Items where Subject is "GE Environmental Sciences" |
Group by: Authors | Item Type Number of items at this level: 710. BookHay, J.E. and Mimura, N. and Campbell, J. and Fifita, S. and Koshy, Kanayathu and McLean, R.F. and Nakalevu, Taito and Nunn, Patrick D. and De Wet, N. (2003) Climate variability and change and sea-level rise in the Pacific Islands region: a resource book for policy decision-makers, educators and other stakeholders. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Samoa. ISBN 9820402573 Hay, John E. (2022) Science of Weather, Climate and Ocean Extremes. Royal Meteorological Society – Elsevier, New York. ISBN 9780323855419 Koshy, Kanayathu and Lal, Murari and Mataki, Melchior (2005) Sustainable development and the Pacific Island countries. Pacific Centre for Environment & Sustainable Development, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9829097013 Lal, Vincent V. and Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2010) Project POPS: monitoring sources and concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Fiji’s abiotic environment. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 9783838362663 Nunn, Patrick D. (1999) Environmental change in the Pacific Basin: Chronologies, causes, consequences. Wiley, Chichester, W.Suxxex, England. ISBN 0471949450 Nunn, Patrick D. (1997) Keimami sa vakila na liga ni Kalou (Feeling the Hand of God: human and nonhuman impacts on Pacific Island environments). The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9820103185 Nunn, Patrick D. and Waddell, E. (1992) Implications of climate change and sea level rise for the Kingdom of Tonga. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Western Samoa. ISBN 9820400295 Ram-Bidesi, Vina and Lal, P.N. and Conner , N. (2011) Economics of Coastal Zone Management in the Pacific. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Suva, Fiji. ISBN 978-982-01-0084-4 Thaman, Randolph R. (1998) Republic of Nauru: National Environmental Management Strategy and National Environmental Action Plan. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa. ISBN 9820401496 Veitayaki, Joeli (1995) Fisheries development in Fiji: the quest for sustainability. Institute of Pacific Studies, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9820201047 Veitayaki, Joeli and Murai, T. (2009) Making a difference: indigenous people in Gau Island, Fiji as agents of environmental change. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9780203838587 Book ChapterAalbersberg, William G.L. (1993) Agriculture and climate change: double feedback. In: Climate and Agriculture in the Pacific Islands: Future Perspectives. Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 21-25. ISBN 9820200830, 9789820200838 Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2010) Linking bioprospecting with conservation in the Pacific. In: Traditional Marine Management Areas of the Pacific in the Context of National and International Law and Policy. United Nations University, Darwin, Australia, pp. 65-67. ISBN 9780980708479, 9780980708462 Bala, Govindasamy and Bopp, Laurent and Brovkin, Viktor and Canadell, Josep and Chhabra, Abha and DeFries, Ruth and Galloway, James and Heimann, Martin and Jones, Christopher and Le Quéré, Corinne and Myneni, Ranga and Piao, Shilong and Thornton, Peter and Ahlström, Anders and Anav, Alessandro and Andrews, Oliver and Holland, Elisabeth A. (2013) Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles: supplementary material. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-1-107-66182-0 Beyerl, Katharina and Mieg, Harald A. and Weber, Eberhard (2019) Comparing perceptions of climate - related environmental changes for Tuvalu, Samoa, and Tonga. In: Dealing with climate change on small islands: towards effective and sustainable adaptation? Göttingen University Press, Göttingen, pp. 143-174. ISBN 978-3-86395-435-2.7 Bijay, Pritika and Schulte, V. and Prasad, Shivneel (2013) An overview of climate - smart technologies in the Pacific region. In: Climate-Smart Technologies-Integrating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Mitigation and Adaptation Responses. Climate Change Management . Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg , Germany, pp. 3-18. ISBN 9783642377525 online 9783642377532 Bird, Zina and Wairiu, Morgan and Jacot des Combes, Helene and Iese, Viliamu (2021) Religious and cultural - spiritual attributions of climate - driven changes on food production: a case study from North Malaita, Solomon Islands. In: Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands. Climate Change Management book series . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 39-56. ISBN 978-3-030-67601-8 Bird, Zina and Yuen, Linda B.K. (2020) Climate Change and Peri - Urban Household Food Security - Lessons from West Taraka, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 171-195. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9 Briguglio, L. and Koshy, Kanayathu and Nurse, L. and Wong, P.P. (2008) Climate change and small Island developing states. In: Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States: Issues and Challenges. Commonwealth Secretariat, London, pp. 65-67. ISBN 0850928796, 9780850928792 Brodie, Gilianne D. and Lako, Jimaima and Lowry, Brenda (2017) The Value of Snails: Prestige & Innovation Beyond Amazing Biodiversity. In: Snails: Biodiversity, Biology and Behavioral Insights. Animal Science, Issues and Research . Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 13-49. ISBN 978-1-53611-847-6 Fache, Elodie and Pauwels, Simonne and Veitayaki, Joeli (2016) Introduction: Pacific Islanders, “custodians of the ocean” facing fisheries challenges. In: Fisheries in the Pacific: The Challenges of Governance and Sustainability. Pacific-Credo Publications, Marseille, France, pp. 7-18. ISBN 978-2-9537485-5-0 Ferreira, Carmen and Matos, Fátima Loureiro de and Naca, Ilaisa and Tagivakatini, Serupepeli Junior (2016) O impacto do ciclone Winston em Viti Levu, ilhas Fiji: a vivência de um desastre. In: XV Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía: Retos y tendencias de la Geografía Ibérica: actas. Universidad de Murcia-AGE-APG., Murcia, Spain, pp. 176-188. ISBN 978-84-944193-4-8 Fink, Michael and Klöck, Carola and Korovulavula, Isoa T. and Nunn, Patrick D. (2021) Community participation, situated knowledge and climate change (Mal-) adaptation in rural island communities: Evidence from artificial shoreline protection structures in Fiji. In: Small Island Developing States: Vulnerability and Resilience Under Climate Change. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 57-79. ISBN 978-3-030-82773-1 French, Matthew and Trundle, Alexei and Korte, Inga and Koto, Camari (2020) Climate Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements: Towards a Transformative Upgrading Agenda. In: Climate Resilient Urban Areas. Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies . Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 129-153. ISBN 978-3-030-57536-6 Ha'apio, M.O. and Gonzalez, Ricardo (2015) Building resilience to climate change impacts and socioeconomic attributes of rural households in Solomon Islands. In: Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 281-300. ISBN 9783319149370 Ha'apio, Michael O. and Filho, Walter L. and Wairiu, Morgan (2018) A ‘Cost Barrier’ Perspective to Adaptation on a Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) and Mangrove Rehabilitation Projects (MRP) in Solomon Islands. In: Limits to Climate Change. Springer, Unknown, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-64598-8 Havea, Peni H. and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine (2021) Climate Change: Science, People, Religion - Cord of Three Strands. In: Beyond Belief. Climate Change Management. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 227-246. ISBN 978-3-030-67601-8 Havea, Peni H. and Hemstock, Sarah L. and Jacot des Combes, Helene (2017) Preparing for Better Livelihoods, Health and Well-Being—A Key to Climate Change Adaptation. In: Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life. Climate Change Management . Springer International Publishing, Berlin, pp. 87-99. ISBN 978-3-319-50093-5 Hay, J.E. (2021) On the Frontline: Climate Impacts and Responses in the Pacific Islands Region. In: Lectures in Climate Change, Our Warming Planet: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, unspecified, pp. 321-355. ISBN 978-981-123-821-5 Ha’apio, Michael O. and Morrison, Keith and Gonzalez, Ricardo and Wairiu, Morgan and Holland, Elisabeth A. (2017) Limits and Barriers to Transformation: A Case Study of April Ridge Relocation Initiative, East Honiara, Solomon Islands. In: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Communities. Springer, Cham, pp. 455-470. ISBN 978-3-319-70702-0 Hemstock, Sarah L. and Jacot des Combes, Helene and Martin, Tess K. and Vaike, Linda and Maitava, K. and Buliruarua, Leigh A. and Satiki, V. and Kua, Nixon and Marawa, T. (2017) A Case for Formal Education in the Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Pacific Islands Region. In: Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life. Climate Change Management . Springer International Publishing, Berlin, pp. 309-324. ISBN 978-3-319-50093-5 Hemstock, Sarah L. and Mark, Charlesworth and Singh, Ranjila D. (2019) Household energy usage, indoor air pollution, and health. In: Good Health and Well-Being. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature, Switzerland, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-69627-0 Hemstock, Sarah L. and Singh, Ranjila D. (2015) The Assessment of Biomass Consumption. In: The Biomass Assessment Handbook: Energy for a sustainable environment, 2nd Edition. Routledge, 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abington, Oxon OX144RN and 711 Third Avenue, New York, NW10017., 140-NA. ISBN 978-1-138-01965-2 Holland, Elisabeth A. (2011) The role of soils and biogeochemistry in the climate and earth system. In: Sustaining Soil Productivity in Response to Global Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Ethics. John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN 9780470958575 Holland, Elisabeth A. and Chand, Sarika and Morrison, Keith and Whiteside, Andra and Gagaeolo, Fetalai and Kensen, Matthew and Giblin, Judith B. and Falenga, Kilateli E. (2014) Reflecting on climate change education at the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development. In: Intergenerational learning and transformative leadership for sustainable futures. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 285-292. ISBN 978-90-8686-252-8 Iese , Viliamu and Maeke , Joseph and Holland , Elisabeth A. and Wairiu, Morgan and Naidu, Sumeet (2014) Farming Adaptations to the Impacts of Climate Change and Extreme Events in Pacific Island Countries: Case Study of Bellona Atoll, Solomon Islands. In: Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Small Island Developing States. IGI Global, United States of America, pp. 166-194. ISBN 9781466665019 Jacot des Combes, Helene (2017) Science Technology Plan Pacific. In: Science Technology Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction: Asian and Pacific Perspectives. IRDR International Programme Office (IPO), International Council for Science (ICSU) , Beijing, China, pp. 13-16. ISBN TBC Jokhan, Anjeela D. and Lal, M. (2013) Climate change adaptation and poverty reduction in small islands of the Pacific. In: The Environments of the Poor in Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Publishing, Singapore, pp. 99-105. ISBN 9789814517997 Khurma, Jagjit R. (2004) Plastic waste. In: The Green Pay-Off: Sustainable Development = Economic Growth. Marketing and Public Relations Office, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 18-20. ISBN 9820105730 Kitolelei, Jokim V. and Kakuma, Shinichiro (2022) Protecting Fisheries Resources Through Marine Protected Area Networks: Fiji. In: Satoumi Science. Ecological Research Monographs . Springer Link, New York, pp. 169-190. ISBN 978-0-387-79053-4 Koshy, Kanayathu and Adeel, Z. and Lal, Murari and Mataki, Melchior (2006) Impacts of pollutants in the Asia-Pacific region. In: Global Change and Integrated Coastal Management. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 231-276. ISBN 9781402036279 Kotarba-Morley, Anna M. and Thomas, Frank R. and Morley, Mike W. (2024) Sustaining Culture and Heritage in Kiribati: The Challenge of Rising Sea Level. In: The Oxford Handbook of Global Indigenous Archaeologies. Oxford University Press, UK. ISBN 9780197607695 Kumar, Mahendra and Singh, Anirudh (2000) Confronting climate change: economic priorities and climate protection in developing countries - Southeast Asia Chapter 4: Pacific Island Countries (P183). In: Confronting Climate Change: Economic Priorities and Climate Protection in Developing Nations. National Environmental Trust, Washington, DC 20036, pp. 183-207. ISBN 0970693702, 9780970693709 Larmour, Edward P. (2011) Corruption in REDD+ schemes: a framework for analysis. In: Handbook of Global Research and Practice in Corruption. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 157-169. ISBN 9781849805018 Ledua, Esaroma and Veitayaki, Joeli (2018) Balancing Sustainable Tuna Resource Management and Economic Development: Small Island Developing States Perspectives. In: The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Mann Borgese (1918 – 2002). Brill, Netherlands, pp. 367-372. ISBN 9789004380271 Magiri, Royford B. and Sagero, Phillip and Danmaigoro, Abubakar and Rashid, Razia and Mocevakaca, Wati and Singh, Shivani and Okello, Walter and Iji, Paul A. (2023) Impact of Climate Change on the Dairy Production in Fiji and the Pacific Island Countries and Territories: An Insight for Adaptation Planning. In: Global Warming - A Concerning Component of Climate Change. IntechOpen, Croatia, London. ISBN 978-1-83769-858-5 Makun, Keshmeer (2024) Implications of Climate Change in the Pacific Region. In: Global Challenges for the Environment and Climate Change. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp. 151-166. ISBN 979-8-3693-2845-3 Manepora'a, Andrew and Hodge, Simon (2010) Climate change: a challenge for crop production. In: Climate Change and Management of Cool Season Grain Legume Crops. Springer, Heidelberg/New York, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9789048137084, 904813708X Mangubhai, Sangeeta and Sykes, Helen R. and Lovell, Edward and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Jupiter, Stacy and Morris, Cherie W. and Lee, Steven and Loganimoce, Epeli and Rashni, Bindiya and Lal, Ronal and Nand, Yashika and Qauqau, Ingrid (2018) Fiji: coastal and marine ecosystems. In: World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachuetts, United States, pp. 765-792. ISBN 978-0-08-100853-9 Mani, Francis S. (2020) Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Pacific Island Countries. In: Translating the Paris Agreement into Action in the Pacific. Springer Nature, Cham, pp. 3-27. ISBN 978-3-030-30210-8 Mataki, Melchior and Koshy, Kanayathu and Nair, V. (2008) Top-down, bottom-up: mainstreaming adaptation in Pacific Island townships. In: Climate Change and Adaptation. Earthscan, London, pp. 264-278. ISBN 1844074706, 9781844074709 Mertelmeyer, Linda and Jacobi, James D. and Boehmer, Hans J. and Mueller-Dombois, Dieter (2018) High - resolution aerial imagery for assessing changes in canopy status in Hawai‘i’s ’Ōhi‘a (Metrosideros polymorpha) rainforest. In: Geographical Changes in Vegetation and Plant Functional Types. Springer, Berlin, pp. 291-301. ISBN 9783319687377 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2015) Air pollution. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. SAGE Publications, USA, pp. 945-947. ISBN 9781483345734 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2013) Global warming. In: Encyclopedia of Crisis Management. SAGE Publications, USA. ISBN 1452226121, 9781452226125 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2012) Green development in environment and climate change crisis in the Asia-Pacific: a strategy in minimizing the impact. In: Development Management in the Twenty First Century. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, USA. ISBN Print 1621006999 Online 9781621006992 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2007) Urbanisation, solid waste management and environmental sustainability in South Pacific cities. In: Society, Sustainability and Environment. Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi, pp. 1-27. ISBN NA Mohanty, Manoranjan (2015) Water pollution. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. SAGE Publications, USA, pp. 948-950. ISBN 9781483345734 Moomaw, W. and Yamba, F. and Kamimoto, M. and Maurice, L. and Nyboer, J. and Urama, K. and Weir, Anthony D. (2011) Renewable energy and climate change. In: IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 161-208. ISBN 1107607108, 9781107607101 Morrison, Keith (2016) The Role of Traditional Knowledge to Frame Understanding of Migration as Adaptation to the "Slow Disaster" of Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific. In: Identifying Emerging Issues in Disaster Risk Reduction, Migration, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Shaping Debates and Policies. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 249-266. ISBN 978-3-319-33878-1 Nunn, Patrick D. (1994) Biota and island environments: controls on human behavior. In: Oceanic Islands. Blackwell, United Kingdom, pp. 305-326. ISBN 0631178112; 978-0631178118 Nunn, Patrick D. (2009) Bridging the gulf between science and society: imperatives for minimizing societal disruption from climate change in the Pacific. In: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Climate Change. Springer, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 233-248. ISBN 9784431997979 Nunn, Patrick D. (1998) Late neogene tectonic change on the islands of the northern Lau-Colville Ridge, southwest Pacific. In: Late Quanternary Coastal Tectonics. Geological Society of London Sepcial Publication, United Kingdom. ISBN 1-86239-024-X Nunn, Patrick D. (2004) Understanding and adapting to sea-level change. In: Global Environmental Issues. Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 45-64. ISBN 9780470684696 Nunn, Patrick D. and Kumar, Roselyn R.D. (2006) Coastal evolution in the Asia Pacific region. In: Global Change and Integrated Coastal Management: The Asia Pacific Region. Springer, Berlin, pp. 93-116. ISBN 9781402036279 Nunn, Patrick D. and McLean, Roger and Dean, Annika and Fong, Teddy and Iese, Viliamu and Katonivualiku, M. and Klöck, Carola and Korovulavula, Isoa T. and Kumar, Roselyn and Tabe, Tammy (2019) Adaptation to climate change: contemporary challenges and perspectives. In: Climate Change and Impacts in the South Pacific. Springer Climate Series . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 499-524. ISBN 978-3-030-32877-1 Payri, C.E. and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Fiat, S. and Andréfouët, S. (2016) La macroflore marine de l'archipel des Marquises. In: Biodiversité terrestre et marine des îles Marquises, Polynésie française. Société française d’Ichtyologie, Paris, pp. 207-219. ISBN 2-9514628-9 Prasad, Krishneel and Singh, Anirudh (2015) Towards low carbon hotels in the Pacific region: a study of energy consumption and efficiency in hotels using models based on energy performance indicators. In: Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Climate Change Management . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 357-374. ISBN 978-3-319-14937-0 Rashni, Bindiya (2021) Freshwater Biomonitoring: An Ecosystem-Based Approach (EbA) for Building Climate Resilience Communities in Fiji. In: Ecosystem-Based Disaster and Climate Resilience: Integration of Blue-Green Infrastructure in Sustainable Development. Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 483-500. ISBN 978-981-16-4815-1 Reid, Basil A, and Thomas, Frank R. and Fitzpatrick, Scott M. (2018) A comparative study of pre-colonial farming in the Caribbean vis-á-vis the Pacific. In: The Archaeology of Caribbean and Circum-Caribbean Farmers (6000 BC-AD 1500). Routledge, UK, pp. 207-235. ISBN 9780815347385 Salili, Diana H. and Vaike, Linda (2019) Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management and the Role of Education: Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning for Pacific Small Island Developing States. In: Climate Change and the Role of Education. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-32898-6; 978-3-030-32897-9 Sattler, D.N. and Whippy, Albert and Graham, J.M. and Johnson, James D. (2018) A psychological model of climate change adaptation: influence of resource loss, post traumatic growth, norms, and risk perception following cyclone Winston in Fiji. In: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Communities. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 427-443. ISBN 9783319707020 Singh, Priyatma and Schulman, Daniela and Charan, Dhrishna and Reyes-García, Victoria and Schlingmann, Anna and Singh, Ashneel A. and Railoa, Kelera (2023) Climate change adaptation in Fiji: local adaptation strategies to enhance national policy. In: Routledge Handbook of Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. ROUTLEDGE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY HANDBOOKS . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, New York, pp. 391-409. ISBN 978-1-003-35683-7 Stephenson, Marcus and Vyas, A. (2017) Deciphering the environmental impact of tourism development in Dubai: developing sustainable directives and a citizenship agenda. In: International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge, London, pp. 204-221. ISBN 9781138023277 Tawake, Alifereti and Hoffmaister, J. (2009) Adaptation in locally managed marine areas in Fiji. In: State of the World 2009: into a Warming World - A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society. W.W. Norton and Company, New York, pp. 90-91. ISBN 9780393334180, 039333418X Thaman, Konaiholeva H. and Thaman, Randolph R. (2009) Pacific Island principles: learning to live wise and sustainable lives. In: Young People, Education and Sustainable Development: Exploring Principles, Perspectives and Praxis. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 63-76. ISBN Print 9789086860937 Electronic 9789086866915 Theys, Sarina (2023) The ontological (in)security of Fijians in the context of sea - level rise: preliminary findings. In: Charting the Future of Innovative Ocean Science. Archipelagic & Island States Forum, Indonesia, pp. 131-138. ISBN 978-623-88715-5-1 Thomas, Frank R. (2019) Atoll Archaeology in the Pacific. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-319-51726-1 Thomas, Frank R. (2013) Climate change and its impact on tangible cultural heritage: Challenges and prospects for small island nations. In: Focus on Civilizations and Cultures: Cultural Heritage Protection, Developments and International Perspectives. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 293-307. ISBN 9781628088229 Vaike, Linda and Salili, Diana Hinge and Wairiu, Morgan (2020) An Overview of the Information Presented in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management. Part of the Climate Change Management book series (CCM) . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 85-104. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9 Vaike, Linda and Salili, Diana Hinge and Wairiu, Morgan (2020) An overview of the information presented in nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 85-104. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9 Veitayaki, Joeli (2009) Application of indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction in the Pacific Islands. In: Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction: From Practice to Policy. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 241-254. ISBN 1607415747, 9781607415749 Veitayaki, Joeli (2010) Climate change adaptation issues in small island developing states. In: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Issues and Challenges. Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, 4 . Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 369-391. ISBN 9780857244871 Veitayaki, Joeli (2014) Vakarau ni se siga toka (prepare while there is time): Lomani Gau’s response to climate change. In: Pacific Voices Local Government and Climate Change. USP Press, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789820109148 Veitayaki, Joeli and Holland, Elisabeth A. (2018) Lessons from Lomani Gau Project, Fiji: a local community’s response to climate change. In: Pacific Climate Cultures: Living Climate Change in Oceania. De Gruyter, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 121-136. ISBN 978-3-11-059140-8 Veitayaki, Joeli and Ledua, Esaroma (2016) Policy options for coastal and tuna fisheries in the Pacific Islands: sustaining resources on the same side of the same coin. In: Fisheries in the Pacific: The Challenges of Governance and Sustainability. Pacific-Credo Publications , Marseille, France, pp. 255-287. ISBN 9782953748550 Veitayaki, Joeli and Waqalevu, Viliame P. and Varea, Robert and Rollings, Nicholas (2017) Mangroves in Small Island Development States in the Pacific: An Overview of a Highly Important and Seriously Threatened Resource. In: Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific. Disaster Risk Reduction: Methods, Approaches and Practices . Springer, Japan, pp. 303-327. ISBN 978-4-431-56479-9 Wairiu, Morgan and Lal, Murari and Iese, Viliamu (2012) Climate Change Implications for Crop Production in Pacific Islands Region. In: Food Production - Approaches, Challenges and Tasks. InTech, Croatia/China, pp. 67-86. ISBN 978-953-307-887-8 Weber, Eberhard (2022) People’s management of risks from extreme weather events in the Pacific Island region. In: Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather: Current to Future Changes on a Local to Global Scale. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford, Cambridge, pp. 253-270. ISBN 978-0-323-90420-9 Weber, Eberhard (2009) Social vulnerability in South India’s fishing communities. In: Natural Hazards and Disasters: Essays on Impacts and Management. Department of Geography, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, pp. 188-211. ISBN 0973-5062 Weber, Eberhard (2019) Zur Trinkwasserproblematik im Südpazifik. In: Geographien Ozeaniens - Fachliche Annäherungen und Didaktisierungsvorschläge. Praxis Neue Kulturgeographie, 14 . LIT Verlag, Münster, Berlin, Wien, Zürich, London , pp. 77-96. ISBN 978-3-643-14048-7 Weber, Eberhard (2006) The political ecology of water supply in Chennai, South India. In: Water Control and River Biographies. A History of Water, 1 . I.B. Tauris, London - New York, pp. 388-415. ISBN 1-85043-445-x Weber, Eberhard and Kopf, Andreas (2018) South–South approaches to international environmental negotiations: the case of climate change. In: Routledge Handbook of South–South Relations. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London and New York, pp. 205-214. ISBN 978-1-138-65200-2 and 978-1-315-62449-5 Weber, Eberhard and Koto, Camari and Kopf, Andreas and Pickering-Bhagwan, Maelin and Nawaqalevu, Asenaca and Halter, Nicholas and Vamosi, Koini (2023) History and contemporary displacement in Suva's informal settlements. In: Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. Routledge, London, pp. 386-400. ISBN 9781003080916 Weir, Anthony D. and Prasad, Shivneel (2013) Adoption of climate - smart technologies: the case of rural solar electricity in the Pacific Islands. In: Climate-Smart Technologies: Integrating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Mitigation and Adaptation Responses. Springer, Berlin, pp. 379-392. ISBN Print 9783642377525 Online 9783642377532 Book, Journal, Proceedings EditedKoshy, Kanayathu (1999) Inaugural start - oceania workshop: proceedings of the joint coastal zone management and climate change workshops. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Koshy, Kanayathu and Buliruarua, Leigh A. (2003) Proceedings of the training workshop for the Pacific Island countries on global change negotiations and synthesis activities. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Monson, Rebecca and Foukona, Joseph D. and Fakaia, Mathew and Fitzpatrick, Daniel and Handmer, John and Mae, Paul and Maebuta, Jack and Maetala, Ruth (2014) The Frigate can Soar’: Local Governance and Adaptation to Climate - Induced Displacement in Solomon Islands. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Singh, Anirudh (2015) Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Book Review or Scholarly CommentPrideaux, B. and McKercher, B. and McNamara, Karen (2012) Climate change and tourism: editorial. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Theys, Sarina (2020) Book Review: Routledge international handbook of island studies: a world of islands. Edited by Godfrey Baldacchino. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Theys, Sarina (2021) Combatting climate change in the Pacific. The role of regional organizations by Marc Williams and Duncan McDuie-Ra, Cham, Switzerland (e-book), Palgrave MacMillan, 2018, 142 pp. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Vaha, Milla (2022) Book review of Henry Shue, The Pivotal Generation: why we have a moral responsibility to slow climate change right now. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Collaborative ResearchBiggs, Eloise and Boruff, Bryan and Bruce, Eleanor and Wales, Nathan and Duncan, John and Haworth, Billy (2018) Using the Environmental Livelihoods Security (ELS) framework for developing climate - smart landscapes: a preliminary investigation for informing agricultural policy in the South Pacific. [Collaborative Research] Conference ProceedingsAalbersberg, William G.L. (1999) Community-based bioprospecting as a tool for conservation. [Conference Proceedings] Aalbersberg, William G.L. (1993) The mutual interactions of agriculture and climate change/sea level rise. 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Ebi and Ellis, Neville and Engelbrecht, Francois and Figueroa, Maria and Gupta, Mukesh and Medhin Haileselassie , Amaha and Salili, Diana Hinge and Huppmann, Daniel and Huq, Saleemul and Jacob, Daniela and James, Rachel and Ley, Debora and Marcotullio, Peter and Massera, Omar and Mechler, Reinhard and Mehrotra, Shagun and Newman, Peter and Paiva Henrique , Karen and Parkinson, Simon and Revi, Aromar and Rickels, Wilfried and Schipper , Lisa and Schmidt, Jörn and Schultz, Seth and Smith, Pete and Solecki , William and Some, Shreya and Teariki-Ruatu , Nenenteiti and Thomas, Adelle and Urquhart , Penny and Wewerinke-Singh, Margaretha (2018) Special Report on Global warming of 1.5°C (SR15) - Chapter 5:Sustainable Development, Poverty Eradication and Reducing Inequalities. [Professional and Technical Reports] Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2009) Fiji field projects. [Professional and Technical Reports] Aalbersberg, William G.L. 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