Number of items at this level: 92.
Prasad, Satendra
Economic internationalisation and regimes of labour regulation in the Asia/Pacific Region.
Sociology and social policy working paper series
Dept. of Sociology, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
ISBN 9820103681
Prasad, Satendra and Snell, D. and Hince, K.W.
Rebuilding tripartism in Fiji: the relevance of the Philippines model.
Sociology and social policy working paper series
Dept. of Sociology, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
ISBN 9820103835
Sarwal, Amit
The Dancing God: Staging Hindu Dance in Australia.
Routledge Focus
Routledge, London and New York.
ISBN 9780367266004
Sarwal, Amit
Labels and Locations: Gender, Family, Class and Caste – The Short Narratives of South Asian Diaspora in Australia.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
ISBN 9781443871983
Sarwal, Amit
South Asian Diaspora Narratives: Roots and Routes.
Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 9789811036286
Sarwal, Amit and Sarwal, R. and Gore, M.M. and Nirupam, S. and Tripathi, N.K.
Vyaakul Rashtra: Australia avam Asia ka Uday, 1850-1939.
KK Publications, Delhi.
ISBN 9788178442952
Tarte, Sandra
Japan's aid diplomacy and the Pacific Islands.
National centre for development studies&research school of Pacific and Asian studies, Australian National University, Australia.
ISBN 0731523636
Trupp, Alexander
Migration, Micro - Business and Tourism in Thailand: Highlanders in the City.
Routledge Studies in Asian Diasporas, Migrations and Mobilities
Routledge, UK.
ISBN 9781138210813
Weber, Eberhard
Gandhi, Galtung und Globalisierung. Ländliche Entwicklung in Indien 1947 - 2011.
Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.
ISBN 9783869559810
Weber, Eberhard
Globalisierung und Politische Ökonomie der Armut in Indien.
Grin Publishing, Limbach, Germany.
ISBN 0047252
Book Chapter
Sarwal, Amit
Modi is the message: a view from down under.
India Election 2014: First Reflections.
Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community, Bournemouth, UK, pp. 224-228.
ISBN 9781910042045
Sarwal, Amit
Old wine in a new bottle: dreams, desires and aspirations in Bollywood films shot in Australia.
Salaam Bollywood: Representations and Interpretations.
Routledge, New York, pp. 280-295.
ISBN 9781138649620
Sarwal, Amit
Real, imagined and mythologised: (Re)presentation of lost home in the narratives of South Asian diaspora in Australia.
Narratives of Estrangement and Belonging: Indo-Australian Perspectives.
Authorspress, New Delhi, pp. 221-243.
ISBN 9789352073931
Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited
Salaam Bollywood: Representations and Interpretations.
[Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]
Jefferson, G.H. and Rawaski, T.G. and Ping, Z. and Zhao, J.Z.Q and Yuxin, Z. and Mai, Lu. and Singh, I. and Xing, J. and G. Z. Hu, A. and Pitt, M.M. and Putterman, L. and Perkins, F.C. and Jianbo, C.
Enterprise reform in China: ownership, transition, and performance.
[Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]
Sarwal, Amit
Louise Lightfoot in Search of India: An Australian Dancer’s Experience.
[Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]
Book Review or Scholarly Comment
Nishino, Ryota
Review of Reading Colonial Japan: Text, Context,
and Critique,.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Sarwal, Amit
Review of Offord, B.,Kerruish, E.,Garbutt R.,Wessell, A.,Pavlovic, K.,Lal, V.,Nandy, A. 2014. Inside Australian Culture: Legacies of Enlightenment Values, Anthem Press, 164 pgs.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Sarwal, Amit
Review of Sobocinska, A. (ed.), 2014. Visiting the Neighbours: Australians in Asia.
[Book Review or Scholarly Comment]
Conference Proceedings
Nishino, Ryota
Toward a future of travel writing and history: collecting, researching and reflecting on southwestern Pacific Islanders’ experiences of the Pacific War.
[Conference Proceedings]
Nishino, Ryota
Toward a future of travel writing and history: collecting, researching, and reflecting on Southwestern Pacific Islanders' experiences of the Pacific war.
[Conference Proceedings]
Weber, Eberhard
Looking for new friends - Sustainable South-South Cooperation or temporary necessity in Fiji’s international relations after the coup of December 2006.
[Conference Proceedings]
Creative Works
Sarwal, Amit
Are you a skilled migrant unable to find work in your field?
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Australian Waler horses in India.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Australian way of life: eating sausage with a parantha - a short film.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Barramundi, the queen of freshwater.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Demonetization in India and its effect on NRIs.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Do you know New Delhi was designed based on Australian Architect's plans?
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Dum Maro Dum: how the Australian hippie’s imagined India?
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Fake ‘Indian doctors’ in Australia: a brief history.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
I am Nakusa, India’s unwanted girl child.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
JNU demands freedom.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
Lest we forget – Indian soldiers at ANZAC.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
When Australian women missionaries wanted to work with Pandita Ramabai in Pune.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
When Indian Cricket Team wanted Don Bradman to hit centuries.
[Creative Works]
Sarwal, Amit
The cost of Coal.
[Creative Works]
Journal Article
Bohle, Hans-Georg and Mayer, Markus and Weber, Eberhard
Livelihood security and vulnerability in Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka.
Bulletin of the International Geographical Union, 48
pp. 5-20.
ISSN 0018-9804
Hoffmann, Thomas and Weber, Eberhard and Winkle, Christian
Jawaharlal Nehru Symposium - Stand und Perspektiven der deutsch-indischen Beziehungen.
Suedasien, 15
pp. 88-89.
ISSN 0933-5196
Nakamura, Naohiro
Being indigenous in a non - indigenous environment: identity politics of the Dogai Ainu and new indigenous policies of Japan.
Environment and Planning A, 47
pp. 660-675.
ISSN 0308-518X
Nakamura, Naohiro
Problems in the repatriation of Ainu human remains: a comparison between Japan and the United States of America.
Hokkaido Minzokugaku (Hokkaido Journal of Ethnology), 13
pp. 31-40.
ISSN 1881-0047
Nakamura, Naohiro
Realising Ainu indigenous rights: a commentary on Hiroshi Maruyama’s ‘Japan’s post - war Ainu policy. Why the Japanese government has not recognised Ainu indigenous rights?’.
Polar Record, 50
pp. 209-211.
ISSN 0032-2474
Nakamura, Naohiro
Redressing injustice of the past: the repatriation of Ainu human remains.
Japan Forum, TBC
ISSN 0955-5803
Nakamura, Naohiro
A comparative analysis of the articles on the final report of the advisory council for future ainu policy.
Hokkaido Minzokugaku (Hokkaido Journal of Ethnology), 10
pp. 67-76.
ISSN 1881-0047
Nishino, Ryota
Dialogues with shadows: reflections on identity, history and travel.
Life Writing, NA
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1448-4528
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Islanders Experience the Pacific War: Informants as Historians and Story Tellers.
Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 15
(Issue ).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1557-4660
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Islands Women in the Eyes of the Travel
Journalist Kanetaka Kaoru: Impressions from Her
First Journey to the Pacific Islands in 1961.
Pacific Asia Inquiry, 5
pp. 130-144.
ISSN n/a
Nishino, Ryota
"Tales of Two Fijis: early 1960s Japanese travel writing by Kanetaka Kaoru and Kita Morio".
The Journal of Pacific History, 49
pp. 440-456.
ISSN 0022-3344
Nishino, Ryota
The awakening of a journalist’s historical consciousness: Sasa Yukie’s Pacific Island journeys of 2005–2006.
Japanese Studies, TBC
ISSN 1037-1397
Nishino, Ryota and Kolesova, Elena
Talking past each other? A comparative study of the descriptions of the Russo-Japanese War in
Japanese and Russian history textbooks, ca. 1997-2010.
Aoyama Journal of International Studies, 2
pp. 5-39.
ISSN 2188-1960
Prasad, Satendra
Linking economic globalisation and regimes of labour regulation: Trends in the Asia-Pacific region.
Journal of Pacific Studies, 24
pp. 77-98.
ISSN 1011-3029
Sarwal, Amit
“A Kangaroo and Bradman”: Indian journalists’ visit to Australia under the Colombo Plan, 1950–1957.
Journalism Studies, TBC
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1461-670X
Sarwal, Amit
Staging a cultural collaboration: Louise lightfoot and Ananda Shivaram’s first indian dance tour of Australia, 1947-1951.
Dance Chronicle, 38
pp. 303-335.
ISSN 0147-2526
Sarwal, Amit
'Think imperially': Indian journalists' goodwill visits to White Australia, 1927 and 1947.
Asian Ethnicity, NA
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 1463-1369
Sarwal, Amit and Lowe, David
“Behind the white curtain”: Indian students and researchers
in Australia, 1901–1950.
History of Education Review, 2
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 0819-8691
Singh, A. and Sarwal, Amit
Paraspara, encounters and confluences: India’s soft power objective in the Indo - Pacific region.
Politics and Policy, 45
pp. 733-761.
ISSN 1555-5623
Tarte, Sandra
Regional strategies: The Pacific Islands and Japan.
Journal of Pacific Studies, 22
pp. 159-172.
ISSN 1011-3029
Weber, Eberhard
Der Congress tanzt wieder: die Wahlen in Indien.
Bla'etter des iz3w, 35
pp. 5-6.
ISSN 1614-0095
Weber, Eberhard
Fisheries Development in India - Who benefits?
The Indian Geographical Journal, 70
pp. 69-80.
ISSN 0019-4824
Weber, Eberhard
Helden der Leinwand: Film und Demokratie im suedindischen Tamil Nadu.
Bla'etter des iz3w, 31
pp. 30-33.
ISSN 1614-0095
Weber, Eberhard
Looking north or looking anywhere? Indo-Fijian international relations after the coups of May 2000 and December 2006.
Bandung: Journal of the Global South, 4
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2198-3534
Weber, Eberhard
Ressource Wasser: Das Beispiel Madras.
Blätter des iz3w, 32
pp. 18-21.
ISSN 1614–0095
van Dillen, Susanne and Weber, Eberhard
Der Congress tanzt ab - Indien nach den Wahlen.
Blätter des iz3w, 27
pp. 4-6.
ISSN 1614–0095
Professional and Technical Reports
Chand, Anand
Country report: Cook Islands for International planned parenthood federation East and South Asia and Oceania region office for the South Pacific.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
Ali, Imam
The impact of planned rural development: a case study of Kundasang Highland vegetable cultivation irrigation project in Sabah, East Malaysia.
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Nishino, Ryota
Gazing at the Pacific Islands: A contemporary history of travel writing by Japanese travellers.
Nishino, Ryota
Japanese travel-writing and Pacific War battle sites:
Bringing the past into the present.
Nishino, Ryota
Japanese travelogues on southwestern Pacific Islands since the 1960s: encounter and engagement with the islanders and reflection on the Pacific campaigns.
Nishino, Ryota
Pacific Island women in the eyes of a Japanese travel journalist:Impressions from Kanetaka Kaoru’s journey in 1961.
Nishino, Ryota
South Pacific voyage of Suzuki Tsunenori in 1889: a voyage of self - promotion?
Prasad, Satendra
Economic restructuring, developmentalist states and labour (re)-regulation: A comparative view of Japan and Malaysia.
Quanchi, Alan M. and Nishino, Ryota and Weir, Christine H. and Sela, Susan K.
Meet the USP historians: Form Seven examination revision tips and Q&A.
Sarwal, Amit
The Australian films that inspired Bollywood.
Sarwal, Amit
Bollywood blockbuster ‘3 Idiots’ gets a Mexican remake.
Sarwal, Amit
Hindi vs English: the document that changed India.
Sarwal, Amit
India’s Padmavati meets Australia’s Mad Max.
Tarte, Sandra
Diplomatic strategies: The Pacific Islands and Japan.
Australia-Japan Research Center, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.
Tarte, Sandra
Japan's Aid Diplomacy and the South Pacific.
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Tarte, Sandra
Regional strategies: The Pacific Islands and Japan.
School of Social and Economic Development.
Tarte, Sandra
Stood up in Tokyo: so what, if anything came out of that summit?
Tarte, Sandra and Nishino, Ryota and Siwatibau, Suliana and Naidu, Vijay and Slatter, Claire and Fry, Gregory and Griffen, Vanessa
Lest We Forget: Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Weber, Eberhard
Food security and fisheries in India.
Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island, University of Rhode Island.
Weber, Eberhard
Globalisierung und Armut in Indien - Was haben Menschenrechte damit zu tun?
Weber, Eberhard
Globalization and the Human Right to Feed Oneself: The impact of the blue revolution on the Food Security of Small-Scale-Fisherpeople in Tamil Nadu.
Weber, Eberhard
Indien am Wendepunkt? Gedanken zu Indien's neuer Wirtschaftsphilosophie.
Institute of Cultural Geography, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
Weber, Eberhard
Looking for new friends sustainable south - south cooperation or temporary necessity in Fiji’s international relations after the coup of December 2006.
Weber, Eberhard
Poverty, Marginalization and Polarisation: The Example of a South Indian Fishing Community.
Weber, Eberhard
Wassermangel als sozial-ökonomisches und politisches Problem - Drei Fallbeispiele zu den Folgen der Jahrhundertdürre in lndien.
Verein zur Förderung von Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz in der Dritten Welt (VFLU), Wiesbaden, Germany.
Weber, Eberhard and van Dillen, Susanne
Indien - Konsum ohne Monsun -- 50 Jahre unabhängiges Indien.
Informationszentrum Dritte Welt Freiburg.
Weber, Eberhard and van Dillen, Susanne
Indien - Luft auf Pump 50 Jahre unabhängiges Indien.
Informationszentrum Dritte Welt Freiburg.
Weber, Eberhard and van Dillen, Susanne
Klimaschutz und Entwicklung - eine indische Perspektive.
Weber, Eberhard and van Dillen, Susanne
Landwirtschaft in Indien - von der Kolonialzeit zur Epoche der Globalisierung.
van Dillen, Susanne and Weber, Eberhard
Export und hopp. Die indische Gesellschaft in der Zerreissprobe.
Informationszentrum Dritte Welt Freiburg.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 12:29:02 2025 +12.