Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences (General)" |
Group by: Authors | Item Type Number of items at this level: 933. BookAllen, Matthew G. (2018) Resource extraction and contentious states: mining and the politics of scale in the Pacific Islands. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. ISBN 978-981-10-8119-4 Bianchi, Raoul and Stephenson, Marcus (2014) Tourism and Citizenship: Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities in the Global Order. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-70738-1 Kanemasu, Yoko (2023) Pacific Island Women and Contested Sporting Spaces: Staking Their Claim. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003146513 Kumar, Ronald R. (2012) Development Impacts Of Short-Term Migration In The Pacific A Case Study Of Vanuatu. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-27675-0 Mati, Jacob Mwathi (2016) Philanthropy in Contemporary Africa: A Review. Brill Research Perspectives, 1 (6). Brill , Netherlands, NA. ISBN 978-9004339934 Narsey, Wadan L. (2008) The quantitative analysis of poverty in Fiji. Vanuavou Publications, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9829092089 9789829092083 Naz, Rafia and Singh, Gurmeet and Pathak, Raghuvar D. (2010) E-governance, service delivery and customer satisfaction in South Pacific region: lessons for developing countries. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 9783843355209 Plange, Nii-K. (1993) An overview of health care of the elderly in Fiji and implications for social policy. The University of the South Pacific, Fiji. ISBN 9820308380 Plange, Nii-K. (1993) For a place in the sun: not the sun-set: an overview of health care of the elderly in Fiji and implications for social policy. USP, Fiji. ISBN 9820309050 Plange, Nii-K. (2000) Generation in transition. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies in association with the Department of Sociology, USP, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9820103886 Plange, Nii-K. (1996) The 'science' of society: exploring the links between science, ideology and theories of development. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9820102898 Prasad, Satendra (1989) Trade unions in the changing socio-economic environment in Fiji. SSED, The University of the South Pacific. ISBN 9820100418 Rakuita, Tui (2007) Living By Bread Alone: Contemporary Challenges Associated with Identity and Belongingness in Fiji. Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education and Advocacy, Suva, Fiji Islands. ISBN 9829058255 Singh, Jagjit and Pathak, Raghuvar D. (2007) Civil servant’s perception of poverty eradication: an analysis of the perceived developmental challenges in India. International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS), PNG and Fiji. ISBN NA Theodore, Karl and Reddy, Mahendra and Siphambe, Happy (2011) Development Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Small States: Experiences from the Pacific, Southern Africa, and the Caribbean. Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London. ISBN 978-1-84929-058-6 Tiko, Lavinia (2021) Child Development in Context: An Indigenous Fijian Perspective. USP Press, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 978-982-101-155-6 Tilley, Virginia (2012) Beyond occupation: apartheid, colonialism and international law in the occupied Palestinian territories. Pluto Press, London, London, i-416. ISBN 0745332358 Trupp, Alexander (2017) Migration, Micro - Business and Tourism in Thailand: Highlanders in the City. Routledge Studies in Asian Diasporas, Migrations and Mobilities . Routledge, UK. ISBN 9781138210813 Watson, Danielle and Howes, Loene and Dinnen, Sinclair and Bull, Melissa and Amin, Sara N. (2023) Policing in the Pacific Islands. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 978-3-031-10635-4; 978-3-031-10634-7 Book ChapterAli, Inayah and Appana, Subhash and Narayan, Jashwini J. (2021) Diversity Management in the Public Sector. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Ali, Inayah and Narayan, Jashwini J. and Appana, Subhash (2025) Age - Based Perceptions Towards Diversity Management in the Public Sector. In: Humanizing the Hyperconnected Workplace. IGI Global, Thailand. ISBN 9798369381717 Ali, Zakia and Buksh, Shazna and Anzeg, Afshana M. (2016) Islam in Fiji: Continuity, Adaptation and Change during the Indenture and Post-Indenture Periods. In: Indentured Muslims in the Diaspora; Identity and Belonging of Minority Groups in Plural Societies. Routledge, London, pp. 275-300. ISBN 9781315272030 Allen, Matthew G. (2019) Sovereignty, civil conflict and ethnicity. In: The Melanesian World. Routledge, UK, pp. 239-254. ISBN 9781315529691 Amin, Sara N. (2015) Dissent and New Diversities in Muslim Identity Discourses in the Wake of 9/11 in Canada and the United States. In: Muslim Identity Formation in Religiously Diverse Societies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp. 181-207. ISBN 978-1-4438-8075-6 Amin, Sara N. (2018) "The right way for me to do things for me": Experiences of some Afghan women in entering and practicing karate. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 75-91. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0 Amin, Sara N. and Ganepola, Varuni (2016) Introduction: changing nature of forced migration: vulnerabilities and responsibilities in South and Southeast Asia. In: Changing Nature of Forced Migration: Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities in South and South-East Asia. The University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 8-18. ISBN 978 984 506 236 7 Amin, Sara N. and Girard, Christian (2020) Insecurities and strategies of the leiti (transgender) community in Tonga and the role of businesses and indigenous reconciliation practices. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. Routledge, London, pp. 146-157. ISBN 9780429031816 Amin, Sara N. and Girard, Christian and Calabrò, Domenica Gisella (2022) Gender inequality and development pedagogy. In: The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge, London, pp. 418-430. ISBN 9781003017653 Amin, Sara N. and Girard, Christian and Watson, Danielle (2020) Security, Resilience and Resistance in the PICs: Aligning Priorities and Relocating Responsibility. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. Routledge Studies in Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South . Routledge, London, pp. 231-243. ISBN 9780367143923 Amin, Sara N. and Trussler, Tanya and Johnson, James D. (2020) Mapping Gender Security-Insecurity in Fiji: Rape Myths and Sexual Prejudice. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific. Routledge, London , pp. 88-103. ISBN 9780367143923 Amin, Sara N. and Watson, Danielle and Girard, Christian (2020) (In)Security in the Pacific Island Countries. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. Routledge Studies in Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South . Routledge, London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9780367143923 Amin, Sara N. and Trussler, Tanya and Watson, Danielle and Niulakita, Sepola T. (2023) Serving God, the Community and the State: Policing in Tuvalu. In: Policing the Global South: Colonial Legacies, Pluralities, Partnerships, and Reform. Routledge, London, pp. 95-105. ISBN 978-0-367-64812-1 Appana, Subhash and Goundar, Sam and Aziz, Sanya (2021) Motivational Dimensions in the “Publish or Perish” Dictum. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Appana, Subhash and Naidu, Vijay and Sharma, Karishma and Prasad, Reema (2021) NPM Falters in Fiji. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Armstrong, Derrick and Armstrong, Ann C. (2019) Human Rights, Inclusive Education and Inter-Cultural Competence. In: The Sage Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education. Sage, California, USA, pp. 76-88. ISBN 9781526435552 Ben, Chethna (2021) Legislative tenure and spatial economic analysis: an illustrative example of papaya production in Nadroga province, Fiji. In: Handbook on Space, Place and Law. Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 14-25. ISBN 978 1 78897 719 7 Besnier, Niko and Calabrò, Domenica G. and Guinness, Daniel (2020) Sport, migration, and gender in the neoliberal age. In: Sport, Migration, and Gender in the Neoliberal Age. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 9780429423277 Calabrò, Domenica G. (2015) Fostering the Rapprochement of Anthropology and Indigenous Studies: The Encounter of an Italian Anthropologist with Kaupapa Māori Research. In: Indigenous Studies and Engaged Anthropology: The Collaborative Moment. Routledge, London, pp. 55-75. ISBN 9781315588377 Calabrò, Domenica G. (2020) The Global Warrior. Māori, rugby, and diasporic Indigeneity. In: Sport, Migration, and Gender in the Neoliberal Age. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 157-175. ISBN 9780429423277 Calabrò, Domenica G. (2017) Once were Warriors, now are Rugby Players? Control and Agency in the Historical Trajectory of the Māori Formulations of Masculinity in Rugby. In: Emergent Masculinities in the Pacific. Routledge, London, pp. 35-53. ISBN 9780415786942 Calabrò, Domenica G. and Kant, Romitesh and Maharaj, Sidhant and Kaur, Jasbant (2022) Behind the Mask: Intersectional (In)visibility of Indo - Fijian Queer Experiences. In: Gender Visibility and Erasure. Advances in Gender Research, 33 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 33-50. ISBN 978-1-80382-594-6 Cangiano, Alessio (2014) Migration and population growth: future predictions and contemporary politics. In: Migration: A COMPAS Anthology. COMPAS, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-907271-03-8 Cangiano, Alessio (2012) Population trends, human capital development and the role of migrant workers in an ageing Europe. In: European Migration and Asylum Policies: Coherence or Contradiction? Bruylant, Bruxelles, pp. 237-245. ISBN 978-2-8027-3602-8 Carnegie, Paul J. (2013) Islam, democracy and party politics in Indonesia. In: Beyond Borders: Democracy and Civil Society in a Global Era. Berkshire Academic Press, Highclere, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781907784132 Carnegie, Paul J. (2017) On the horns of a dilemma: state, security and militancy in Indonesia. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. ISBN 9781137557681 Carnegie, Paul J. (2018) Popular Revolt and Military Intransigence in Egypt. In: Guns & Roses: Comparative Civil-Military Relations in the Changing Security Environment. Palgrave Macmillan, UK, TBC. ISBN ISBN 978-981-13-2007-1 Chand, Anand and Taupo, Tauisi (2020) Impact of Natural Disasters and Climate Change on National Security in the Pacific: Case Studies of Kiribati and Tuvalu. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. Routledge, United Kingdom, TBC. ISBN 9780367143923 Crookes, Annie E. and Warren, Meg A. (2022) Understanding Happiness in the Pacific Islands: A Qualitative Study with University Staff in Fiji. In: Happiness - Biopsychosocial and Anthropological Perspectives. IntechOpen, Rijeka. ISBN TBC Dinnen, Sinclair and Allen, Matthew G. (2018) Reflections on Hybridity as an Analytical Lens on State Formation: The Case of Solomon Islands. In: Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development. Australian National University Press, Australia, pp. 129-144. ISBN 9781760461836 Fink, Michael and Klöck, Carola and Korovulavula, Isoa T. and Nunn, Patrick D. (2021) Community participation, situated knowledge and climate change (Mal-) adaptation in rural island communities: Evidence from artificial shoreline protection structures in Fiji. In: Small Island Developing States: Vulnerability and Resilience Under Climate Change. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 57-79. ISBN 978-3-030-82773-1 Foukona, Joseph D. and Allen, Matthew G. (2017) Urban Land in Solomon Islands: Powers of Exclusion and Counter-Exclusion. In: Kastom, Property and Ideology: Land transformations in Melanesia. Australian National University Press, Canberra, pp. 85-110. ISBN 9781760461058 Fry, Gregory and Tarte, Sandra (2015) The ‘New Pacific Diplomacy’: An introduction. In: The New Pacific Diplomacy. Australian National University Press, Austalia, pp. 3-19. ISBN 9781925022810 Futter-Puati, Debi (2023) Inangaro | Desire: The ‘writing in’ of māpū | young Cook Islanders’ sexual and relationship desires into resources for sexuality and relationships education. In: Sex and Gender in the Pacific – Contemporary perspectives on sexuality, gender and health. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003142072 Ganepola, Varuni and Amin, Sara N. (2016) Epilogue: vulnerabilities and responsibilities in forced migration: direction for further research. In: Changing Nature of Forced Migration: Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities in South and South-East Asia. The University Press Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 414-416. ISBN 978 984 506 236 7 Gegeo, David W. (2015) Tasimauri sojourns and journeys: interview with Murray Chapman. In: Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns: Home Thoughts Abroad. Otago University Press, Dunedin, New Zealand, pp. 37-64. ISBN 9781877578885 Geraghty, Paul (2020) Place-names in Fiji’s cotton boom: how Fiji nearly became as toponymically anglicized as New Zealand. In: Shifting Typonymies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK, pp. 77-96. ISBN 978-1-5275-6028-4 Gibson, Dawn (2014) Green tourism alleviating poverty: Community-based ecotourism in Fiji. In: Green growth and travelism – The academic viewpoint. Routledge, London, pp. 159-173. ISBN 9780415531795 Gibson, Dawn (2018) Tourism resources and sustainability. In: Strategic Management in Tourism, Third Edition. CABI, Boston, MA, pp. 315-331. ISBN 9781786390240 Goundar, Sam and Appana, Subhash (2017) Mainstreaming Development Policies for Climate Change in Fiji: A Policy Gap Analysis and the Role of ICTs. In: Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies. A volume in the Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies (AEEGT) Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, pp. 1-31. ISBN 9781522516071 Goundar, Sam and Appana, Subhash and Fonohema, Uaitelose and Vea, Seluvaia and Fonua, Mele (2021) Analysis of Ethical Issues in HRIS using the PAPA Model. In: Enterprise Systems and Technological Convergence: Research and Practice. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, North Carolina, pp. 257-276. ISBN 978-1-64802-341-5 Gupta, Vikas (2023) How do augmented and virtual reality influences visitor experiences: a case of heritage tourism sites in Rajasthan. In: Augmented and Virtual Reality in Social Learning: Technological Impacts and Challenges. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Germany, pp. 159-167. ISBN 978-3110994926 Ha'apio, Michael O. and Filho, Walter L. and Wairiu, Morgan (2018) A ‘Cost Barrier’ Perspective to Adaptation on a Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) and Mangrove Rehabilitation Projects (MRP) in Solomon Islands. In: Limits to Climate Change. Springer, Unknown, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-64598-8 Halter, Nicholas (2022) Introduction: Reclaiming Suva. In: Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji. ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 1-23. ISBN 9781760465346 Halter, Nicholas (2022) Piecing Together a History of Suva Prison. In: Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji. ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 187-206. ISBN 9781760465346 Harrison, David H. and Pratt, Stephen (2019) Tourism and Poverty. In: A Research Agenda for Tourism and Development. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 109-124. ISBN 978-1788112406 Harrison, David H. and Pratt, Stephen (2013) Tourism in Pacific Island Countries. In: Contemporary Tourism Reviews. GoodFellow Publishers, UK, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-1-910158-05-0 Havea, Peni H. and Hemstock, Sarah L. and Jacot des Combes, Helene (2017) Preparing for Better Livelihoods, Health and Well-Being—A Key to Climate Change Adaptation. In: Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Countries: Fostering Resilience and Improving the Quality of Life. Climate Change Management . Springer International Publishing, Berlin, pp. 87-99. ISBN 978-3-319-50093-5 Ha’apio, Michael O. and Morrison, Keith and Gonzalez, Ricardo and Wairiu, Morgan and Holland, Elisabeth A. (2017) Limits and Barriers to Transformation: A Case Study of April Ridge Relocation Initiative, East Honiara, Solomon Islands. In: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Communities. Springer, Cham, pp. 455-470. ISBN 978-3-319-70702-0 Hulkenberg, Jara (2015) Fijian kinship: exchange and migration. In: Living Kinship in the Pacific. Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford, NA. ISBN 9781782385776 James, Kieran and Tanzil, Sheikh A. (2022) A Case Study on Fluid Post - Modern Neo - Tribes - of the West Perth Cheer Squad (Australian Rules Football) During 1984-1986. In: Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies. B P International, India, pp. 77-105. ISBN 978-93-5547-785-9 Jayaraman, Tiruvalangadu K. (2008) The role of fiscal policy in resilience building: experiences of Pacific Island countries. In: Small States and the Pillars of Economic Resilience. Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta and London: Commonwealth Secretariat, Malta, pp. 95-118. ISBN 9990949247, 9789990949247 Jayaraman, Tiruvalangadu K. and Choong, C.K. (2008) Twin deficits in Pacific Island countries: a case of Vanuatu. In: Small Economies and Global Economics. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, pp. 401-420. ISBN 1604564776 9781604564778 Kanemasu, Yoko (2015) Fiji Tourism half a century on: tracing the trajectory of local responses. In: Tourism in Pacific Islands: Current Issues and Future Challenges. Routledge, New York, pp. 63-84. ISBN 978-1138775350 Kanemasu, Yoko and Dutt, Atele (2022) Postcoloniality, Gender and Sport: A Snapshot of the Literature and Insights from Fiji. In: The Routledge Handbook of Gender Politics in Sport and Physical Activity. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003093862 Kanemasu, Yoko and Johnson, James D. and Dutt, Atele (2021) Case Study from the South Pacific: Women’s Sport Participation in Fiji: through a Lens of Structural Inequality. In: Physical Activity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367362232 Kanemasu, Yoko and Johnson, James D. and Molnar, G. (2018) Fiji's Women Rugby Players: Finding Motivation in a ‘Hostile’ Environment. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge, London, pp. 141-158. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0 Kanemasu, Yoko and Chan-Tung, Asenati (2023) Weaving “Culture” and Political Advocacy in a Small Island Nation: Samoa Fa’afafine Association and Non - Heteronormative Samoans. In: Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781032377148 Kim, Myjolynne and Puas, Gonzaga and Halter, Nicholas (2023) Indigenous Youth Responses to Water and Waste Management in Kuchuwa, Federated States of Micronesia. In: Islands of Hope: Indigenous Resource Management in a Changing Pacific. Australian National University Press, Canberra, pp. 161-175. ISBN 9781760465612 Knijnik, Jorge and Balram, Rohini and Kanemasu, Yoko (2021) Who Owns the Ball? Gender (Dis)Order and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. In: Sport, Gender and Mega-Events. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, BD16, United Kingdom, pp. 149-162. ISBN 978-83982-937-6 Lagi, Rosiana and Armstrong, Derrick (2017) The integration of social and emotional learning and traditional knowledge approaches to learning and Education in the Pacific. In: Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore, pp. 253-271. ISBN 978-981-10-3393-3 Lambert, Louise and Pasha-Zaidi, Nausheen and Crookes, Annie E. (2019) Because a Citation and a Contribution are Not the Same: A Path for (Positive) Psychology Research. In: Positive Psychology in the Middle East/North Africa. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 183-205. ISBN 978-3-030-13920-9 Liki Chan Tung, Asenati (2013) Leading the March for Gender Equality? Women leaders in the Public Services of Samoa and Solomon Islands. In: Politics Development and Security in Oceania. ANU-E, Canberra, pp. 139-145. ISBN 9781922144867 or Liki Chan Tung, Asenati (2015) Women as Kin: Working lives, living work and mobility among Samoan Teine uli’. In: Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns: Home Thoughts Abroad. Otago University Press, New Zealand. ISBN 9781877578816 Liligeto, Samroy and Nakamura, Naohiro (2022) Farmers’ perceptions of climate hazards and coping mechanisms in Fiji. In: Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather Current to Future Changes on a Local to Global Scale. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 235-252. ISBN 9780323904209 Mapuru, Anica and Singh, Gurmeet and Narayan, Jashwini J. (2021) Consumer Protection and Market Regulations in Solomon Islands and Fiji, Comparative Analysis. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Marsden, Terry and Horlings, Ina and Kanemasu, Yoko (2012) Overcoming short - termism? Building sustainable eco - clusters in rural Devon. In: Sustainability and Short-term Policies: Improving Governance in Spatial Policy Interventions. Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 101-126. ISBN 9781409446774 Matadradra, Anawaite (2022) Minority Melanesians in Suva. In: Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji. Pacific Series . Australian National University Press, Canberra, pp. 385-398. ISBN 9781760465339 Mati, Jacob Mwathi (2016) Omnipresent yet invisible: A review of ‘African philanthropy’. In: Philanthropy in South Africa: Horizontality, Ubuntu and Social Justice. Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) Press, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 13-31. ISBN 978-01-7969-2567-1 Mati, Jacob Mwathi and Wu, Fengshi and Edwards, Bob and El Taraboulsi, Sherine N. and Smith, David Horton (2016) Social Movements and Activist-Protest Volunteering. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. Palgrave Macmillan UK, UK, pp. 516-538. ISBN 978-1-137-26316-2 McMaster, James C. (2008) Direct budget support versus project aid. In: Interdisciplinary Research for Development: A Workbook on Content and Process Challenges. Global Development Network, New Delhi, India, pp. 55-61. ISBN Electronic book Mehra, Srishity and Singh, Gurmeet (2021) Revolution Through Artificial Intelligence in Context to Financial Services. In: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Finance - Modern Trends. CRC, India, TBC. ISBN 9781771889681 Meo-Sewabu, Litea (2019) Global migration and resettlement: a case study on the Fijian experience. In: Pacific Social Work: Navigating Practice, Policy and Research. Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 184-194. ISBN 9781138501300 Meo-Sewabu, Litea (2014) Research ethics: an Indigenous Fijian perspective. In: Rethinking Anti-Discriminatory and Anti-Oppressive Theories for Social Work Practice. Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 108-126. ISBN 978-1-137-02397-1 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2020) Fijian-Indian diaspora: emergence, engagement and identity in the transnational world. In: Shifting Transnational Bonding in Indian Diaspora. Routledge, London & New York, pp. 179-196. ISBN 9781138346840 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2019) Globalization and Cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature, Switzerland, NA. ISBN 978-3-319-71061-7 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2020) Human Development and Sustainability. In: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-319-69625-6 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2012) Minimising the environmental damage from climate change via green development. In: Development Management in the Twenty First Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, USA, pp. 171-188. ISBN 9781621006992 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2020) Sustainable urban planning and making sustainable cities. In: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-319-71061-7 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2008) UN millennium development goals and poverty alleviation in South Asia. In: SAARC: Socio-Economic Transformation. Foundation for Peace and Sustainable Development, New Delhi, India, pp. 105-124. ISBN 8190382314 Mohanty, Manoranjan (2010) Urbanisation, climate change and environmental sustainability in SAARC: future challenges. In: SAARC: Emerging Challenges. Foundation for Peace and Sustainable Development, New Delhi, India, pp. 307-324. ISBN 8190382322 Molnar, Gyozo and Amin, Sara N. and Kanemasu, Yoko (2018) Introduction: Rest and the West – present absence of non-Western research. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society, 1st Edition . Routledge, Oxon, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0 Morgan, Wesley (2016) Negotiating powers: Contemporary Pacific trade diplomacy. In: The New Pacific Diplomacy. Australian National University Press, Australia, pp. 251-261. ISBN 9781925022810 Movono, Apisalome (2017) Conceptualizing destinations as a Vanua: An examination of the evolution and resilience of a Fijian social and ecological system. In: Tourism Resilience and Adaptation to Environmental Change. Routledge, London, TBC. ISBN 978-1138206793 Muliaina, Tolu A. (2022) Activism and development studies pedagogy. In: The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge, UK, pp. 605-616. ISBN 9781003017653 Márquez, Melissa C. and Boyle, Apryl and Brown, Kelly T. and Elcock, Jaida N. and Kitolelei, Salanieta (2023) Public perceptions of sharks. In: Minorities in Shark Sciences: Diverse Voices in Shark Research. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. ISBN 978-032-19696-1 Naidu, Suwastika (2021) Fiji’s Intraregional Trade Outcomes. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika (2018) New Public Management,Corruption, Information Computer Technology, and Budget Deficit: Fiji, Jamaica,and Mauritius. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Switzerland, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika and Chand, Anand and Dayal, Maureen and Pandaram, Atishwar and Lako, Jone (2020) Public administration during the Indenture System. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika and Kumar, Sunil and Pandaram, Atishwar and Lako, Jone and Devi, Sahlni (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on the Tourism Industry of Fiji, Solomon Islands, and Samoa. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika and Naicker, Yashnita (2020) Welfare Effects, Government Policies, and Deadweight Loss. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika and Pandaram, Atishwar (2018) Seaweed Farming in the Solomon Islands. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Switzerland, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Naidu, Suwastika and Patel, Arvind and Pandaram, Atishwar and Chand, Anand (2021) Global Supply Chain Disruptions During COVID-19 Health Crisis. In: Responsible Consumption and Production. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature, Switzerland Cham, TBC. ISBN 978-3319957258 Naidu, Suwastika and Patel, Arvind and Pandaram, Atishwar and Chand, Anand (2020) Student learning experience and student retention strategies: a transformative approach to quality education. In: Quality Education. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-69902-8 Naidu, Suwastika and Pathak, Raghuvar D. and Chand, Anand (2013) Towards a model of optimum output human resource bundles and firm performance in the Pacific Island developing states. In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management: A Diversity Perspective. Edward Elgar , UK. ISBN 978-1848447936 Naidu, Vijay (2000) Democracy & Governance in the South Pacific: In Citizenship, Community and Democracy. In: Citizenship, Community and Democracy. St.Martin's Press Inc, New York. ISBN 0-333-73487-4 Naidu, Vijay (2006) Development Assistance Challenges: In Pacific Futures. In: Pacific Futures. Pandanus Books 2006, Wellington. ISBN 174076 1871 Naidu, Vijay (1990) The Development of Class Analysis in the South Pacific. In: Labour in the South Pacific. James Cook University of Northern Queensland, Townsville. ISBN 0864333824 Naidu, Vijay (1997) Ethnic aspects of education in Fiji. In: Fiji in Transition. University of the South Pacific, Suva. ISBN 982-01-0333-9 Naidu, Vijay (2003) Modernisation and Development in the South Pacific. In: Passage of Change. Pandanus Books , Canberra, pp. 5-31. ISBN 1740760255 Naidu, Vijay (2008) Social Consequences of coups in Fiji. In: 1987: Fiji Twenty Years on. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Lautoka, pp. 155-171. ISBN 978-982-301-034-2 Naidu, Vijay (2006) The State of the State in Fiji:Some failings in the periphery. In: Globalisation and Governance in the Pacific Islands. ANU E Press, Canberra. ISBN 1920942971 Naidu, Vijay (2005) Underdevelopment and Conflict. In: Securing a peaceful Pacific. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. ISBN 1877257370 Naidu, Vijay and Wood, Terence (2009) Gender Security and Trade: The Millennium Development Goals in the Pacific. In: Development in an Insecure and Gendered World: The relevance of the Millennium Goals. Ashgate, Surrey, pp. 147-171. ISBN 9780754676911 Naidu, Suwastika and Patel, Arvind and Pandaram, Atishwar (2022) Policing Human Trafficking and Commercial Sex in Kiribati. In: Policing the Global South: Colonial Legacies, Pluralities, Partnerships, and Reform. Routledge, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781003126409 Nanau, Gordon (2014) Landownership, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. In: La Mélanésie Actualités et Etudes: Foncier et développement durable. L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 173-189. ISBN 978-2-343-03718-9 Nanau, Gordon (2015) Promoting research in a stubborn environment: the experiences of Solomon Islands, 1989 – 2009. In: Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns. Otago University Press, Otago, pp. 294-318. ISBN 9781877578816 Nanau, Gordon and Naidu, Vijay (2019) Governance of Primary Education in Pacific Island countries. In: Educating the People: Governance of Primary Education in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa and Solomon Islands, 2000-2013. USP Press, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-34. ISBN 978-982-01-0991-9 Naz, Rafia (2015) Challenges en-route towards e - governance in small developing island nations of the South Pacific: the case of Papua New Guinea. In: Trends, Prospects and Challenges in Asian E-Governance. IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA). ISBN 9781466695375 Neelta, Anuleshni (2019) Adoption in Fiji. In: The Plural Practice of Adoption in Pacific Island States. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 15-41. ISBN 978-3-319-95076-1 Nuttall, Peter and Veitayaki, Joeli (2015) Oceania is vast, Canoe is centre, Village is anchor, Continent is margin. In: Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources Management. Routledge Publications Ltd., Cardiff, pp. 560-572. ISBN 13: 978-0415531757 Prasad, Biman C. (2008) Fiji’s economic development. In: 1987: Fiji Twenty Years On. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Lautoka, Fiji, pp. 57-74. ISBN 9789823010342 Prasad, Biman C. (2008) Reporting on the economy: is there a Pacific perspective. In: Media and Development: Issues and Challenges in the Pacific Islands. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Suva, Fiji, pp. 149-160. ISBN 9789823010311 Prasad, Biman C. and Roy, K.C. (2007) Development experiences and challenges facing the Pacific Islands. In: Development Problems and Prospects in Pacific Islands States. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 281-286. ISBN 1600217931, 9781600217937 Prasad, Biman C. and Roy, K.C. (2007) Growth and development in the Pacific Islands: an overview of issues. In: Development Problems and Prospects in Pacific Islands States. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 1-7. ISBN 1600217931, 9781600217937 Prasad, Biman C. and Singh, Shailendra B. (2008) Development issues and challenges for the media in the Pacific. In: Media and Development: Issues and Challenges in the Pacific Islands. Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789823010311 Pratt, Stephen (2014) Determining what works, what doesn’t and why: evaluating tourism marketing campaigns. In: The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 209-220. ISBN 9780415597036 Pratt, Stephen (2013) Estimating tourism impacts using CGE models: A historical review and future developments. In: Handbook of Tourism Economics. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 471-492. ISBN 978-981-432707-07 Pratt, Stephen and Rika, Nacanieli J. and Sharma, Shavneet (2021) How a sports event can impact participants’ subjective well-being: The case of the Pacifi c Games – Samoa 2019. In: Events and Well-being. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780367491802 Pratt, Stephen and Suntikul, Wantanee (2021) Planning for Sustainable Tourism Development in Bhutan. In: Tourism Planning and Development in South Asia. CABI Regional Tourism Series . CABI, UK by Severn, Gloucester, pp. 84-98. ISBN 9781789246698 Quanchi, Alan M. (2012) It's our turn to give orders: Walkabout's View of a Nation in the Making. In: Living History and Evolving Democracy. UPNG Press, Port Moresby, pp. 110-116. ISBN 9980939702 Quanchi, Alan M. (2015) Thomas McMahon's Pacific Neighbours; An Early Australian Photojournalist. In: Shifting Focus: Colonial Australian Photography 1850-1920. Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 218-229. ISBN 978-0731408535 Ram-Bidesi, Vina (2013) Ocean Resources. In: The Pacific Islands: Environment and Society. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, pp. 364-378. ISBN 9780824835866 Ram-Bidesi, Vina (1995) Towards self-reliance and sustainability. A study on Women's fishing in the south Pacific. In: Regional Development and Cultural Transformation in the South Pacific. University of Nagoya, Japan, pp. 87-111. ISBN 578- 30-2702-969-5 Ramkumar, Neeta A. and Swann, Ofa and Tuvuki, Tima (2022) Psychology in Fiji: complexity and new horizons for the Isles of Smiles. In: Psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean. International and Cultural Psychology . Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 19-32. ISBN 978-3-030-87762-0 Ratuva, Sitiveni (2007) Fiji. In: Global Perspectives on the United States: A Nation by Nation Survey. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barington (MA), pp. 215-218. ISBN 1933782072, 9781933782072 Ratuva, Sitiveni (2007) The paradox of multiculturalism: ethno-political conflict in Fiji. In: Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resistance in Emerging States. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Colorado, pp. 197-224. ISBN 1588265307, 9781588265302 Ryle, Jacqueline (2021) Religious Freedom. In: Christianity in Oceania. Edinburgh University Press, UK, pp. 309-320. ISBN 9781474480079 Sahai, Shirleen and Tabe, Tammy and Ryle, Jacqueline (2021) Cyclone winston: catholic women's faith and agency in a coastal village in Fiji. In: Beyond Belief: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches to Climate-Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 117-137. ISBN 978-3-030-67601-8 Sakai, Sevanaia (2016) Native land policy in the 2014 elections. In: The People have Spoken: The 2014 General Elections In Fiji. ANU PRESS, Acton ACT, pp. 135-156. ISBN 9781760460013 Seniloli, Kesaia L. (1993) Fiji Projections. In: Pacific 2010 Challenging the future. NCDS, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Canberra, Australia. ISBN 0731516710 Sharma, Kanhaiya L. (2007) Food security in the South Pacific Island countries with special reference to the Fiji Islands. In: Food Insecurity, Vulnerability, and Human Rights Failure. United Nations University (UNU) - World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) Helsinki Finland and Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 35-57. ISBN 0230553575, 9780230553576 Sharma, Karishma and Gibson, Dawn and Bennion, Ella and Hoerder, Hupfeld (2021) Student Satisfaction with Hotel Management Internship in the multi - cultural context of the University of the South Pacific. In: Practical Learning in Hospitality Education. University of Queensland, St Lucia, Qld, Eastern, pp. 188-200. ISBN 978-1-74272-351-8 Sims, Kearrin and Banks, Nicola and Engel, Susan and Hodge, Paul and Makuwira, Jonathan and Nakamura, Naohiro and Rigg, Jonathan and Salamanca, Albert and Yeophantong, Pichamon (2022) Introduction. In: Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge, London, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9780367862022 Singh, Gurmeet and Slack, Neale J. (2023) Public sector reform in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In: Handbook of Public Administration Reform. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 15 Lansdown Road Cheltenham Glos GL50 2JA UK, pp. 330-350. ISBN 9781800376731 Singh, Gurmeet and Slack, Neale J. and Sharma, Shavneet (2021) Merit-Based Pay in the Public Sector: Unwillingness to Abandon the Concept. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Singh, Gurmeet and Slack, Neale J. and Sharma, Shavneet (2021) Politics – Administration Dichotomy: Insight from a Developing Country. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Slack, Neale J. and Sharma, Shavneet and Aiyub, Asheefa Shaheen and Singh, Gurmeet (2021) Working from home in the Australian public sector before, during and post-COVID-19. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Smith, David Horton and Never, Brent and Abu-Rumman , Samir and Afaq , Amer K. and Bethmann , Steffen and Gavelin , Karin and Heitman , Jan H. and Jaishi , Trishna and Kutty , Ambalika D. and Mati, Jacob Mwathi and Paturyan , Yevgenya J. and Petrov , Rumen and Pospíšilová , Tereza and Svedberg , Lars and Torpe , Lars (2016) Scope and Trends of Volunteering and Associations. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. Palgrave UK, UK, pp. 1241-1283. ISBN 978-1-137-26316-2 Stephenson, Marcus (2004) Tourism, Racism and the UK Afro-Caribbean Diaspora. In: Tourism, Diasporas and Space. Routledge, London, USA, Canada, pp. 62-77. ISBN 0–415–31124–1 Stephenson, Marcus and Ali, Nazia (2010) Tourism, Travel and Islamophobia: Post 9/11 Journeys of Muslims in Non-Muslim States. In: Tourism in the Muslim World. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 235-251. ISBN 978-1-84950-920-6 Tarte, Sandra (2021) Building a Strategic Partnership: Fiji–China Relations Since 2008. In: The China Alternative: Changing Regional Order in the Pacific Islands. Australian National University Press, Canberra, Australia, pp. 375-396. ISBN 9781760464165 Tarte, Sandra (2007) Managing tuna fisheries in the Pacific: a regional success story? In: Redefining the Pacific? Regionalism Past, Present and Future. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Aldershot, pp. 89-100. ISBN 0754646734, 9780754646730 Tarte, Sandra (2015) A New Pacific Regional Voice? The Pacific Islands Development Forum. In: The New Pacific Diplomacy. The Australian National University Press, Australia , pp. 79-88. ISBN 9781925022810 Taupo, Tauisi (2018) A Survey of Disaster Risk and Resilience in Small Island States. In: Climate Change and Global Warming. IntechOpen Limited, London, UK, TBC. ISBN DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80266 Theys, Sarina (2021) Crossing Borders, Traversing Cultures and Mediating Identities: A Reflection on Fieldwork Conducted in the Arab Gulf. In: Field Guide to Intercultural Research. Edward Elgar, UK, pp. 311-321. ISBN 9781788970112 Thomas, Frank R. (2019) Atoll Archaeology in the Pacific. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-319-51726-1 Thomas, Frank R. and Geraghty, Paul and Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth A. (2020) Lapita Archaeology in the Southwest Pacific. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer Nature, Cham, TBC. ISBN 978-3-319-51726-1 Trupp, Alexander (2009) Alle Menschen sind gleich, aber einige sind gleicher. Von asymmetrischen Beziehungen im Hilltribe-Tourismus Südostasiens. In: Ethnotourismus: Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? Mandelbaum, Austria , pp. 97-116. ISBN 3854763182 Trupp, Alexander (2018) Tourismus in Südostasien. Entwicklung und Trends. In: Südostasien. New Academic Press, Vienna, pp. 274-291. ISBN 978-3-7003-2084-5 Trupp, Claudia and Trupp, Alexander (2009) Zur Einführung: Ethnotourismus und die Konstruktion von Authentizität. In: Ethnotourismus: Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? Mandelbaum, Austria , pp. 7-20. ISBN 3854763182 Tulloch, Lynley (2019) Embedding education for sustainability (EfS) into Teacher Education in the South Pacific, challenges and opportunities. In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-981-13-1179-6 Tu’i’onetoa, Telusa and Gorman, Hilary and McMillan, Karen and Linhart, Christine (2023) Fofola e fala kae talanoa ‘a e kainga (roll out the mat so that the family can talk): Unplanned pregnancy and support for young women and girls in Tonga. In: Sex and Gender in the Pacific: Contemporary Perspectives on Sexuality, Gender and Health. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781003142072 Vaha, Milla (2022) Vägvisare inom den globala styrningen av kilmatflyktingar? Flyktingkrisen 2015 och följderna för Finlands och Sveriges utlänningslagstiftning gällande skydd på grund av miljökatastrof. In: Förvaltning och rättssäkerhet i Norden: Utveckling, utmaningar och framtidsutsikter. Appell, Stockholm, pp. 153-172. ISBN 978-951-583-567-3 Vaike, Linda and Salili, Diana Hinge and Wairiu, Morgan (2020) An Overview of the Information Presented in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management. Part of the Climate Change Management book series (CCM) . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 85-104. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9 Veitayaki, Joeli (2019) Breaking Fiji’s Coup Culture through Effective Rural Development. In: Understanding Oceania: Celebrating the University of the South Pacific and its collaboration with The Australian National University. Australian National University Press, Australia, pp. 287-310. ISBN 9781760462888 Vella, Louise and Maebuta, Jack (2018) Building National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace in the Solomon Islands: The Missing Link. In: Reconciliation in Conflict-Affected Communities: Practices and Insights from the Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore, pp. 57-74. ISBN 978-981-10-6798-3 Vosikata, Sunia (2024) Human Resource Planning Approaches and the Virtual Network. In: Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-31816-5 Walsh-Tapiata, Wheturangi and Simmons, Helen and Meo-Sewabu, Litea and Umugwaneza, Antoinette (2018) Powhiri: a safe space of cultural encounter to assist transnational social workers in the profession in Aotearoa, New Zealand. In: Transnational Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges of a global profession. University of Chicago Press, Great Britain, pp. 155-170. ISBN 9781447333364 Watson, Danielle and Kerrigan, Dylan (2018) Crime, criminality, and North - to - South criminological complexities: theoretical implications for policing ‘Hotspot’ communities in ‘Underdeveloped’ countries. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9783319650203 Watson, Danielle and Amin, Sara N. and Wendall, Wallace C. and Oluwagbenga, (Michael) A. and Ruiz-Vásquez, Juan C. (2022) Continuity and change in policing the Global South. In: Policing the Global South: Colonial Legacies, Pluralities, Partnerships, and Reform. Routledge, London, pp. 381-385. ISBN 978-0-367-64812-1 Book, Journal, Proceedings EditedAmin, Sara N. and Ganepola, Varuni and Dissanayake, L. (2016) Changing Nature of Forced Migration: Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities in South and Southeast Asia. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Amin, Sara N. and Watson, Danielle and Girard, Christian (2020) Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Benson, Clifford (2004) The GREEN Pay-Off: Sustainable Development = Economic Growth. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Besnier, Niko and Calabrò, Domenica G. and Guinness, Daniel (2020) Sport, Migration, and Gender in the Neoliberal Age. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Campbell, Ian C. (2007) Journal of Pacific Studies. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Carnegie, Paul J. and Naidu, Vijay and Tarte, Sandra (2020) Elections and the chain of democratic choice. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Karnik, A. and Stephenson, Marcus (2011) Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Molnar, G. and Kanemasu, Yoko (2014) Special Issue: Playing on the global periphery: Social scientific explorations of rugby in the Pacific Islands. Guest Editors: Gyozo Molnar and Yoko Kanemasu. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Molnar, Gyozo and Amin, Sara N. and Kanemasu, Yoko (2018) Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Monson, Rebecca and Foukona, Joseph D. and Fakaia, Mathew and Fitzpatrick, Daniel and Handmer, John and Mae, Paul and Maebuta, Jack and Maetala, Ruth (2014) The Frigate can Soar’: Local Governance and Adaptation to Climate - Induced Displacement in Solomon Islands. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Nanau, Gordon and Ruru, Donasiano K. and Naidu, Vijay and Liki Chan Tung, Asenati and Taoaba, Taakei (2019) Educating the People: Governance of Primary Education in Fiji. Kiribati, Samoa and Solomon Islands, 2000-2013. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Paris, Cody Morris and Stephenson, Marcus (2013) Special Issue on Emerging Perspectives and Topics in Tourism. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Patel, Arvind (2007) Incentives facing the accounting and auditing standards committee. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Prasad, Mohit (2007) Dreadlocks Interrupted 3. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Pratt, Stephen and Harrison, David H. (2015) Tourism in Pacific island countries-Current issues and future challenges. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Singh, Shailendra B. and Prasad, Biman C. (2008) Media and development: issues and challenges in the Pacific Islands. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Trupp, Alexander and Dolezal, C. (2013) Mobilities in South - East Asia. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Book Review or Scholarly CommentAmd, Micah (2018) Book review: Scientific method: How science works, fails to work and pretends to Work. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Amd , Micah (2015) Out with the old, in with the new . . . or so we should believe: A review of J. E. R. Staddon’s The New Behaviorism, 2nd Ed. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Amin, Sara N. (2013) Review of Ann R Tickamyer and Siti Kusujiarti, Power, Change and Gender Relations in Rural Java: A Tale of Two Villages, Ohio University Press: Athens, 2012; 246 pp.: ISBN 9780896802841. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Amin, Sara N. (2014) Review of One Family Under God: Immigration Politics and Progressive Religion in America, Yukich, G. 2013.Oxford University Press, UK, 304 pgs, ISBN: 9780199988679. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Carnegie, Paul (2005) Review of Baudrillard, J. (ed.), 2004.The Intelligence of Evil or tile Lucidity Pact. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Carnegie, Paul J. (2008) Review of Tomsa, D. (ed.), 2009. Party Politics and Democratization in Indonesia - Golkar in the Post - Suharto Era. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Carnegie, Paul J. (2003) Step across this line: collected non - fiction 1992 - 2000. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Crocombe, Ronald (2008) Review of A world of islands: an island studies reader. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Foukona, Joseph D. (2018) Political Review, Melanesia: Solomon Islands. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Foukona, Joseph D. (2013) RAMSI: impartiality and the Solomon Islands Police. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Foukona, Joseph D. (2015) Review of Looking Beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders’ Perspectives on Their Future (Review). [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Foukona, Joseph D. (2006) Review of Satish Chand (Ed.) Pacific Islands Regional Integration and Governance (2005). [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Kabutaulaka, Tarcisius and Byrant, Rebecca A. and Foukona, Joseph D. and Zwi, Anthony (2013) Conflict and 'Transition'. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Kanemasu, Yoko (2012) Review of Japanese women and sport: beyond baseball and sumo by Robin Kietlinski. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] (Unpublished) Kanemasu, Yoko (2013) Review of Kietlinski, R. (ed.), 2012. Japanese women and sport: beyond baseball and sumo. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Kant, Romitesh (2017) Review of Corbett, J. and Lal, B.J. (eds.), 2015. Political Life Writing in the Pacific: Reflections on the Pacific. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Koya, Cresantia F. (2021) Tapu: Is Anything Sacred Anymore? [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Naidu, Vijay (1983) The rape of the Pacific continues”, review of West Papua: the obliteration of a people. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Nanau, Gordon (2020) Pacific Islands’ Leadership Responses and Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Newland, Lynda (2000) Review of Ask, K. and Tjomsland, M. (eds.), 1998. Women and Islamisation: contemporary dimensions of discourse on gender relations. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Nishino, Ryota (2015) Review of Reading Colonial Japan: Text, Context, and Critique,. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Pratt, Stephen (2016) David Harrison: anthropologist, sociologist, and raconteur. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Pratt, Stephen (2009) The Economics of Tourism and Sustainable Development by Alessandro Lanza, Anil Markandya and Francesco Pigliaru (eds). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2005. No. of pages: 328. ISBN 1-84542-401-8. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Pratt, Stephen (2018) A Review of Agarwal, S. and Shaw, G. (eds.), 2018. "Heritage, Screen and Literary Tourism". [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] (Unpublished) Pratt, Stephen (2007) Review of Environmental Principles and Policies: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Sharon Beder, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2006, ISBN 0-86840-857-3 (PB) AUD$54.95. 304pp. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Pratt, Stephen (2017) Review of Baum, T. and Butler, R. (eds.), 2014. Tourism and cricket: travels to the boundary. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Pratt, Stephen (2020) A rejoinder to misleading articles about misleading media coverage: a case of COVID-19. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Quanchi, Alan M. (2012) Drua, the wave of fire. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Quanchi, Alan M. (2010) Review of Violence and Colonial Dialogue;the Australian Pacific Indentured Labour trade by Tracy Banivanua-Mar. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Ram-Bidesi, Vina (2007) Review of Linden. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Sahlins, Marshall and Tuimalealiifano, Morgan (2010) Review of Apologies to Thucydides, Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Singh, Shailendra B. (2017) Diary of a newsman. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Singh, Shailendra B. (2016) Review of "Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Human Rights in the Pacific, by David Robie. Auckland: Little Island Press. isbn 978-1-8774-8425-4; 363 pages". [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Stephenson, Marcus (2013) Review of 'Best Practice in Accessible Tourism: Inclusion, Disability, Ageing Population and Tourism’ by Dimitrios Buhalis, Simon Darcy and Ivor Ambrose (eds.), Channel View, Bristol'. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Stephenson, Marcus (2013) Review of Accessible Tourism and Issues by Dimitrios Buhalis and Simon Darchy (eds.), Channel View, Bristol. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Stephenson, Marcus (2006) A Review of Sex and Tourism: Journeys of Romance, Love, and Lust’ by T.G. Bauer and B. McKercher (eds.), Haworth Hospitality Press, London. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Stephenson, Marcus (1999) A review of Anthropological Perspectives on Local Development: Knowledge and Sentiments in Conflict’ by S. Abraham and J. Waldren (eds.). [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Tarte, Sandra (2009) A Japanese Joint Venture in the Pacific: foreign bodies in tinned Tuna. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Theys, Sarina (2019) Book Review: Frederic Charles Schaffer, Elucidating Social Science Concepts. An Interpretivist Guide. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Thomas, Frank R. (2015) A review of Kerstin J. S. Werle (2014). Landscape of peace: Mechanisms of social control on Lamotrek Atoll, Micronesia. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Titifanue, Jason (2019) Review of Cullen, R. & Hassall, G. (Eds.) (2017). Achieving sustainable e-government in Pacific Island States. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Tofinga, Mareko and Umar, Mohammed (2007) Traditional technologies in the Pacific. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Torre, Andreea (2016) Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns: Home thoughts Abroad, edited by Judith A. Bennett. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Trupp, Alexander (2017) Nachhaltiger Tourismus als Hoffnungsträger. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Trupp, Alexander and Movono, Apisalome and Beckles, Lynn (2017) Conference Review: Critical Tourism Studies – Asia Pacific, Yogyakarta,3 - 6 March 2018. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Watson, Danielle (2018) Review of Roycroft, M. (2017). Police Chiefs in the UK: Politicians, HR Managers or Cops?. Springer. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Collaborative ResearchBrimacombe , Tait and Kant, Romitesh and Finau, Glen and Tarai, Jope V. and Titifanue, Jason (2017) #Feminism: digital technologies and feminist activism in Fiji. [Collaborative Research] Gupta, Vikas (2023) Internally Funded Research Project Report On Examining The Antecedents of Luxury Yacht Patron’s Willingness to Pay A Price Premium In Fiji Islands. [Collaborative Research] (Unpublished) Matadradra, Anawaite and Naidu, Vijay (2014) The Namara (Tiri) squatter settlement in Labasa: An in-depth Study. [Collaborative Research] Naidu, Vijay and Matadradra, Anawaite and Sahib, Maria and Osborne, Josaia (2013) Fiji: the challenges and opportunities of diversity. [Collaborative Research] Conference ProceedingsAalbersberg, William G.L. (1999) Community-based bioprospecting as a tool for conservation. [Conference Proceedings] Calabrò, Domenica G. (2012) Encountering Indigenous Knowledge. 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