USP Electronic Research Repository

Items where Author is "Trupp, Alexander"

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Number of items: 54.


Trupp, Alexander (2017) Migration, Micro - Business and Tourism in Thailand: Highlanders in the City. Routledge Studies in Asian Diasporas, Migrations and Mobilities . Routledge, UK. ISBN 9781138210813

Book Chapter

Mafi-Stephens, Marica and Kuilamu, Marika and Trupp, Alexander (2022) Opportunities and challenges of ecotourism development in Fiji: evidence from an eco - resort and a marine park. In: Routledge Handbook on Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific. Routledge, UK, pp. 232-242. ISBN 9780367030322

Trupp, Alexander and Matatolu, Ilisapeci and Movono, Apisalome (2021) Gender and Benefit Sharing in Indigenous Tourism Microenterpreneurship. In: Tourism Microentrepreneurship Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice. Tourism Microentrepreneurship, 12 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 51-63. ISBN 978-1-83867-464-9, eISBN: 978-1-83867-463-2

Matatolu, Ilisapeci and Trupp, Alexander and Bhai, Kirtesh and Raturi, Shikha (2021) Augmented and Virtual Reality and its Potential in Higher Education in the Fields of Tourism, STEM, and Medicine. In: Learning Technologies and Higher Education: a Pacific Perspective. USP Press, Suva, Fiji, pp. 186-205. ISBN 978-982-01-1001-4

Trupp, Alexander (2018) Tourismus in Südostasien. Entwicklung und Trends. In: Südostasien. New Academic Press, Vienna, pp. 274-291. ISBN 978-3-7003-2084-5

Trupp, Alexander and Apipornchaisakul, Kanya and Bravi, Alessandra and Punpuing, Sureeporn and Sakulsri, Teeranong and Schaur, Katharina and Tadee, Reena (2017) The Thai floods 2011: impacts and consequences on migrants from Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In: Hiilltribes, Labour Migrants, Foreign Retirees. Different Immigrant groups, different problems. Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, pp. 93-172. ISBN 9783900830885

Trupp, Alexander (2014) Ethnic tourism in Northern Thailand: viewpoints of the Akha and the Karen. In: Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions: Issues and Trends in Migration and Tourism. Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, pp. 346-376. ISBN 3900830843, 9783900830847

Husa, K. and Trupp, Alexander and Wohlschlagl, H. (2014) Southeast Asian mobility transitions – an introduction. In: Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions: Issues and Trends in Migration and Tourism. Department of Geography and Regional Research University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, pp. 7-16. ISBN 9783900830847

Butratana, K. and Trupp, Alexander (2014) Thai female migration to Austria. In: Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions: Issues and Trends in Migration and Tourism. Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, pp. 220-236. ISBN 9783900830847

Trupp, Alexander (2013) Rural - urban migration and ethnic minority enterprise. In: Contemporary Socio-Cultural and Political Perspectives in Thailand. Springer, Netherlands , pp. 267-282. ISBN 9789400772434

Trupp, Alexander (2013) Migration in die berufliche Selbstständigkeit – chancen und Herausforderungen ethnischer Minderheiten in Thailands touristischen Zentren. In: Welten in Bewegung: Neue Perspektiven auf Migration & Entwicklung. Promedia, Vienna, pp. 117-132. ISBN 9783853713631

Dabringer, M. and Trupp, Alexander (2012) Zur soziokulturellen Bedeutung „ethnischer“ Ökonomien in urbanen Räumen. In: Wirtschaften mit Migrationshintergrund. Zur soziokulturellen Bedeutung „ethnischer“ Ökonomien in urbanen Räumen. Studienverlag, Austria, pp. 7-14. ISBN 978-3-7065-5224-0

Trupp, Alexander (2011) Mit den Augen der Bereisten – Handlungen und Wahrnehmungen im Ethnotourismus Nordthailands. In: Südost- und Südasien: Demographische, soziale und regionale Transformationen (Abhandlungen zur Geographie und Regionalforschung). Department of Geography and Regional Research University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria , pp. 249-281. ISBN 3900830746

Trupp, Alexander (2009) Alle Menschen sind gleich, aber einige sind gleicher. Von asymmetrischen Beziehungen im Hilltribe-Tourismus Südostasiens. In: Ethnotourismus: Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? Mandelbaum, Austria , pp. 97-116. ISBN 3854763182

Trupp, Claudia and Trupp, Alexander (2009) Zur Einführung: Ethnotourismus und die Konstruktion von Authentizität. In: Ethnotourismus: Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? Mandelbaum, Austria , pp. 7-20. ISBN 3854763182

Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited

Dolezal, C. and Trupp, Alexander (2015) Tourism and development in Southeast Asia. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Husa, K. and Trupp, Alexander and Wohlschlägl, H. (2014) Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions: Issues and Trends in Migration and Tourism. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Trupp, Alexander and Dolezal, C. (2013) Mobilities in South - East Asia. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Dabringer , Maria and Trupp, Alexander (2012) Wirtschaften mit Migrationshintergrund: Zur soziokulturellen Bedeutung „ethnischer“ Ökonomien in urbanen Räumen (Konzepte und Kontroversen). [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Trupp, Alexander (2011) Tourism in focus. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Trupp, Claudia and Trupp, Alexander (2009) Ethnotourismus: Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Book Review or Scholarly Comment

Trupp, Alexander (2017) Nachhaltiger Tourismus als Hoffnungsträger. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Trupp, Alexander and Movono, Apisalome and Beckles, Lynn (2017) Conference Review: Critical Tourism Studies – Asia Pacific, Yogyakarta,3 - 6 March 2018. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Conference Proceedings

Mafi-Stephens, Marica and Trupp, Alexander (2018) Towards a classification of Ecotourists in Fiji. [Conference Proceedings]

Trupp, Alexander (2017) The social capital of ethnic minority souvenir vendors: promises and pitfalls. [Conference Proceedings]

Trupp, Alexander and Butratana, K. (2016) Cross - border marriages and socioeconomic mobility of Thai migrants in Austria. [Conference Proceedings]

Trupp, Alexander (2015) Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft (Communications from the Austrian Geographical Society). [Conference Proceedings]

Bui , Huong T. and Trupp, Alexander (2014) The Consumption of European Cultural Tourism – An Indicator of Asian Socio-economic Development and a Quest for Distinction. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished)

Bui, Thanh Huong and Trupp, Alexander (2013) The rise of East and Southeast Asians tourists in Europe: the case of Vienna. [Conference Proceedings]

Trupp, Alexander (2007) Konferenzbericht: Critical Transitions in the Mekong Region. [Conference Proceedings]

Journal Article

Kumar, Navneet and Trupp, Alexander and Pratt, Stephen (2022) Linking tourists’ and micro - entrepreneurs’ perceptions of souvenirs: the case of Fiji. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1094-1665

Trupp, Alexander and Pratt, Stephen and Stephenson, Marcus L. and Matatolu, Ilisapeci and Gibson, Dawn (2022) Representing and evaluating the travel motivations of Pacific islanders. International Journal of Tourism Research, 24 . pp. 653-666. ISSN 1099-2340

Mafi-Stephens, Marica and Pratt, Stephen and Trupp, Alexander (2020) Determining ecotourism satisfaction attributes – a case study of an ecolodge in Fiji. Journal of Ecotourism, 19 (4). pp. 304-326. ISSN 1472-4049

Shah, Chetan and Trupp, Alexander (2020) Trends in consumer behaviour and accommodation choice: perspectives from India. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, TBC . TBC. ISSN 1303-2917

Statham, Paul and Scuzzarello, Sarah and Sunanta, Sirijit and Trupp, Alexander (2020) Globalising Thailand through gendered ‘both-ways’ migration pathways with ‘the West’: cross - border connections between people, states, and places. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (8). pp. 1513-1542. ISSN 1369-183X

Bui, Huong T. and Trupp, Alexander (2019) Asian tourism in Europe: consumption, distinction, mobility, and diversity. Tourism Recreation Research, NA . pp. 1-16. ISSN 0250-8281

Mate, Mani Jeremiah and Trupp, Alexander and Pratt, Stephen (2019) Managing negative online accommodation reviews: evidence from the Cook Islands. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (5). pp. 627-644. ISSN 1054-8408

Sakulsri, Teeranong and Tadee, Reena and Trupp, Alexander (2017) Analyzing international migrant responses to crisis situations in the context of floods in Thailand. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 10 (2). pp. 257-264. ISSN 1999-2521

Trupp, Alexander and Sunanta, Sirijit (2017) Gendered practices in urban ethnic tourism in Thailand. Annals of Tourism Research, 64 . pp. 76-86. ISSN 0160-7383

Bui, H.T. and Trupp, Alexander (2015) The development and diversity of Asian tourism in Europe: the case of Vienna. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 14 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1598-0634

Trupp, Alexander and Bui, H.T. (2015) Thai outbound tourism to Austria: trends and issues. SDU Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 12 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1905 2847

Trupp, Alexander (2015) Agency, social capital, and mixed embeddedness among Akha ethnic minority street vendors in Thailand's tourist areas. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 30 (3). pp. 780-818. ISSN 0217-9520

Trupp, Alexander (2015) Akha souvenir sellers in Thailand’s urban tourist areas: social, economic, and political structures. Rian Thai: International Journal of Thai Studies, 8 . pp. 1-22. ISSN 1906-4241

Trupp, Alexander (2015) The development of ethnic minority souvenir business over time and space. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 11 (1). pp. 145-167. ISSN 1823-6243

Trupp, Alexander (2014) Host perspectives on ethnic minority tourism in Northern Thailand. Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 6 (1). pp. 52-80. ISSN 1757-031X

Trupp, Alexander (2011) Exhibiting the ‘Other’ then and now: ‘Human Zoos’ in Southern China and Thailand. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 4 (1). pp. 139-149. ISSN 1999-2521

Butratana, K. and Trupp, Alexander (2011) Thai communities in Vienna. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 4 (1). pp. 183-190. ISSN 1999-2521

Husa, K. and Trupp, Alexander (2010) Research on South - East Asia in Austria: department of geography and regional research, University of Vienna. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 3 (2). pp. 274-277. ISSN 1999-2521

Trupp, Alexander (2009) Südostasiens ethnische Minderheiten - Im Spannungsfeld von Marginalisierung, Assimilierung und nationaler Integration. Südostasiens ethnische Minderheiten, 10 . pp. 1-6. ISSN 0016-7460

Trupp, Alexander and Butratana, Kosita (2009) Images of Hans Manndorff’s anthropological research on the ‘Hill Tribes’ of Northern Thailand (1961-1965). Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 2 (2). pp. 153-161. ISSN 1999-2521

Trupp, Alexander (2008) Ethnotourismus in Nordthailand: Perspektiven der Akha und Karen, dargestellt am Beispiel zweier touristisch unterschiedlich entwickelter Hilltribedörfer. Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Österreich Band , 1 . pp. 185-213. ISSN 3-900830-42-8

Professional and Technical Reports

Bravi, Alessandra and Schaur, Katharina and Trupp, Alexander and Sakulsri, Teeranong and Tadee, Reena and Apipornchaisakul, Kanya and Punpuing, Sureeporn (2017) Migrants in countries in crisis. Thailand case study: migration and natural disasters – the impact on migrants of the 2011 floods in Thailand. [Professional and Technical Reports]


Gänsbauer, Anja and Sumiya, Bilegsaikhan and Trupp, Alexander and Sakdapolrak, Patrick (2017) Migrants at risk. Responses of rural - urban migrants to the floods of 2011 in Thailand. Translocal Resilience Project (TransRe), Department of Geography, University of Bonn.

Trupp, Alexander (2015) Asian outbound tourism to Europe – the case of Thai travel to Austria. UNSPECIFIED.

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