Number of items: 17.
Early, Robert and Paterson, Donald E.
‘Does not need to’ - discretionary power or non discretionary exemption? Ayamiseba v Attorney General [2006] VUSC 21; [2006] VUCA 21.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Faerua, Arthur
The teaching and learning of legal writing skills: an Emalus proposal.
Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 26
pp. 41-52.
ISSN 1011-5846
Foukona, Joseph D.
Review of Satish Chand (Ed.) Pacific Islands Regional Integration and Governance (2005).
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Jowitt, Anita L.
Case note: termination of employment by payment of wages in lieu of notice: Taake v broadcasting and publications authority.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Jowitt, Anita L.
Do employers comply with and use employment contract law? A study from Port Vila, Vanuatu.
[Conference Proceedings]
Jowitt, Anita L.
Indigenous land grievances, customary land disputes, and legal resolution mechanisms: some thoughts from Vanuatu.
Jowitt, Anita L.
Report on Ronald Coase institute workshop on institutional economics.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
Jowitt, Anita L.
Vanuatu country report.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Jowitt, Anita L.
Vanuatu political review 2005.
The Contemporary Pacific, 18
pp. 430-438.
ISSN 1043-898X
Jowitt, Anita L.
The impact of employment contract laws on private sector employers in Port Vila Vanuatu.
Jowitt, Anita L. and Forsyth, Miranda
Bibliography of Vanuatu literature.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
MacFarlane, Peter J. and Reid, S.
Queensland health law.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Olutimayin, Rachel S.
Alfred John H. v the state: a comment.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Paterson, Donald E.
Customary reconciliation in sentencing for sexual offences: a review of public prosecutor v Ben and others and public prosecutor v Tarilingi and Gamma.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Ricketts, Aidan
Theatre of protest: the magnifying effects of theatre in direct action.
Journal of Australian Studies, 30
pp. 75-87.
ISSN 1444-3058
Shah, Sofia
People smuggling and illegal immigrants in Fiji.
The Legal Lali, IX
pp. 49-53.
Tom'tavala, Yolisaguyau D.
Bridging the public-private maritime law divide: maritime legal education at the USP school of law.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 09:49:49 2025 +12.