USP Electronic Research Repository

Items where Division is "School of Marine Studies" and Year is 2016

Group by: Authors | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 30.

Abesamis, Rene A. and Stockwell, Brian and Bernardo, Lawrence P.C. and Villanoy, Cesar L. and Russ, Garry R. (2016) Predicting reef fish connectivity from biogeographic patterns and larval dispersal modelling to inform the development of marine reserve networks. Ecological Indicators, 66 . 534 - 544. ISSN 1470-160X

Bayliss, Peter and Saunders, Kate and Dutra, Leo and Melo, Lizandra and Hilton, James and Prakash, Mahesh and Woolard, Fletcher (2016) Assessing sea level-rise risks to coastal floodplains in the Kakadu Region, northern Australia, using a tidally driven hydrodynamic model. Marine and Freshwater Research, NA . NA. ISSN 1323-1650

Brown, Kelly T. and Seeto, Johnson and Lal, Monal and Miller, Cara E. (2016) Discovery of an important aggregation area for endangered scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, in the Rewa River estuary, Fiji Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, NA . NA. ISSN 1038-2097

Cardeñosa, Diego and Glaus, Kerstin and Brunnschweiler, Juerg M. (2016) Occurrence of juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in the Navua River in Fiji. Marine and Freshwater Research, TBC . TBC. ISSN 1323-1650

Clusa, Marcel and Carreras, Carlos and Pascual, Marta and Gaughran, Stephen J. and Piovano, Susanna and Avolio, Diego and Ollano, Gepi and Fernández, Gloria and Tomás, Jesús and Raga, Juan Antonio and Aguilar, Alex and Cardona, Luis (2016) Potential bycatch impact on distinct sea turtle populations is dependent on fishing ground rather than gear type in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 163 (5). p. 122. ISSN 0025-3162

Cunha, V and Rodrigues, P and Santos, M.M. and Moradas-Ferreira, P and Ferreira, Marta (2016) Danio rerio embryos on Prozac – Effects on the detoxification mechanism and embryo development. Aquatic Toxicology, 178 . pp. 182-189. ISSN 0166-445X

Cunha, V and Santos, MM and Moradas-Ferreira, P and Ferreira, Marta (2016) Simvastatin effects on detoxification mechanisms in Danio rerio embryos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (11). pp. 10615-10629. ISSN 0944-1344

Dichmont, Catherine M. and Dutra, Leo and Owens, Randall and Jebreen, Eddie and Thompson, Carolyn and Deng, Roy A. and van Putten, Elizabeth I. and Pascual, Ricardo and Dambacher, Jeffrey M. and Warne, Michael St J. and Quinn, Ross H. and Thébaud, Olivier and Bennett, John and Read, Mark and Wachenfeld, David and Davies, Julia and Garland, Anna and Dunning, Malcolm and Collier, Catherine and Waycott, Michelle and Playford, Julia (2016) A generic method of engagement to elicit regional coastal management options. Ocean & Coastal Management, 124 . pp. 22-32. ISSN 0964-5691

Dutra, Leo and Dichmont, Catherine M. and van Putten, Elizabeth I. and Thébaud, Olivier and Deng, Roy A. and Pascual, Ricardo and Owens, Randall and Jebreen, Eddie and Thompson, Carolyn and Warne, Michael St J. and Quinn, Ross H. and Bennett, John and Read, Mark and Wachenfeld, David and Collier, Catherine and Waycott, Michelle and Davies, Julia and Garland, Anna and Dunning, Malcolm and Playford, Julia (2016) How important is the coast? A survey of coastal objectives in an Australian regional city. Marine Policy, 71 . pp. 229-241. ISSN 0308-597X

Edgar, G.J. and Bates, A.E. and Bird, T.J. and Jones, A.H. and Kininmonth, Stuart J. and Stuart-Smith, R.D. and Webb, T.J. (2016) New approaches to marine conservation through the scaling up of ecological data. Annual Review of Marine Science, 8 . pp. 435-461. ISSN 1941-1405

Fache, Elodie and Pauwels, Simonne and Veitayaki, Joeli (2016) Introduction: Pacific Islanders, “custodians of the ocean” facing fisheries challenges. In: Fisheries in the Pacific: The Challenges of Governance and Sustainability. Pacific-Credo Publications, Marseille, France, pp. 7-18. ISBN 978-2-9537485-5-0

Ford, Amanda K. and Bejarano, Sonia and Marshell, A and Mumby, P J (2016) Linking the biology and ecology of key herbivorous unicornfish to fisheries management in the Pacific. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 26 . pp. 790-805. ISSN 1052-7613

Gilman, Eric and Chaloupka, Milani and Swimmer, Yonat and Piovano, Susanna (2016) A cross-taxa assessment of pelagic longline by-catch mitigation measures: conflicts and mutual benefits to elasmobranchs. Fish and Fisheries, 17 (3). pp. 748-784. ISSN 1467-2960

Hobday, A.J. and Cochrane, K. and Downey-Breedt, N. and Howard, J. and Aswani, S. and Byfield, V. and Duggan, G. and Duna, E. and Dutra, Leo and Fulton, E.A. and Gammage, L. and Gasalla, M.A. and Griffiths, C. and Guissamulo, A. and Haward, M. and Jarre, A. and Jennings, S.M. and Jordan, T. and Joyner, J. and Ramani, N.K. and Shanmugasundaram, S.L.P. and Malherbe, W. and Cisneros, K.O. and Paytan, A. and Pecl, G.T. and Plagányi, E.E. and Popova, E.E. and Razafindrainibe, H. and Roberts, M. and Rohit, P. and Sainulabdeen, S.S. and Sauer, W. and Valappil, S.T. and Zacharia, P.U. and Ingrid van Putten, E. (2016) Planning adaptation to climate change in fast - warming marine regions with seafood - dependent coastal communities. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, NA . pp. 1-16. ISSN 0960-3166

Kininmonth, Stuart J. and Crona, B. and Bodin, O. and Vaccaro, I. and Chapman, L.J. and Chapman, C.A. (2016) Microeconomic relationships between and among fishers and traders influence the ability to respond to social - ecological changes in a small - scale fishery. Ecology and Society, 22 (2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1708-3087

Marie, Amandine D. and Lejeusne, C. and Karapatsiou, E. and Cuesta, J.A. and Macpherson, E. and Bernatchez, L. and Rico, Ciro (2016) Implications for management and conservation of the population genetic structure of the wedge clam Donax trunculus across two biogeographic boundaries. Scientific Reports, 6 (39152). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2045-2322

Nuttall, Peter and Kaitu’u, John (2016) The Magnus Effect and the Flettner Rotor: Potential Application for Future Oceanic Shipping. The Journal of Pacific Studies, 36 (2). pp. 161-182. ISSN 1011-3029

Nuttall, Peter and Newell, Alison (2016) Transitioning to Low Carbon Shipping Module – Sustainable Sea Transport Solutions for SIDS: Pacific Island Countries Case Studies. UNCTAD, Geneva.

Nuttall, Peter and Vahs, M. and Morshead, J. and Newell, Alison (2016) The case for field trialing and technology/knowledge transfer of emerging low carbon maritime technologies to Pacific Island countries. In: Renewable Energy: Sources, Applications and Emerging Technologies. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 159-185. ISBN 9781634856515

Remling, Elise and Veitayaki, Joeli (2016) Community - based action in Fiji’s Gau Island: a model for the Pacific? International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 8 (3). pp. 375-398. ISSN 1756-8692

Rico, Ciro and Drake, Pilar and Macpherson, Enrique and Cuesta, Jose A. (2016) Estimation of the genetic diversity and effective size of the population of the wedge clam Donax trunculus of the Doñana National Park and its contribution to unprotected areas. In: Research Projects in National Parks: 2010-2013. Organismo Autonomo Parques Nacionales, Madrid, pp. 177-192. ISBN 978-84-8014-898-6

Rocha, Cristina and Reis-Henriques, Maria Armanda and Galhano, Victor and Ferreira, Marta (2016) Toxicity of seven priority hazardous and noxious substances (HNSs) to marine organisms: Current status, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Science of the Total Environment, 542 (Part A). pp. 728-749. ISSN 0048-9697

Rocha, Cristina and Reis-Henriques, Maria Armanda and Galhano, Victor and Ferreira, Marta and Guimarães, Laura (2016) Toxicity of seven priority hazardous and noxious substances (HNSs) to marine organisms: Current status, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Science of the Total Environment, 542 (Part A). pp. 728-749. ISSN 0048-9697

Santos, Lúcia H. M. L. M. and Ramalhosa, Maria João and Ferreira, Marta and Delerue-Matos, Cristina (2016) Development of a modified acetonitrile-based extraction procedure followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of psychiatric drugs in sediments. Journal of Chromatography A, 1437 . pp. 37-48. ISSN 0021-9673

Santos, Lúcia H.M.L.M. and Ramalhosa, Maria João and Ferreira, Marta and Delerue-Matos, Cristina (2016) Development of a modified acetonitrile-based extraction procedure followed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of psychiatric drugs in sediments. Journal of Chromatography A, 1437 . 37 - 48. ISSN 0021-9673

Sheaves, Marcus and Sporne, Ilva and Dichmont, Catherine M. and Bustamante, Rodrigo and Dale, Pat and Deng, Roy and Dutra, Leo and van Putten, Ingrid and Savina-Rollan, Marie and Swinbourne, Anne (2016) Principles for operationalizing climate change adaptation strategies to support the resilience of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: An Australian perspective. Marine Policy, 68 . 229 - 240. ISSN 0308-597X

Stockwell, Brian and Larson, Wesley A. and Waples, Ryan K. and Abesamis, Rene A. and Seeb, Lisa W. and Carpenter, K.E. (2016) The application of genomics to inform conservation of a functionally important reef fish (Scarus niger) in the Philippines. Conservation Genetics, 17 . pp. 239-249. ISSN 1566-0621

Thaman, Baravi and Icely, John D. and Fragoso, Bruno D.D. and Veitayaki, Joeli (2016) A comparison of rural community perceptions and involvement in conservation between the Fiji Islands and Southwestern Portugal. Ocean & Coastal Management, 133 . pp. 43-52. ISSN 0964-5691

Veitayaki, Joeli and Ledua, Esaroma (2016) Policy options for coastal and tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands: sustaining resources on the same side of the same coin. In: Fisheries in the Pacific: The Challenges of Governance and Sustainability. Pacific-Credo Publications , Marseille, France, pp. 255-287. ISBN 9782953748550

van Putten, Elizabeth I. and Dichmont, Catherine M. and Dutra, Leo and Thébaud, Olivier and Deng, Roy A. and Jebreen, Eddie and Owens, Randall and Pascual, Ricardo and Read, Mark and Thompson, Carolyn (2016) Objectives for management of socio-ecological systems in the Great Barrier Reef region, Australia. Regional Environmental Change, 16 (45). pp. 1417-1431. ISSN 1436-3798

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