USP Electronic Research Repository

Items where Author is "Thaman, Randolph R."

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Number of items: 143.


Thaman, Randolph R. and Fihaki, E. and Fong, Teddy (2012) Plants of Tuvalu = Lakau mo mouku of Tuvalu : a guide to indigenous and introduced plants of Tuvalu. The University of the South Pacific Press, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789820108981

Thaman, Randolph R. and Gregory, Michael P. and Takeda, Shingo (2012) Trees of life: a guide to trees and shrubs of the University of the South Pacific. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789820108851

Thaman, Randolph R. and Elevitch, C.R. and Wilkinson, K.M. (2000) Multipurpose tress of agroforestry in the Pacific Islands. Permanent Agricultural Resources, Holualoa, Hawaii. ISBN 0970254407

Thaman, Randolph R. (1998) Republic of Nauru: National Environmental Management Strategy and National Environmental Action Plan. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa. ISBN 9820401496

Thaman, Randolph R. (1993) Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: Systems for sustainability. The United Nations University Press, Tokyo, Japan . ISBN 9280808249

Thaman, Randolph R. (1990) GE 202: Agriculture, food and nutrition in the developing world: Supplementary readings, volume two. Extension Services, Suva, Fiji . ISBN 9820304105

Thaman, Randolph R. and Seniloli, S (1990) Kana oti kana tale: past performance and future prospects for the KANA/CARITAS Boarding Schools meals project, Fiji: report of a November 4-10, 1989 Project Evaluation Prepared for the Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. The Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji . ISBN 9820100607

Thaman, Randolph R. (1989) Applied atoll research for development: Proceedings of the Kiribati Applied Atoll Research for Development Consultation, Tarawa, 27 February to 2 March 1989: Executive summary. Ministry for Natural Resource Development, Tarawa, Kiribati . ISBN 9821000010

Book Chapter

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Pacific Island Principles: learning to live wise and responsible lives. In: Young people, education and sustainable development. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 63-76. ISBN 978-90-8686-093-7

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Pacific Island principles: learning to live wise and sustainable lives. In: Young People, Education and Sustainable Development: Exploring Principles, Perspectives and Praxis. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 63-76. ISBN Print 9789086860937 Electronic 9789086866915

Terry, James P. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) Physical geography of Majuro atoll and the Marshall Islands. In: The Marshall Islands: Environment, History and Society in the Atolls. Faculty of Islands and Oceans, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9820108233, 9789820108233

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) The ecosystems and flora of Majuro atoll. In: The Marshall Islands: Environment, History and Society in the Atolls. Faculty of Islands and Oceans, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 23-68. ISBN 9820108233, 9789820108233

Thaman, Randolph R. and Elevitch, C.R. and Kennedy, P.J. (2006) Urban and homegarden agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: current status and future prospects. In: Tropical Home Gardens: A Time - Tested Example of Sustainable Agroforestry. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 25-41. ISBN 9781402049477

Thaman, Randolph R. (1981) Cassava and paradise: Modernization, monitization i.e. monetization , migration and manioc in the Pacific Island. In: Cassava and paradise : modernization, monitization i.e. monetization , migration and manioc in the Pacific Island. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN N\A

Thaman, Randolph R. (1978) Tourism and agriculture in the Pacific Islands: Conflict or symbiosis. In: Tourism and agriculture in the Pacific Islands : conflict or symbiosis. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 42-46. ISBN N\A

Thaman, Randolph R. (1976) Urban taro production in the South Pacific. In: Urban taro production in the South Pacific. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-23. ISBN N\A

Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited

Thaman, Randolph R. (2013) Ethno - biodiversity, taxonomy and bioinformatics for all ages: engaging and educating the next generation of taxonomists as a foundation for sustainable living on planet earth – challenges and opportunities. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Mathias, A. and Bulai, S. (2004) Trees outside forests in the Pacific Islands: proceedings of the regional forestry workshop on trees outside forests. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Book Review or Scholarly Comment

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) Foreword. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Sustainability. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Hassall, D.C. and Takeda, Shingo (2008) Plants of Nauru. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) Sustainability. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Taafaki, Irene J. and Fowler, M.K. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2006) Uno in aelōñ in Majōl: Kōrā ro, marin uno ko, uno ko. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Pene, Frances (2004) Three Rs for academic success: research, recording and referencing. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Conference Proceedings

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) Conserving “cool spots” and writing the unwritten: ethical considerations for biodiversity research and conservation in Austronesia. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Salvat, B. (2009) Cooperation in science and education in the Pacific: accomplishments and opportunities. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Wedelia (Sphagneticola trilobata) - daisy invader of the Pacific Islands: the worst weed in the Pacific? [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy and Balawa, A. (2009) The ecological importance and ethnobiodiversity of parrotfishes (Scaridae): a Pacific Island perspective. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Ioran, Ane T. (2009) The nature, value, conservation status and options for the protection and restoration of the biodiversity of Kiritimati atoll, Republic of Kiribati. [Conference Proceedings]

Léopold, M. and Herrenschmidt, J.B. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) The Relevance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Modern Management of Coral Reef Fisheries in Melanesia. [Conference Proceedings]

Léopold, M. and Herrenschmidt, J.B. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) The relevance of traditional ecological knowledge for modern management of coral reef fisheries in Melanesia. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1981) Land, people and distance education in the Pacific Islands: the role of field studies. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1979) Deterioration of traditional Pacific Island food systems: heterogeneity to homogeneity. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Ba, Tevita (1979) Energy needs and forest resources of small islands. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1979) Food scarcity, food dependency and nutritional deterioration in small island communities. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1977) Cooperative yam gardens: an adaptation of a traditional agricultural system to serve the needs of the developing Tongan market economy. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1975) Tongan agricultural land use: a study of plant resources. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Randolph R. Islands on the frontline against the winds and waves of global change: emerging environmental issues and actions to build resilience in pacific small island developing states (PSIDS). [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Journal Article

Lowry, Brenda and Lowry, John and Jarvis, Karl and Keppel, Gunnar and Thaman, Randolph R. and Boehmer, Hans J. (2020) Spatial patterns of presence, abundance, and richness of invasive woody plants in relation to urbanization in a tropical island setting. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 48 . NA. ISSN 1618-8667

Anisi, Ramokasa and de Souza, Alyse and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Peters, Stefan and Jessop, Laurence and Keppel, Gunnar (2020) The impact of ebony wood harvesting on Diospyros samoensis (Ebenaceae) on Vangunu Island, Western Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, TBC . TBC. ISSN 1038-2097

Thaman, Baravi S. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Balawa, A. and Veitayaki, Joeli (2017) The Recovery of a Tropical Marine Mollusk Fishery: A Transdisciplinary Community-Based Approach in Navakavu, Fiji. Journal of Ethnobiology, 37 (3). pp. 494-513. ISSN 0278-0771

Thaman, Randolph R. and Tye, Alan (2015) Flora of Kiritimati (Christmas) Atoll, Northern Line Islands, Republic of Kiribati. Atoll Research Bulletin, NA (608). pp. 1-73. ISSN 0077-5630

Pollard, E. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Morrison, C. (2015) Threatened biodiversity and traditional ecological knowledge: associated beliefs, customs, and uses of Herpetofauna among the 'Are'Are on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands. Ethnobiology Letters, 6 (1). pp. 99-110. ISSN 2159-8126

Thaman, Randolph R. (2014) Agrodeforestation and the loss of agrobiodiversity in the Pacific islands: a call for conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (2). pp. 180-192. ISSN 1038-2097

McMillen, H. and Ticktin, T. and Friedlander, A. and Jupiter, S.D. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Campbell, J. and Veitayaki, Joeli and Giambelluca, T. and Nihmei, S. and Rupeni, Etika and Apis-Overhoff, L. and Aalbersberg, William G.L. and Orcherton, D.F. (2014) Small islands, valuable insights: systems of customary resource use and resilience to climate change in the Pacific. Ecology and Society, 19 (4). p. 44. ISSN 1708-3087

Pollard, E. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Morrison, C. (2014) The use of herpetofauna and cultural values to identify priority conservation forests on Malaita, Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (4). pp. 354-362. ISSN 1038-2097

Thaman, Randolph R. and Puia, T. and Tongabaea, W. and Namona, A. and Fong, Teddy (2010) Marine biodiversity and ethnobiodiversity of Bellona (Mungiki) Island, Solomon Islands. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 31 (1). pp. 70-84. ISSN 0129-7619

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) Atolls - the “biodiversity cool spots” vs “hot spots”: a critical new focus for research and conservation. Micronesica, 40 (1/2). pp. 33-61. ISSN 0026-279X

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) Pacific Island agrobiodiversity and ethnobiodiversity: a foundation for sustainable Pacific Island life. Biodiversity: Journal of Life on Earth (Special issue: The Value of Biodiversity to Food and Agriculture), 9 (1 & 2). pp. 102-110. ISSN 1488-8386

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) A matter of survival: Pacific Islands’ vital biodiversity, agricultural biodiversity and ethnobiodiversity heritage. A matter of survival: Pacific Islands’ vital biodiversity, agricultural biodiversity and ethnobiodiversity heritage, 16 . pp. 55-61. ISSN 1175-6543

Thaman, Randolph R. (2007) Biodiversity, ethnobiodiversity and biospirituality: a foundation for cultural survival and sustainable living on small Islands. The Pacific Journal of Theology, 2 (38). pp. 70-84. ISSN 1027-037X

Thaman, Randolph R. (2007) Restoring the Pacific Islands' rich agricultural traditions: an urgent priority. Pacific Ecologist, 15 (2007/0). pp. 51-57. ISSN 1175-6543

Rigamoto, Rejieli and Tyagi, Anand P. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2004) Ethnobotanical importance of the coastal plant species of Rotuma Island. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 22 (1). pp. 23-27. ISSN 1013-9877

Thaman, Randolph R. (2004) Sustaining culture and biodiversity in Pacific Islands with local and indigenous knowledge. Pacific Ecologist, 7&8 . 43-48. ISSN 1175-6543

Thaman, Randolph R. and Meleisea, M. and Makasiale, J. (2002) Agricultural diversity and traditional knowledge as insurance against natural disasters. Pacific Health Dialog, 9 (1). pp. 76-85. ISSN 1015-7867

Nunn, Patrick D. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Duffy, L. and Finikaso, S. and Ram, N. and Swamy, M. (2001) Age of a charcoal layer in fluvial sediments, Keiyasi, Sigatoka Valley, Fiji: possible indicator of a severe drought throughout the Southwest Pacific 4500-5000 years ago. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 19 . pp. 5-10. ISSN 1013-9877

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. and Thaman, Randolph R. (1998) Culture and teacher education in Oceania. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 21 (1). pp. 13-30. ISSN 1011-5846

Thaman, Randolph R. (1996) The biodiversity of Koroyanitu National Park. Domodomo (Scholarly Journal of the Fiji Museum), 10 (1). pp. 28-51. ISSN 0257-1668

Thaman, Randolph R. (1993) Children and the future of the Pacific Islands: Improved childhood health and education as a basis for sustainable development. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 15 (1). p. 1. ISSN 1011-5846

Thaman, Randolph R. (1992) Vegetation of Nauru and the Gilbert Islands: Case studies of poverty, degradation, disturbance, and displacement. Pacific Science, 46 (2). pp. 128-158. ISSN 0030-8870

Thaman, Randolph R. (1988) Consumerism, the media and malnutrition in the Pacific Islands. Journal of Pacific Studies, 14 . pp. 68-96. ISSN 1011-3029

Thaman, Randolph R. (1987) Environmental education as a basis for ecololgical development in the Pacific Islands. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 9 (2). pp. 89-102. ISSN 1011-5846

Thaman, Randolph R. (1987) Urban agroforestry: The Pacific Islands and beyond. Unasylva, 39 (155). pp. 21-13. ISSN 0251-1584

Manner, H.I. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Hassall, D.C. (1985) Plant succession after phosphate mining on Nauru. Australian Geographer, 16 . pp. 185-195. ISSN 0004-9182

Thaman, Randolph R. (1983) Food for Urbanising Polynesian peoples. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand, 8 . pp. 26-37. ISSN 0110-4187

Thaman, Randolph R. (1976) Detrimental and favourable effects of exotic weed species on Pacific Island ecosystems and cultural complexes. Journal of Pacific Studies, 2 . pp. 67-86. ISSN 1011-3029

Thaman, Randolph R. (1976) Detrimental and favourable effects of exotic weed species on Pacific Island ecosystems and cultural complexes. Journal of Pacific Studies, 2 . pp. 67-87. ISSN 1011-3029

Thaman, Randolph R. (1974) Lantana camara: its introducton, dispersal and impact on islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Micronesica: Journal of the University of Guam, 10 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 0026-279X

Professional and Technical Reports

Thaman, Randolph R. (2013) The contribution of indigenous and local knowledge systems to IPBES: building synergies with science. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (2013) Fiji’s locally managed marine areas network: a basis for promoting and assessing marine conservation success. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Fenemore, A. and Meurk, C. and Hunter, G. and Thomson, L.A.J. and Aalbersberg, William G.L. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Tuiwawa, Marika and Buliruarua, Leigh A. and Dayal, B. (2010) Best- practice guide on watershed management for the Pacific Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Dominey-Howes, D. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) UNESCO-IOC international tsunami survey team Samoa (ITST Samoa): interim report of field survey 14th - 21st October 2009. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Lovell, Edward R. (2009) Ecology and environment team report. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Tipama’a, F.F. and Paniani, T.M. and Leavasa, M.A. and Foliga, Tumutalie and Iese, C. and Fuimaono, E. and Fuatai, F.I. and Latai, A. and Malaki, Ioane and Iosefa, M.T. and Va’a, A.N. and Seru, T.T. and Cable, B. and Gravelle, Gabriel (2009) Report of the terrestrial environmental assessment team (TEAT). [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Hassall, D.C. and Takeda, Shingo (2009) The vegetation and flora of Nauru: current status, cultural importance and suggestions for conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, agroforestry and food, health and economic security. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (2008) Agroforestry and plant propagation in the Northern Pacific. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy and Balawa, A. (2008) Ilava ni Navakavu: finfishes of Vanua Navakavu, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Hassall, D.C. and Takeda, Shingo (2008) The vegetation and flora of Nauru – 2007: current status, cultural importance and suggestions for conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, agroforestry and food, health and economic security. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1999) Wedeliatrilobata: Daisy invader of the Pacific Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Vodonaivalu, S. and Whistler, Arthur (1998) Checklist of the vascular plants of the Sigatoka sand dunes, Nadroga Province, VitiLevu, Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. and Gillett, R.D and Faka'osi, S. (1997) Ha'apai conservation area biodiversity survey and community-based conservation action plan. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1997) Vascular plants of Mabualau Reef Islet, Tailevu Province, Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1997) Vascular plants of Makaluva Reef Islet, Rewa Province, Viti Levu, Fiji: A preliminiary listing. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1996) Evolutionary Agroforestry: Traditional Pacific island agrofrestry as a foundation for modern agroforestry development. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1984) Trees, Tongans and reforestation in Tonga. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1984) Vunga: an extinct Tongan sacred tree and Polynesian natural and cultural resource. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Thaman, Randolph R. (1981) Report on South Pacific Environmental Programme (SPREP) technical meeting. [Professional and Technical Reports]


Thaman, Randolph R. (2012) Mai Veikau: a call for action, not wonder. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) University of the South Pacific (USP) aims for 1000 new trees. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) Name it, record it, or lose it: tackling the Island biodiversity crisis. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) 40 years of biodiversity challenges. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2010) Vesi: Fiji’s iconic national tree? Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2010) Parrotfishes: transvestite saviors of our reefs and beaches. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2010) Ivi: the power of the Tahitian chestnut. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) The mysterious king of the seabirds (Frigatebird). Alsa Ltd.

Fong, Teddy and Thaman, Randolph R. and Balawa, A. (2010) Eating Nemo’s home: Fiji’s edible anemones. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2010) Trees were lifesavers in Samoa tsunami: part 3. Alsa Ltd.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Samoa and the black Tuesday tsunami 2009: part 2. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Samoa and the black Tuesday tsunami 2009: part 1. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Thomas, Nunia T. and Fong, Teddy (2009) Tomaniivi and Navujonulevu: two of Fiji’s Island wonders. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Dau qoli: Jack Randall – life scientist and man for all seasons (island life). Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2009) The western Pacific: goldmine of biodiversity. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Wedelia: Daisy invader. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Our biodiversity as food security. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2009) Mokosoi: Ylangylang, the perfume flower. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2009) Lobsters – the uro knights of the sea. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy and Balawa, A. (2009) The crab that returned after 50 years. Alsa Limited.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Fong, Teddy (2009) Sekoula – a gift for the season. Alsa Limited.

Dominey-Howes, D. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Titimaea, Ausetalia and Biukoto, Litea and Richmond, Bruce and Reese, Stefan and Prasetya, Gegar and Wilson, Kate and Weber, Eberhard and Steffan, Jan and McAdoo, Brian and Vaa, Ruby and Goff, James (2009) The 2009 UNESCO-IOC ITST Samoa Survey – an outline. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2006) Coastal littoral vegetation of Suva lagoon and Makuluva reef islet: a study of degradation, extirpation and the need for restoration. Institute of Applied Sciences, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2000) Coastal forestry can fight climate change: USP's Randy Thaman outlines how it works. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Gillet, R.D and Faka'osi, S. (2000) Community-based marine biodiversity surveys and marine resource management plans (MRMPs) as a basis for the conservation and sustainable use of coral reef ecosystems in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2000) Education for environmentally sustainable development in the Pacific islands: Thoughts and ideas for teachers. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (2000) Genetically modified organisms and foods, globalisation, trade and biodiversity: Implications for our food system and our environment. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1999) Pacific Island biodiversity on the eve of the 21st century: current status and challenges for its conservation and sustainable use. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1998) Community-based biodiversity surveys and conservation action plans as a foundation for intergrated coastal zone management and marine biodiversity conservation in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1998) The role of The University of the South Pacific and associated institutions in the implementation of the Pacific-Asia biodiversity transect network. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1996) Critical issues for sustainable farming system development in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1996) Critical issues for sustainable farming system development in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1996) Environmental bankruptcy in the Pacific Islands: Treating natural and cultural captial as if it were income - is there another way. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1994) Marine Ethnobiology: A foundation for marine science education in the Pacific Islands. Department of Education and The Institute of Education, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1994) Community-based biodiversity management: A foundation for sustainable island development. Australia Development Studies Network, Australia.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1994) Land,plant,animals and people: Community-based biodiversity conservation (CBBC) as a basis for ecological, cultural and economic survival in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1994) Coastal biodiversity and ethnobiology: An ecological, cultural and economic safety net for Pacific peoples. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Thaman, Randolph R. (1992) Batiri kei Baravi: The ethnobotany of Pacific island coastal plants. Washington, D.C. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1990) Hybrid agroforestry: A strategy for addressing deforestation, agrodeforestation and forest degradation in the Pacific Islands. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1989) Agrodeforestation and the neglect of trees: Threat to the well-being of Pacific societies. South Pacific Community, New Caledonia.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1989) Applied atoll research for development: Proceedings of the Kiribati Applied Atoll Research for Development Consultation, Tarawa. Ministry for Natural Resource Development, The Republic of Kiribati.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Murti, R (1989) Oceania drift gillnet fishing: A threat to our fisheries. SPACHEE, Suva, Fiji .

Thaman, Randolph R. (1985) Mixed home gardening in the South Pacific: Present Status and future prospects. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1982) Intensification of edible aroid cultivation in the Pacific Islands: trends, prospects and the need to intensify urban and rural taro cultivation. The University of the South Pacific Publications, Suva; Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1982) The impact of tourism on agriculture in the Pacific Islands. Trent University, Ontario, Canada.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1982) The story of kapisi pele and cabbage in Pacific Island development. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific.

Thaman, Randolph R. and Thomas, P. (1980) The cassava invasion: The cultural, nutritional and ecological impact of cassava on Pacific Island food systems. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1977) The geography of Pacific island urban agriculture: its nature, problems and potential. The University of the South Pacific, Suva; Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1976) Fiji Islands: Geographical information. School of Social and Economic Development, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1976) Food production in the South Pacific: lectures. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1975) Tentative list of plant products at Suva Municipal market based on bi-weekly weekend surveys from 3 March through 27 December, 1975. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Thaman, Randolph R. (1975) Urban gardening in Papua New Guinea and Fiji: present status and implications for urban land use planning. University of the South Pacific, Suva; Fiji. (Unpublished)

Thaman, Randolph R. (1974) The role of the Tongan agricultural system in fulfilling the subsistence needs of the Tongan society. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. (1974) The role of the Tongan agricultural system in fulfilling the subsistence needs of the Tongan society. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. Protecting and capitalising on our unique island environment : The role of ecotourism in biodiversity conservation and the promotion of sustainable development (ecodevelopment) for all of Fiji's people. UNSPECIFIED.

Thaman, Randolph R. Silent alien invasion of our islands and seas: a call for action against invasive alien species (IAS). UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

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