, 1970 -2001
Jon Fraenkel
The RAMSI intervention in the Solomon Islands crisis
Clive Moore
Quong Tart and early Chinese business in Fiji
Bessie Ng Kumlin Ali
Obituary Jayantha S Wimalisiri 1936 - 2005: an exemplary academician
Ropate Qalo
Review Articles
In the wake of the Leonidas: reflections on Indo-Fijian indenture historiography
Doug Munro
Big picture, myopic gaze: histories of the Solomons’ crisis Clive Moore
Judith A Bennett
Book Reviews
Journeys in a Small Canoe: the life and times of a Solomon Islander Lloyd Maepeza Gina, eds Judith A Bennett and Khyla J Russell and Footprints in the Tasimauri Sea: a biography of Dominiko Alebua
Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka
Ian Frazer
Pacific Forest: a history of resource control and contest in Solomon Islands, c. 1800 - 1997 Judith A Bennett
Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka
The Island of Lost Maps: a true story of cartographic crime Miles Harvey
Dirk Anthony Ballendorf & Bruce G Karolle
Amelia Earhart’s Shoes: is the mystery solved? Thomas F King et al.
Dirk Anthony Ballendorf
Mekim Nius: South Pacific media, politics and education David Robie
Rae Nicholl
Tradition, Lotu and Militarism in Fiji Winston Halapua
Morgan Tuimaleali’ifano