Number of items: 26.
Nishino, Ryota
Toward a future of travel writing and history: collecting, researching, and reflecting on Southwestern Pacific Islanders' experiences of the Pacific war.
[Conference Proceedings]
Nishino, Ryota
The awakening of a journalist’s historical consciousness: Sasa Yukie’s Pacific Island journeys of 2005–2006.
Japanese Studies, TBC
ISSN 1037-1397
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Islanders Experience the Pacific War: Informants as Historians and Story Tellers.
Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 15
(Issue ).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1557-4660
Nishino, Ryota
From Memory Making to Money Making? Japanese Travel Writers' Impressions of Cross-Cultural Interactions in the southwestern Pacific Islands Battlesites, 1961-2007.
Pacific Historical Review, 86
pp. 443-471.
ISSN 0030-8684
Nishino, Ryota
Graphic novels of Mizuki Shigeru: New Britain Islands and wartime memoirs. Once a soldier, always a family?
Nishino, Ryota
The self - promotion of a maverick travel writer: Suzuki Tsunenori and his Southern Pacific Islands travelogue, Nanyo tanken jikki.
Studies in Travel Writing, NA
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1364-5145
Nishino, Ryota
Toward a future of travel writing and history: collecting, researching and reflecting on southwestern Pacific Islanders’ experiences of the Pacific War.
[Conference Proceedings]
Nishino, Ryota
Political economy of history textbook publishing during apartheid (1948-1994): towards further historical enquiry into commercial imperatives.
Yesterday and Today, 14
pp. 18-40.
ISSN 2223-0386
Nishino, Ryota
Review of Reading Colonial Japan: Text, Context,
and Critique,.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Nishino, Ryota and Kolesova, Elena
Talking past each other? A comparative study of the descriptions of the Russo-Japanese War in
Japanese and Russian history textbooks, ca. 1997-2010.
Aoyama Journal of International Studies, 2
pp. 5-39.
ISSN 2188-1960
Nishino, Ryota
Japanese travel-writing and Pacific War battle sites:
Bringing the past into the present.
Nishino, Ryota
Japanese travelogues on southwestern Pacific Islands since the 1960s: encounter and engagement with the islanders and reflection on the Pacific campaigns.
Tarte, Sandra and Nishino, Ryota and Siwatibau, Suliana and Naidu, Vijay and Slatter, Claire and Fry, Gregory and Griffen, Vanessa
Lest We Forget: Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Nishino, Ryota
"Tales of Two Fijis: early 1960s Japanese travel writing by Kanetaka Kaoru and Kita Morio".
The Journal of Pacific History, 49
pp. 440-456.
ISSN 0022-3344
Nishino, Ryota
Dialogues with shadows: reflections on identity, history and travel.
Life Writing, NA
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1448-4528
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Islands Women in the Eyes of the Travel
Journalist Kanetaka Kaoru: Impressions from Her
First Journey to the Pacific Islands in 1961.
Pacific Asia Inquiry, 5
pp. 130-144.
ISSN n/a
Nishino, Ryota
South Pacific voyage of Suzuki Tsunenori in 1889: a voyage of self - promotion?
Quanchi, Alan M. and Nishino, Ryota and Weir, Christine H. and Sela, Susan K.
Meet the USP historians: Form Seven examination revision tips and Q&A.
Nishino, Ryota
Ukiya Tôjiriô’s 1500 kilometre motorcycle journey in August 1957: An analysis of the incipient identity of an adolescent motorcyclist traveller.
Nishino, Ryota
Kanetaka Kaoru and the South Pacific Islands: Travel documentary and travel-writing in the
early 1960s.
Nishino, Ryota and Kolesova, Elena
Memory, history, conflicts and their representation in Japanese and Russian textbooks: The enemy within us?
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Island women in the eyes of a Japanese travel journalist:Impressions from Kanetaka Kaoru’s journey in 1961.
Nishino, Ryota
Ukiya Tôjirô and his motorcycle journey in August 1957: crystallising ambitions and identity.
Studies in Travel Writing, 17
pp. 384-397.
ISSN 1364-5145
Nishino, Ryota
Gazing at the Pacific Islands: A contemporary history of travel writing by Japanese travellers.
Nishino, Ryota
Gazing at the Pacific Islands: a contemporary history of travel writing by Japanese travellers.
Nishino, Ryota
Review of Alexander, J.W. (ed.), 2009, Japan's Motorcycle Wars: An Industry History.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 08:36:54 2025 +12.