USP Electronic Research Repository

Items where Subject is "LB2300 Higher Education"

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Number of items at this level: 148.

Marat, Deepa and Evangelia, Papoutsaki and Savae, Latu and Linda, Aumua and Malia , Talakai and Kang, Sun Akoaga: efficacy, agency, achievement and success in the tertiary sector focus on students and parents from pasifika communities. Unitec ePress, New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-20492-1


Aiyub, Asheefa Shaheen and Singh, Gurmeet and Sharma, Shavneet (2017) Factors facilitating effective university - industry collaboration in the South Pacific region. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 14 (10). pp. 53-64. ISSN 1550-6908


Bhartu, Deepak and Naidu , Som (2019) A Different Kind of MOOC Architecture for Emerging Economies in Oceania and the Pacific. In: MOOCs and Open Education in the Global South Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities. Routledge, NY, TBC. ISBN 10: 1138807419

Bibi, Rehana and Singh, Madhukar and Prasad, Rajendra and Raturi, Shikha (2021) Plagiarism in Higher Education and Learning Technologies. In: Learning Technologies and Higher Education: A Pacific Perspective. USP Press, Suva, Fiji, pp. 118-137. ISBN 978-982-01-1001-4

Blair, Erik and Watson, Danielle and Raturi, Shikha (2020) Final Reflection. In: Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World: Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices. Routledge, United Kingdom, TBC. ISBN 9780367243968

Blair, Erik and Watson, Danielle and Raturi, Shikha (2020) Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World: Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Blair, Erik and Watson, Danielle and Raturi, Shikha (2020) Introduction:Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World. In: Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World. Routledge, United Kingdom, TBC. ISBN 9780367243968

Brown, S. J and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Wakeling, L and Naiker , M and Chandra, Shaneel and Gopalan, Romila D. and Bilimoria, Veena (2014) Quantifying attitude to chemistry in students at the University of the South Pacific. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15 . pp. 184-191. ISSN 1756-1108

Burnett, Gregory and Raturi, Shikha (2020) Acknowledging the graduate student research experience: Lessons for supervisors from the auto-ethnographic writing of thesis acknowledgements and dedications pages. In: Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World: Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices. Routledge, United Kingdom, TBC. ISBN 9780367243968


Chand, Aneesh A. and Lal, Prashant P. and Chand, Krishneel K. (2021) Remote learning and online teaching in Fiji during COVID-19: the challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Surgery, 92 . NA. ISSN 1743-9191

Chand, Rajni K. (2011) English use among South Pacific islanders at the University of the South Pacific. Staff and Educational Development International, 15 (2). pp. 73-90. ISSN 0971-9008

Chand, Rajni K. (2008) Listening needs of distance learners: a case study of EAP learners at the University of the South Pacific. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Chandra, Shaneel (2012) Conquering the oceanic divide: 12 centers one link – ICT. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Chandra, Shaneel and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2018) Near, Far, Wherever You Are: Chemistry via Distance in the South Seas. American Journal of Distance Education, - . pp. 1-16. ISSN 0892-3647

Collie, Rebecca J. and Martin, Andrew J. and Bottrell, Dorothy and Armstrong, Derrick and Ungar, Michael and Liebenberg, Linda (2016) Social support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy: a person-centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, TBC . pp. 1-15. ISSN 0144-3410

Collie, Rebecca J. and Martin, Andrew J. and Bottrell, Dorothy and Armstrong, Derrick and Ungar, Michael and Liebenberg, Linda (2017) Social support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy: a person-centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 37 (5). pp. 550-564. ISSN 0144-3410


Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (1995) Factors contributing to academic under - achievement of first year ethnic Fijian students in science courses at the university of the south pacific. UNSPECIFIED.

Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (2007) Highlights and achievement of ‘PACE’ ( partners in the advancement of children education ): lesson for the Pacific. UNSPECIFIED.

Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (2014) Making education more functional for communities in Fiji: the case of the partners in the advancement of children's education programme. In: Higher Education and Community Engagement in the Pacific: Development and policy issues. The University of the South Pacific Press, USP Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji, pp. 93-115. ISBN 9789820109087

Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. and Lingam, Govinda I. (2014) Higher education and community engagement in the Pacific: development and policy issues. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Dorovolomo, Jeremy and Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (2020) The importance of co - authorship and disciplined research. In: Leadership, community partnerships and schools in the Pacific Islands: Implications for Quality Education. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 119-125. ISBN 978-981-15-6482-6

Dorovolomo, Jeremy and Rafiq, Loriza Z. (2024) Academics’ opinions of what would enhance the student experience at university. Micronesian Educator, 34 . pp. 34-50. ISSN 1061-088X

Dorovolomo, Jeremy and Rore, Alice and Waqairatu, Salote and Kuma, Clayton and Maebuta, Jack (2017) Informal conversations of students at a Pacific Islands university: A study of the nature of shared information and knowledge construction. [Conference Proceedings]

Duncan, Ronald C. and McMaster, James C. (2008) The role of USPNet in capacity development in the South Pacific region. Capacity Development Series, 6 . Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines. ISBN 9715617042, 9789715617048


Fa'avae, David (2019) Tatala 'a e koloa 'o e to'utangata Tonga i Aotearoa mo Tonga: a way to disrupt and decolonise doctoral research. MAI Journal, 8 (1). pp. 3-15. ISSN 2230-6862

Fa'avae, David and Jones, A. and Manu'atu, L. (2016) Talanoa'i 'a e talanoa - talking about talanoa: some dilemmas of a novice researcher. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 12 (2). pp. 138-150. ISSN 1177-1801

Finau, Glen and Samuwai, Jale and Kumar, Rashika S. and Devi, Joycelyn S. (2013) Turn-it-in: Turning off human judgement in detecting student plagiarism. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Blooming your lesson : EDG11 professional standards II. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Constructivism and connectivism: EDG14 developing learning resources II - Graduate Certificate in Teaching. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Constructivism: shifting the focus from product to process. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Dale's cone of experience: EDG14 developing learning resources II. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) EDT24: Student's guide. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) ICTs and the teacher for Tonga. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Lesson closure: EDG11 professional standards II. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Lesson plan format : EDG11 professional standards II. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Making a screen-shot: EDG14 developing learning resources II. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Professional standards: inductive versus deductive teaching. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) School experience: a guide to advisors. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Social bookmarking and learning resources: EDG14 developing learning resources II. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Traditional and constructivist learning theories. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Twitter in learning: EDG14 developing learning resources. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) URL shorteners: EDG14 developing learning resources. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Visual-aids in the classroom. UNSPECIFIED.

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) Your students' prior knowledge: where to begin teaching. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) The context of teaching: EDG11 professional standards. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) The heart of a lesson: EDG11 professional standards II. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Foliaki, Vilimaka (2012) The teacher (for Tonga): EDG11 professional standards. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Fonolahi, Aluwesi V and Khan, Mohammad G.M. and Jokhan, Anjeela D. (2014) Are students studying in the online mode faring as well as students studying in the face - to - face mode? Has equivalence in learning been achieved? Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10 (4). pp. 598-609. ISSN 1558-9528

Fowles, Jinnet B. (2012) Continuing research training: MEWAC tracer study TIOE & TIHE final report. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)

Fua, Seu'ula J. (2015) Polynesia: in search of quality education. In: Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Education Around the World . Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK. ISBN 9781623567859

Fua, Seu'ula J. and Crossley, Michael W. (2022) Higher education in the Island States of Oceania. In: International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer Nature, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-16-2327-1


Halter, Nicholas (2020) Teaching and Technology at the University of the South Pacific. Journal of Pacific History, 55 . pp. 1-11. ISSN 0022-3344

Havea, Peni H. and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Tamani, Apenisa and Siga, Amelia and Jacot des Combes, Helene and Hemstock, Sarah L. and Luetz, Johannes (2020) Resilience in Education: an example from Primary School in Fiji and Technical Vocational Education and Training. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 197-212. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9

Hayward, Matthew C. (2018) Anonmyised contribution to Chapter 4, 'Relinquishing Sole Proprietary'. Routledge, New York.

Holland, Elisabeth A. and Chand, Sarika and Morrison, Keith and Whiteside, Andra and Gagaeolo, Fetalai and Kensen, Matthew and Giblin, Judith B. and Falenga, Kilateli E. (2014) Reflecting on climate change education at the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development. In: Intergenerational learning and transformative leadership for sustainable futures. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp. 285-292. ISBN 978-90-8686-252-8

Hyndman, Brendon and Mahony, Linda and Te Ava, Aue and Smith, Sue and Nutton, Georgie (2017) Complementing the Australian primary school Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum: exploring children's HPE learning experiences within varying school ground equipment contexts. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 45 (5). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0300-4279


Jokhan, Anjeela D. and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Singh, Shaveen (2018) Early warning system as a predictor for student performance in higher education blended courses. Studies in Higher Education . pp. 1-12. ISSN 0307-5079

Jowitt, Anita L. (2015) 300 level law students' self - assessment of skills. UNSPECIFIED.

Jowitt, Anita L. (2016) Advancing better government through teaching students practical policy engagement. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Jowitt, Anita L. (2015) Building interactivity in a moodle course: Case study of LW 110, semester 1 2015. USP School of Law .

Jowitt, Anita L. (2016) The Guy Powles Minimum Standards Framework. Journal of South Pacific Law, 2016 (1). pp. 132-146. ISSN 1684-5307


Karunanayaka, S.P. and Naidu , Som (2020) Teachers as Designers: At the Confluence of Technology, Pedagogy and OER. In: Essays in Online Education: A Global Perspective. Unisa Press, South Africa, pp. 33-46. ISBN 978-1776150519

Khan, Gavin J. and Naseem, Mohammed and Nair, Sunaina and Chand, Sarvesh and Nusair, Salsabil A. and Reddy, Emmenual and Kumar, Bijeta and Lal, Goel (2020) Is Gender Associated with Proactivity: An Investigation in Higher Education. [Conference Proceedings]

Koya, Cresantia F. (2012) The Postgraduate experience as Liminal Space | Pedagogical reflections on the application of Assessment for Learning in Education courses at USP. UNSPECIFIED.

Koya, Cresantia F. (2017) Rethinking Research as Relational Space in the Pacific Pedagogy and Praxis. In: Relational Hermeneutics: Decolonisation and the Pacific Itulagi. USP and The Pacific Theological College, Suva, pp. 65-84. ISBN 978-982-01-0967-4

Koya, Cresantia F. (2016) Straight Talk | Crooked Thinking: Reflections on Transforming Pacific Learning and Teaching, Teachers and Teacher Education for the 21st Century. In: Weaving theory and practice in Oceania: Threads for Pacific education practitioners. Institute of Education, USP, Tonga, 19 -42. ISBN 978-982-9173-09-6

Koya, Cresantia F. (2018) Sustainability and resilience: can education deliver? Thematic Issues Paper. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Koya, Cresantia F. (2014) Transforming Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education in the Pacific. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Koya, Cresantia F. (2007) Transforming the fale: From the ‘known’ to the ‘new’ of pre-service teacher education in the Pacific. In: Pacific Voices: Teacher Education on the Move. Pride Project, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 84-94. ISBN 9789820108103

Koya, Cresantia F. (2005) Why and to what extent do students plagiarize? An exploratory study of perceptions of plagiarism and cheating at USP. [Collaborative Research]

Koya, Cresantia F. (2013) The postgraduate experience as liminal space. [Collaborative Research] (Unpublished)

Kumar, Bijeta and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2016) Development of an Online Orientation Tool for First Year Science Students: Transitioning for Success. [Conference Proceedings]

Kumar, Bijeta and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2015) Success of At-Risk Students through Adaptive Interventions in First Year University Courses in Pacific Region. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Bijeta and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2016) Success of the First Year At-Risk Students in University Mathematics Courses through Adaptive Interventions. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Kumar, Bijeta and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Sharma, Atish (2015) FSTE Refresher and Induction Programme. [Conference Proceedings]

Kumar, D. and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Jokhan, Anjeela D. (2011) M - learning: a new technological tool in higher education. UNSPECIFIED.

Kumar, Krishan and Raghuwaiya, Krishna and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (2020) Factors that influence academics' intention to use mobile-based assessment in Higher Education in South Pacific. [Conference Proceedings]

Kumar, Krishan and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Nusair, Salsabil A. and Khan, Gavin J. (2019) Anonymous online peer assessment in an undergraduate course: An analysis of Students’ perceptions and attitudes in the South Pacific. [Conference Proceedings]

Kumar, Ramitesh and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Jokhan, Anjeela D. (2015) The Online Mathematics Diagnostic Test at USP: A Tool to Identify Numeracy Gap. [Conference Proceedings]


Lal, Sangita (2013) Providing opportunities for equality: Pacific islands students’ experiences and perception on the use of ICT and e - learning. UNSPECIFIED.

Lane, Jan-Erik (2007) Scientific neutrality and objectivity 100 years after Weber: still relevant in the era of big science? In: Towards Cartography of Higher Education Policy Change: A Festschrift in Honour of Guy Neave. Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, Enschede, Netherlands, pp. 339-346. ISBN 9789036525305

Latu, Savae (2010) Information systems analysis: what should we teach our students? [Conference Proceedings]


Muliaina, Tolu A. (2022) Activism and development studies pedagogy. In: The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge, UK, pp. 605-616. ISBN 9781003017653


Nabobo-Baba, Unaisi and Lingam, Govinda I. and Dakuidreketi, Mesake R. (2014) Rethinking e - education: a challenge for the regional university, the University of the South Pacific. In: Higher Education and Community Engagement in the Pacific: Development and policy issues. The University of the South Pacific Press, USP Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji, pp. 174-191. ISBN 9789820109087

Naidu, Som (2019) The idea of open education. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Naidu, Vijay and Mohanty, Manoranjan and Sudhakar, A. (2014) Higher education and development: the disconnect between community aspirations and national development. In: Higher Education and Community Engagement in the Pacific: Development and policy issues. USP Press, Suva, Fiji, pp. 129-146. ISBN 9789820109087

Naidu , Som (2018) Australia - Commentary. In: Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas. Springer Briefs in Education . Springer, Canada, pp. 25-27. ISBN 978-981-13-0297-8

Naidu , Som (2019) Forty years of pushing the boundaries of education. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Naidu , Som (2018) Recalibrating existing choreographies for open and flexible learning. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Naidu, Som (2018) To interact or not to interact is NOT the question! [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Naidu , Som (2019) The changing narratives of open, flexible and online learning. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Nand, Ravneil and Reddy, Emmenual and Chaudhary, Kaylash C. and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2024) Preference based stepping ahead firefly algorithm for solving real - world uncapacitated examination timetabling problem. IEEE Access, 12 . pp. 24685-24699. ISSN 2169-3536

Narayan, Jashwini J. and Sharma, Shavneet (2017) Mobile learning for Higher Education: a South Pacific perspective. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 1 (4). pp. 39-55. ISSN 1550-6908

Narayan, Swasti S. and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2015) Challenges Encountered by a Cohort of Non-traditional Science Students in an Accelerated Degree Programme. UNSPECIFIED.


Patel, Arvind and Kumar, Ronald R. (2018) Mode of delivery and students' academic performance: Evidence from a higher education institution in developing Oceania. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 15 (2). pp. 43-57. ISSN 1550-6908

Prakash, Kusum Lata (2015) Teacher Training at The University of the South Pacific. Journal of Education and Social Policy, 2 (3). pp. 76-79. ISSN 2375-0782

Prasad, Deepak and Totaram, Rajneel and Usagawa, Tsuyoshi (2016) Progressing Towards Open Textbooks Learning Analytics System. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 4 (3). pp. 56-60. ISSN 2051-9788

Prasad, Deepak and Usagawa, Tsuyoshi (2015) Towards development of OER derived custom-built open textbooks A baseline survey of university teachers at the University of the South Pacific. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15 (4). pp. 226-247. ISSN 1492-3831


Raturi, Shikha and Chandra, Subhash (2016) Learners and instructors’ digital status and satisfaction with learning environments in higher education. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 13 (5). pp. 31-51. ISSN 1550-6908

Raturi, Shikha and Gibson, Dawn and Thomas, Frank R. and Raturi, Atul K. (2020) Navigating research trajectories with supervisees in the Pacific Islands. In: Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World: Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices. Routledge, United Kingdom, TBC. ISBN 9780367243968

Raturi, Shikha (2021) Learning Technologies and Higher Education: A Pacific Perspective. USP Press, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 978-982-01-1001-4

Reddy, Emmenual and Reddy, Pritika and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Khan, Mohammad G.M. and Reddy, Karuna G. (2016) Student Readiness and Perception to the Use of Smart Phones for Higher Education in the Pacific. [Conference Proceedings]

Reddy, Emmenual and Reddy, Pritika and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Reddy, Karuna G. and Khan, Mohammad G.M. (2022) Readiness and Perception of Pacific Students to Mobile Phones for Higher Education. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, NA . NA. ISSN 2211-1662

Reddy, Pritika and Sharma, Bibhya N. and Hussein, Shamina (2017) Tablet learning and its perceived usage at a higher education institute in Fiji. Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji, 15 (2). pp. 131-142. ISSN 1728-7456

Ricketts, Aidan (2004) Threshold concepts in legal education. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 26 (2). pp. 2-12. ISSN 1011-5846


Sanga, Kabini and Reynolds, Martyn and Wright, Tepora and Joskin, Anna and Mwaraksurmes, Amton and Cagivinaka, Vilive (2024) Oceania oralities research and sustainable education: Exploring layers of engagement. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 23 (2). pp. 5-22. ISSN 1443-1475

Sharma, Akhilanand and Chief, Irene Yee (2016) The Transforming Nature of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A University of the South Pacific Experience. In: Fast forwarding Higher Education Institutions for Global Challenges: Perspectives and Approaches. Springer, Singapore, pp. 61-72. ISBN 978-981-287-602-7(print) and 978-981-287-603-4 (online)

Sharma, Bibhya N. (2015) Extending education to the Pacific region through cohort teaching - science teachers accelerated programme. UNSPECIFIED.

Sharma, Bibhya N. (2013) New ICT Tools in Higher Education for the USP Region. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Jokhan, Anjeela D. and Kumar, Raneel and Finiasi, Rona W. and Chand, Sanjeet and Rao, Varunesh (2015) Use of short message service for learning and student support in the Pacific region. In: Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning. Springer, Berlin, pp. 199-220. ISBN Print 9783642541452 Online 9783642541469

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Kumar, Bijeta and Bali, Akeshnil (2015) Online Mathematics Diagnostic Test and Remediation for New Entrants in Higher Education in the Pacific Region. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Kumar, Bijeta and Naseem, Mohammed and Reddy, Emmenual and Lal, Goel and Nair, Sunaina and Khan, Gavin J. and Nusair, Salsabil A. (2021) Is Pacific ethnicity associated to proactivity: an investigation in higher education. [Conference Proceedings]

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Kumar, Bijeta and Singh, Vineet and Chandra, Abel and Prasad, Rajnesh (2015) Faculty Orientation Online Tool (FOOT) Documentation. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished)

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Lauano, Faatamali’i J. and Narayan, Swasti S. and Anzeg, Afshana M. and Kumar, Bijeta and Raj, Jai (2017) Science Teachers Accelerated Programme Model: A Joint Partnership in the Pacific Region. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 46 (1). pp. 38-60. ISSN 1359-866X

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Nand, Ravneil and Naseem, Mohammed and Reddy, Emmenual (2019) Effectiveness of online presence in a blended higher learning environment in the Pacific. Studies in Higher Education, NA . pp. 1-19. ISSN 0307-5079

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Nand, Ravneil and Naseem, Mohammed and Reddy, Emmenual and Narayan, Swasti S. and Reddy, Karuna G. (2018) Smart Learning in the Pacific: Design of New Pedagogical Tools. [Conference Proceedings]

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Rao, Varunesh and Kumar, D. (2011) The future of M - learning in the higher education. UNSPECIFIED.

Sharma, Bibhya N. and Reddy, Pritika and Reddy, Emmenual and Narayan, Swasti S. and Singh, Vineet and Kumar, Raneel and Naicker, Ravishel and Prasad, Rajnesh (2019) Use of mobile devices for learning and student support in the Pacific region. In: Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning. Springer Nature, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-13-2767-4

Sharma, Shavneet (2017) User feedback of modular object oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE): a study of twelve Pacific Island countries. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 14 (9). pp. 31-37. ISSN 1550-6908

Sharma, Shavneet and Narayan, Jashwini J. and Greig, Tuma (2017) Facebook as a tool for higher learning: a South Pacific Regional University perspective. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 14 (9). pp. 39-52. ISSN 1550-6908

Sharma, Shavneet and Narayan, Jashwini J. and Lata, Rashmini (2018) Lecture capture system: bringing the most out of face - to - face learning. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 15 (4-5-6). pp. 56-62. ISSN 1550-6908

Sims, Kearrin and Banks, Nicola and Engel, Susan and Hodge, Paul and Makuwira, Jonathan and Nakamura, Naohiro and Rigg, Jonathan and Salamanca, Albert and Yeophantong, Pichamon (2022) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Singh, Awnesh M. and Cochrane, G. and Zeynep, U. and More, C. and Scarcella, J. and Kento, Y. and Jalal, M. (2012) Transnational distance learning: a student perspective. In: Transnational Distance Learning and Building New Markets for Universities. Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), United States of America, pp. 68-85. ISBN 978-1-4666-0206-9

Singh, Shaveen and Lal, Sunil P. (2013) Using feature selection and association rule mining to evaluate digital courseware. [Conference Proceedings]

Singh, Sunil K. and Sharma, Bibhya N. (2015) Increasing student engagement using a blended learning environment: A case study of undergraduate biology students. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Smith, Sue E. and Peitch, Flossie and McKenna, Tarquam and Te Ava, Aue (2014) A difficult dinner party – being loved and safe: how spirituality in education can open inclusive practices. Creative Approaches to Research, 7 (2). pp. 25-38. ISSN 1835-9434


Tang, Yih P. (2014) Accounting for Finance Student Performance in the Pacific: A Report. Pacific Studies, 37 (1). pp. 29-47. ISSN 0275-3596

Te Ava, Aue (2018) Atoro’ia te peu ‘ā to ‘ui tūpuna: a culturally responsive pedagogy for Pasifika peoples. In: Atoro’ia te peu ‘ā to ‘ui tūpuna: A Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Pasifika Peoples. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, Australia, pp. 107-119. ISBN n/a

Te Ava, Aue (2013) Kia Marama Te Au Tauira Ite ‘Āite’anga Ote Au Peu ‘Ui Tūpuna: students’ perceptions of cultural activities in physical education. [Conference Proceedings]

Te Ava, Aue and Devi, Yogeeta (2019) Culturally responsive pedagogy, creating opportunities for teacher professional development in the Cook Islands. In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 1-17. ISBN Online: 978-981-13-1179-6

Te Ava, Aue and Rubie-Davies, Christine (2016) Cook Islands students' attitudes towards physical education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41 (4). pp. 126-136. ISSN 0313-5373

Te Ava, Aue and Rubie-Davies, Christine and NA, Airini and Ovens, Alan (2013) Akaoraoraia te Peu ‘A To ‘Ui Tupuna: implementing Cook Islands core values in culturally responsive pedagogy in Cook Islands physical education classrooms. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 42 (1). pp. 32-43. ISSN 1326-0111

Tekabu, Tokaua and Rao, Dinesh K. and Chand, Ravinesh and Dayal, Hem (2021) Evaluating teacher-developed test and student achievement in an undergraduate statistics course: An action research. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 35 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1011-5846

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (2007) Acknowledging indigenous knowledge systems in higher education in the Pacific Island region. In: Higher Education, Research and Knowledge in the Asia Pacific Region. Issues in Higher Education . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 175-184. ISBN 1403970955, 9781403970954

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (1996) Hints for teachers at the University of the South Pacific: (multi) cultural sensitivity. Department of Education and The Institute of Education.

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (2016) Kakala. In: Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, pp. 1-6. ISBN Online ISBN: 9789812875327

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (2006) Making places and spaces: towards cultural and cognitive democracy in higher education in Oceania. [Conference Proceedings]

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (1994) Reclaiming a place: culture and higher education in Oceania. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

Thaman, Konaiholeva H. (2014) Towards cultural democracy in university teaching and research with specific reference to the Pacific island region. In: Academic Migration, Discipline Knowledge and Pedagogical Practice. Springer, Singapore, pp. 53-62. ISBN 9789814451871

Thompson, Sandy and McDonald, Fraser and Talakai, Malia and Taumoepeau, Venusi and Te Ava, Aue (2009) Training manual for teaching working with Pacific students: engaging Pacific learners. Ako Aotearoa, New Zealand.

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