Number of items: 27.
Amin, Sara N.
Review of Ann R Tickamyer and Siti Kusujiarti, Power, Change and Gender Relations in Rural Java: A Tale of Two Villages, Ohio University Press: Athens, 2012; 246 pp.: ISBN 9780896802841.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Chattier, Priya
Does schooling and work empower women in Fiji? Or have gender inequalities persisted and why?
Global Change, Peace & Security, 25
pp. 61-76.
ISSN 1478-1158
Hawkes, Kathleen and Quanchi, Alan M.
From the Archives: Photography Collections of the Archives of New Caledonia.
The Journal of Pacific History, 48
pp. 484-493.
ISSN 0022-3344
Johnson, J.T. and O'Brien, L. and Rankey, E.C. and Uriam , T. and Uriam, Kambati K. and Feddema, J.
Learning from indigenous science: I - Kiribati knowledge, awareness, and adaptation to environmental change.
Johnson, James D. and Kaiser, C.
Racial identity denied: are wealthy black victims of racism rejected by their own group?
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4
pp. 376-382.
ISSN 1948-5506
Johnson, James D. and Lecci, L. and Ashburn-Nardo, L.
Individual differences in discrimination expectations moderate the impact of target stereotypically black physical features on racism - related responses in Blacks.
The Journal of Black Psychology, 39
pp. 560-584.
ISSN 0095-7984
Jones, Linda and Sibley, Jonathan and Chattier, Priya and Salpietra, Deanna
Study on poverty, gender and ethnicity in key sectors of the
Fijian economy.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
Kanemasu, Yoko
Review of Kietlinski, R. (ed.), 2012. Japanese women and sport: beyond baseball and sumo.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Kanemasu, Yoko
Social construction of touristic imagery: case of Fiji.
Annals of Tourism Research, 43
pp. 456-481.
ISSN 0160-7383
Kanemasu, Yoko
A national pride or a colonial construct? Touristic representation and the politics of Fijian identity construction.
Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 19
pp. 71-89.
ISSN 1350-4630
Kanemasu, Yoko and Molnar, G.
Collective identity and contested allegiance: a case of migrant professional Fijian rugby players.
Sport in Society, 16
pp. 863-882.
ISSN 1743-0437
Kanemasu, Yoko and Molnar, G.
Pride of the people: Fijian rugby labour migration and collective identity.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48
pp. 720-735.
ISSN 1461-7218
Kanemasu, Yoko and Molnar, G.
Problematizing the dominant: the emergence of alternative cultural voices in Fiji rugby.
Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 2
pp. 14-30.
ISSN 2164-0599
Liava, Christine and Tuimalealiifano, Morgan
Preface for "Le Fitafita Mai Samoa: The Force from Samoa: Soldiers from the Samoan Islands in the Great War".
Polygraphia Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand.
Liki Chan Tung, Asenati and Amosa, Desmond U. and Taua'a, T.S.
Women in Samoa's civil service.
Commonwealth Secretariat - Online.
Mati, Jacob Mwathi
Antinomies in the struggles for the transformation of the Kenyan constitution (1990-2010).
Journal of Contemporary African Studies , 31
pp. 235-254.
ISSN 0258-9001
Nishino, Ryota
Kanetaka Kaoru and the South Pacific Islands: Travel documentary and travel-writing in the
early 1960s.
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Island women in the eyes of a Japanese travel journalist:Impressions from Kanetaka Kaoru’s journey in 1961.
Nishino, Ryota
Ukiya Tôjiriô’s 1500 kilometre motorcycle journey in August 1957: An analysis of the incipient identity of an adolescent motorcyclist traveller.
Nishino, Ryota
Ukiya Tôjirô and his motorcycle journey in August 1957: crystallising ambitions and identity.
Studies in Travel Writing, 17
pp. 384-397.
ISSN 1364-5145
Nishino, Ryota and Kolesova, Elena
Memory, history, conflicts and their representation in Japanese and Russian textbooks: The enemy within us?
Quanchi, Alan M.
Australia (not) in the Pacific.
Agora, 48
pp. 28-35.
ISSN 0044-6726
Quanchi, Alan M.
Photography and History in the Pacific Islands.
[Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]
Quanchi, Alan M.
Review of Oceania under Steam: sea transport and the cultures of colonialism c 1870-1914 by Francis Steel.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Quanchi, Alan M. and Nishino, Ryota and Weir, Christine H. and Sela, Susan K.
Meet the USP historians: Form Seven examination revision tips and Q&A.
Weir, Christine H.
'Deeply interested in these children whom you have not seen': the Protestant Sunday School view of the Pacific, 1900-1940.
Journal of Pacific History, 48
ISSN 0022-3344
Yeates, Donald B.
Pacific social work and its functional alternative.
[Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 07:39:46 2025 +12.