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Items where Subject is "HQ The family. Marriage. Woman"

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Amin, Sara N. (2018) "The right way for me to do things for me": Experiences of some Afghan women in entering and practicing karate. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 75-91. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0

Amin, Sara N. and Alizada, Nazifa (2020) Alternative Forms of Resistance: Afghan Women Negotiating for Change. Journal of International Women's Studies, 21 (6). pp. 361-378. ISSN 1539-8706

Amin, Sara N. and Trussler, Tanya and Johnson, James D. (2020) Mapping Gender Security-Insecurity in Fiji: Rape Myths and Sexual Prejudice. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific. Routledge, London , pp. 88-103. ISBN 9780367143923


Cangiano, Alessio and Impicciatore, R. (2015) Migrant entry channels and family - related migratory patterns in Europe: a theoretical and empirical investigation. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Chand, Anand (1995) The dark side of the family - problems facing the family in Fiji. UNSPECIFIED.

Chand, Rajni K. (2020) Under the Shadows of Girmit Era. In: Indentured and Post-Indentured Experiences of Women in the Indian Diaspora. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 139-152. ISBN 978-981-15-1176-9

Chattier, Priya (2013) Does schooling and work empower women in Fiji? Or have gender inequalities persisted and why? Global Change, Peace & Security, 25 (1). pp. 61-76. ISSN 1478-1158

Chattier, Priya (2010) E-discussion on women and poverty. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)

Chattier, Priya (2011) Measuring poverty and gender disparity: emerging findings from Fiji. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Crook, Tony and Boodoosingh, Ramona and Eriksen, Annelin and Farran, Susan and Hukula, Fiona and Kenema, Simon and Newland, Lynda and Penner, Angelina and Percival, Galumalemana and Rauchholz, Manuel and Roëll, Emilie and Schoeffel, Penelope and Tabe, Tammy (2016) Understanding gender inequality actions in the Pacific: ethnographic case - studies and policy options. [Professional and Technical Reports]


Dorovolomo, Jeremy (2020) Gender differences in recess play in five Fiji primary schools. In: Leadership, community partnerships and schools in the Pacific Islands: Implications for Quality Education. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 91-104. ISBN 978-981-15-6482-6

Dorovolomo, Jeremy and Fitoo, Billy and Maebuta, Jack and Miniti, Patrick and Nanau, Gordon (2019) Women and sports in Solomon Islands. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 188-199. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0


Fraenkel, Jonathan (2006) The impact of electoral systems on women’s representation in Pacific parliaments. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Fraenkel, Jonathan and Lauti, Alamanda R. (2006) Developing a more facilitating environment for women’s political representation in Nauru. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Fua, Seu'ula J. (2006) Tuvalu ‘Pacific stars’ youth survey on life skills and personal health. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)


Gibson, Dawn (2023) Post - COVID19: reflections of female academics and students - pandemic pedagogy and the need for compassion. In: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: At University and around-Pacific Womens’ Narratives from the Field. Pacific Theological College Press, Suva, Fiji, pp. 321-335. ISBN 978-982-101-614-8


Huffer, Elise B. (2006) A desk review of the factors which enable and constrain the advancement of women’s political representation in Forum Island countries. In: A Woman’s Place is in the House – the House of Parliament: Research to Advance Women’s Political Representation in Forum Island Countries, A Regional Study Presented in Five Reports. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-56. ISBN 9789822020106


Jafarey, Saqib and Maiti, Dibyendu S. (2015) Glass slippers and glass ceilings: An analysis of marital anticipation and female education. Journal of Development Economics, 115 . pp. 45-61. ISSN 0304-3878

Jansen, Henrica and Fua, Seu'ula J. and Blake, B. and 'Ilolahia, G.R. (2012) National study on domestic violence against women in Tonga. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)

Jowitt, Anita L. (1999) Women’s access to justice in Vanuatu. [Conference Proceedings]


Kaiser, Shahidulla and Amin, Sara N. and Ganepola, Varuni and Hussain, Faheem and Mostafa, Mashiat (2015) Men’s Perceptions of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Evidence from four South Asian Countries. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Kanemasu, Yoko and Johnson, James D. and Molnar, Gyozo (2019) Fiji’s women rugby players finding motivation in a ‘hostile’ environment. In: Women, Sport and Exercise in the Asia-Pacific Region: Domination, Resistance, Accommodation. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 141-158. ISBN 978-1-138-89572-0

Kanemasu, Yoko and Molnar, G. (2019) Against all odds: Fijiana’s flight from zero to hero in the Rugby World Cup. In: Rugby in Global Perspective: Playing on the Periphery. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367335397, 9780429320460

Kopf, Andreas and Fink, Michael and Weber, Eberhard (2020) Gender vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards: the case of Tropical Cyclone Winston, Fiji. In: Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture. Routledge Studies in Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429031816


Lane, Jan-Erik and Ersson, S. (2006) Gender and homosexuality as a major cultural cleavage. Swiss Political Science Review, 12 (2). pp. 37-66. ISSN 1420-3529

Leslie, Helen and Boso, Selina Z. (2003) Gender-related violence in the Solomon Islands: the work of local women's organisations. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 44 (3). pp. 325-333. ISSN 1360-7456

Liki Chan Tung, Asenati and Amosa, Desmond U. and Taua'a, T.S. (2013) Women in Samoa's civil service. Commonwealth Secretariat - Online.

Little, Vicki J. and Ping Ho, Helen H. and Eti-Tofinga, Buriata (2023) Not WEIRD at all! Towards More Pluralistic Economies and Sustainable Livelihoods. Journal of Macromarketing, 43 (2). NA. ISSN 0276-1467


Meo-Sewabu, Litea (2016) Na Marama iTaukei Kei Na Vanua: culturally embedded agency of Indigenous Fijian women - opportunities and constraints. New Zealand Sociology, 31 (2). pp. 96-122. ISSN 0112-921X

Mishra, Margaret C. (2012) Between women: indenture, morality and health. Australian Humanities Review, 52 . pp. 57-70. ISSN 1325-8338

Mishra, Margaret C. (2012) A history of Fijian women’s activism (1900-2010). Journal of Women’s History, 24 (2). pp. 115-143. ISSN 1042-7961

Moran, K. and Slatter, Claire (1984) A bibliography: women's roles in South Pacific agriculture. Institute of Culture and Communication, Honolulu, Hawaii.


Naidu, Suwastika and Pandaram, Atishwar and Chand, Anand and Dayal, Maureen (2019) People’s perceptions of the role of education on sexual behaviour of youths in Fiji. Sexuality & Culture, N/A . pp. 1-20. ISSN 1095-5143

Naz, Rafia (2014) Sex education in Fiji. Sexuality and Culture, 18 (3). pp. 664-687. ISSN 1095-5143

Newland, Lynda (2008) Female circumcision: Muslim identities and zero tolerance policies in rural West Java. In: The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns, and Possibilities (Second Edition). Pine Forge Press, United States. ISBN 9781412951463

Newland, Lynda (2006) Female circumcision: Muslim identities and zero tolerance policies in rural West Java. Islam, Gender and Human Rights, Women's Studies International Forum, 29 (4). pp. 394-404. ISSN 0277-5395

Newland, Lynda (2002) Of Paraji and Bidan: hierarchies of knowledge among Sundanese midwives. In: Daughters of Hariti: Childbirth and Female Healers in South and Southeast Asia. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 256-278. ISBN 0415277922, 9780415277921

Newland, Lynda (2000) Review of Ask, K. and Tjomsland, M. (eds.), 1998. Women and Islamisation: contemporary dimensions of discourse on gender relations. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Newland, Lynda (2001) The deployment of the prosperous family: family planning in West Java. National Women’s Study Association (NWSA) Journal, 13 (3). pp. 22-48. ISSN 1040-0656

Nicholl, Rae (2007) Broken promises: women and the 2006 Fiji election. In: From Election to Coup in Fiji: The 2006 Campaign and its Aftermath. Institute of Pacific Studies Publications, the University of the South Pacific and Asia Pacific Press, Suva, Fiji and Canberra, Australia, pp. 160-173. ISBN 0731538129, 9780731538126

Nicholl, Rae (2008) Gender mainstreaming feasibility study: institutional strengthening of USP and capacity building of USP graduates for gender - responsive governance in the Pacific Island governments. [Professional and Technical Reports]


Parker, David W. and Downie, G. and Lewis, D. (2019) Hold the Gold Watch for now: delayed retirements. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Patel, Arvind and Rani, Prena (2013) A gender quota: should we have a gender quota for corporate boards in the Pacific. The Fiji Accountant, N/A . pp. 16-17. ISSN 1728-9378

Pene, Frances (2006) Women, agents of change in leadership: FAWG 8th triennial workshop report. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)

Pene, Frances (2006) The physical and emotional punishment of children in Fiji: a research report. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Prasad, Biman C. and Lata, Nalini N. (2008) Institutions and gender empowerment in the Fiji Islands. In: Institutions and Gender Empowerment in the Global Economy: Developing Countries. World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 223-240. ISBN Print 9789812709967 Online 9789812798084


Ram-Bidesi, Vina (2013) Improving fisheries management through empowering women in small island fishing communities. UNSPECIFIED.

Ravuvu, Asesela (1997) Family, Women and Culture. UNSPECIFIED.

Richmond, R.L. and Lee, W.H. and Lin, S. and Obol, J.H. and Akera, P. and Menezes, G. and Hyslop, F. and Awor, A. and Sevenska, M.S. and Ojara, P. and Melik, A.G. and Oceng, D. and Acaye, L. and Ayero, P. and Ayeerwot, R. and Dandgaval, R. and Bence, E. and Black, E. and Clarke, S. and Fry, H. and Worth, Heather (2023) Comparing factors associated with intimate partner violence among rural and urban women in Northern Uganda. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38 (5-6). pp. 5139-5163. ISSN 0886-2605


Sarwal, Amit (2018) Ghar. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit (2016) I am Nakusa, India’s unwanted girl child. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit (2015) Labels and Locations: Gender, Family, Class and Caste – The Short Narratives of South Asian Diaspora in Australia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781443871983

Sarwal, Amit (2018) “Mera Ansh”. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit (2018) “Puraane Aashiq”. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit (2018) Sabhya Ladki. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit (2018) “Sharad ke Ped”. [Creative Works]

Sarwal, Amit and Kishore, V. and Patra, P. (2016) Salaam Bollywood: Introduction. In: Salaam Bollywood: Representations and Interpretations. Routledge, New York, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9781138220133

Seniloli, Kesaia L. (2002) Reproductive Health Knowledge and Services in Samoa. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Seniloli, Kesaia L. (2002) Reproductive health knowledge and services in the Cook Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Seniloli, Kesaia L. (2002) Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents in Samoa. UNFPA Research Papers in Population and Reproductive Health in the Pacific (2). United Nations Population Fund: Populations Studies Programme, School of Social and Economic Development, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 1-55. ISBN 9825200030, 9789825200031

Seniloli, Kesaia L. (2003) Sexual knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in Kiribati. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Seniloli, Kesaia L. (2002) Sexual knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in the Cook Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Sims, Kearrin and Banks, Nicola and Engel, Susan and Hodge, Paul and Makuwira, Jonathan and Nakamura, Naohiro and Rigg, Jonathan and Salamanca, Albert and Yeophantong, Pichamon (2022) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Singh, Baljeet (2013) The impact of lending to women on women's empowerment: a case study of Fiji. UNSPECIFIED.

Singh, Gurmeet and Belwal, R. (2008) Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Ethiopia: evaluating the role, prospects and problems faced by women in this emergent sector. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23 (2). pp. 120-136. ISSN 1754-2413

Singh, Ranjila D. and Hemstock, Sarah L. (2013) Economics of Households in Pacific Island Countries: A Case Study of Vanuatu and Tuvalu. Theoretical Economics Letters, 3 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 2162-2078

Slatter, Claire (2012) Gender and custom in the South Pacific. Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence, 13/14 . pp. 89-111. ISSN 1174-4243

Slatter, Claire (1976) Women together: a report of the Third National Convention of the YWCA of Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Slatter, Claire (1984) Women's roles in South Pacific agriculture : traditional, transitional and modern roles of women with specific focus on Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Western Samoa and Tonga. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Slatter, Claire (1984) Women's roles in South Pacific agriculture: a preliminary examination of roles, resources and future needs. Institute of Culture and Communication, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Slatter, Claire and Lal, P.N. (1982) The integration of women in fisheries development in Fiji: report of an ESCAP/FAO initiated project on improving the socio-economic condition of women in fisherfolk communities. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Slatter, Claire and Moran, K. (1984) Women’s roles in South Pacific agriculture: a bibliography. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Stevenson, Karen M. (2011) Pacific women: challenging the boundaries of tradition. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Sugden, Jack and Kanemasu, Yoko and Adair, Daryl (2019) Indo - Fijian women and sportive activity: a critical race feminism approach. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, NA . pp. 1-21. ISSN 1012-6902

Sveinbjornsdottir, S. and Thorsteinsson, E.B. and Lingam, Govinda I. (2017) Model fit and comparisons for the measure of adolescent coping strategies (MACS): Fiji, Iceland, and Australia. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 11 . NA. ISSN NA


Tarai, Jope V. and Brimacombe, Tait and Titifanue, Jason and Finau, Glen and Kant, Romitesh (2018) Digital feminism in Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Taylor, Charlotte A. (2016) Domestic violence and its prevalence in small island developing states - South Pacific region. Pacific Journal of Reproductive Health, 1 (3). pp. 119-127. ISSN 2423-0820

Tiko, Lavinia (2013) Enabling policy environment for holistic ECD: a case of Fiji. [Conference Proceedings]

Tiko, Lavinia (2013) Understanding indigenous Fijian notions of child development within global influences: some views from the literature. Micronesian Educator, 18 . pp. 120-139. ISSN 1061-088X

Trupp, Alexander and Matatolu, Ilisapeci and Movono, Apisalome (2021) Gender and Benefit Sharing in Indigenous Tourism Microenterpreneurship. In: Tourism Microentrepreneurship Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice. Tourism Microentrepreneurship, 12 . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 51-63. ISBN 978-1-83867-464-9, eISBN: 978-1-83867-463-2


Walsh-Tapiata, Wheturangi and Simmons, Helen and Meo-Sewabu, Litea and Umugwaneza, Antoinette (2018) Powhiri: a safe space of cultural encounter to assist transnational social workers in the profession in Aotearoa, New Zealand. In: Transnational Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges of a global profession. University of Chicago Press, Great Britain, pp. 155-170. ISBN 9781447333364

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