USP Electronic Research Repository

Items where Subject is "QL Zoology"

Group by: Authors | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 111.


Haynes, Alison (2001) Freshwater snails of the tropical Pacific Islands. Institute of Applied Sciences, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 982010422X, 9789820104228

Marinov, M. and Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. (2013) An illustrated guide to Dragonflies of Viti Levu, Fiji. USP Press, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789820109056

Pikacha, P. and Morrison, Clare and Richards, S. (2008) Frogs of the Solomon Islands. Institute of Applied Sciences, the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789820108332

Book Chapter

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Lako, Jimaima and Lowry, Brenda (2017) The Value of Snails: Prestige & Innovation Beyond Amazing Biodiversity. In: Snails: Biodiversity, Biology and Behavioral Insights. Animal Science, Issues and Research . Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 13-49. ISBN 978-1-53611-847-6

Márquez, Melissa C. and Boyle, Apryl and Brown, Kelly T. and Elcock, Jaida N. and Kitolelei, Salanieta (2023) Public perceptions of sharks. In: Minorities in Shark Sciences: Diverse Voices in Shark Research. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. ISBN 978-032-19696-1

Singh, Sunil K. and Campos, Maryluce A.S. (2023) Nematode problems on oil seed crops and their sustainable management. In: Nematode Diseases of Crops and their Sustainable Management. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 205-219. ISBN 978-0-323-91226-6

Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited

Miller, Cara E. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Pippard, Helen (2016) Faunal species conservation in the Melanesian Pacific Islands. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited]

Book Review or Scholarly Comment

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Miller, Cara E. and Pippard, H. and Kami, T. (2016) Species conservation in the Pacific Islands: taking effective steps forward. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Morrison, Clare (2003) The herpetofauna of Fiji. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment]

Conference Proceedings

Brodie, Gilianne D. (2006) Opisthobranchia diversity and habitat selection in Suva Lagoon. [Conference Proceedings]

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2011) Introduced land snails and slugs in the Fiji Islands: are there risks involved? [Conference Proceedings]

Rofeta, J. and Christi, Ketan S. and Sotheeswaran, Subramaniam (2013) Laxative potency of Methanolic extract of Sea Cucumber (Holothuria leucospilota): Avian Model (pigeons, Columbia livia). [Conference Proceedings]

Soapi, Katy M. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Kula, Niradininoco (2010) A preliminary study on the cytotoxic activity of the edible sea hare Dolabella auricularia in Fiji. [Conference Proceedings]

Journal Article

Anisi, Ramokasa and de Souza, Alyse and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Peters, Stefan and Jessop, Laurence and Keppel, Gunnar (2020) The impact of ebony wood harvesting on Diospyros samoensis (Ebenaceae) on Vangunu Island, Western Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, TBC . TBC. ISSN 1038-2097

Appana, Subhash and Vuki, Veikila C. (2003) A novel method for assessing bioerosion by the sea urchin Echinometra sp. on a Fijian reef. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 21 (1). pp. 25-30. ISSN 1013-9877

Appana, Subhash and Vuki, Veikila C. and Cumming, Robyn (2004) Variation in abundance and spatial distribution of ecomorphs of the sea urchins, Echinometra sp. nov A and E. sp nov C on a Fijian reef. Hydrobiologia, 518 (1-3). pp. 105-110. ISSN 0018-8158

Arango, C.P. and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2003) Observations of predation on the tropical Nudibranch Okenia sp. by the sea spider Anoplodactylus longiceps Williams (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida). The Veliger, 46 (1). pp. 99-101. ISSN 0042-3211

Bailey-Brock, J.H. and Kirtley, D.W. and Nishi, E. and Pohler, Susanne M.L. (2007) Neosabellaria vitiensis n. sp. (Annelida: Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) from shallow water of Suva Harbour, Fiji. Pacific Science, 61 (3). pp. 399-406. ISSN 0030-8870

Barker, G.M. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Bogitini, Lia J.K.D. and Pippard, H. (2016) Diversity and current conservation status of Melanesian - New Zealand Placostylinae land snails (Gastropoda, Bothriembryontidae), with discussion of conservation imperatives, priorities and methodology issues. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22 . 0-0. ISSN 1038-2097

Beatty, Christopher D. and Rashni, Bindiya and Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo and Marinov, Milen (2023) Nikoulabasis roseosticta, sp. nov. from Fiji (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Zootaxa, 5383 (2). pp. 135-152. ISSN 1175-5326

Brodie, Gilianne D. (2001) Some comparative histological aspects of the dendrodorid genera Doriopsilla and Dendrodoris (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia). Bollettino Malacologico, 37 (5-8). pp. 99-104. ISSN 0394-7149

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. and Pippard, H. and Bick, C.S. and O'Foighil, D. (2016) Disappearing jewels: an urgent need for conservation of Fiji's partulid tree snail fauna. Pacific Conservation Biology, NA . 0-0. ISSN 1038-2097

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. and Stevens, Froseann and Fiu, M. (2014) Preliminary re - survey of the land snail fauna of Rotuma: conservation and biosecurity implications. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (1). pp. 94-107. ISSN 1038-2097

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Klussmann-Kolb, A. and Gosliner, T.M. (2001) Anatomy and histology of a new species of Enotepteron (Cephalaspidea: Gastropteridae) from tropical northeastern Australia. The Veliger, 44 (4). pp. 362-369. ISSN 0042-3211

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Willan, Richard and Collins, John (1997) Taxonomy and occurrence of Dendroris nigra and Dendrodoris fumata in the Indo-west Pacific. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 63 (3). pp. 407-423. ISSN 0260-1230

Clusa, M. and Carreras, C. and Pascual, M. and Gaughran, S.J. and Piovano, Susanna and Giacoma, C. and Fernández, G. and Levy, Y. and Tomás, J. and Raga, J.A. and Maffucci, F. and Hochscheid, S. and Aguilar, A. and Cardona, L. (2014) Fine ‑ scale distribution of juvenile Atlantic and Mediterranean loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 161 (3). pp. 509-519. ISSN 0025-3162

Dehm, Jasha and Varea, Rufino and Hewavitharane, Chinthaka and Stockwell, Brian and Brown, Kelly T. (2021) First record of a pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps, Blainville, 1838) stranding along the coast of Viti Levu, Fiji. Australian Mammalogy, NA . N/A. ISSN 0310-0049

Devloo-Delva, Floriaan and Burridge, Christopher P. and Kyne, Peter and Brunnschweiler, Juerg M. and Chapman, Demian and Charvet, Patricia and Chen, Xiao and Cliff, Geremy and Daly, Ryan and Drymon, J. Marcus and Espinoza, Mario and Fernando, Daniel and Garcia Barcia, Laura and Glaus, Kerstin and González-Garza, Bianca and Grant, Michael I. and Gunasekera, Rasanthi M. and Hernandez, Sebastian and Hyodo, Susumu and Jabado, Rima and Jaquemet, Sébastien and Johnson, Grant and Ketchum, James T. and Magalon, Hélène and Marthick, James R. and Mollen, Frederik H. and Mona, Stefano and Naylor, Gavin J.P. and Nevill, John E. G. and Phillips, Nicole M. and Pillans, Richard D. and Postaire, Bautisse D. and Smoothey, Amy F. and Tachihara, Katsunori and Tillet, Bree and Valerio-Vargas, Jorge A. and Feutry, Pierre (2023) From rivers to ocean basins: the role of ocean barriers and philopatry in the genetic structuring of a cosmopolitan coastal predator. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (2). NA. ISSN 2045-7758

Dumas, Pascal and Fiat, Sylvie and Durbano, Amaury and Peignon, Christophe and MouTham, Gérard and Ham, Jayven and Gereva, Sompert and Kaku, Rocky and Chateau, Olivier and Wantiez, Laurent and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Adjeroud, Mehdi (2020) Citizen Science, a promising tool for detecting and monitoring outbreaks of the crown - of - thorns starfish Acanthaster spp. Scientific Reports, 10 (291). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2045-2322

Gerlach, Justin and Barker, Gary M. and Bick, Cindy S. and Bouchet, Philippe and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Christensen, Carl C. and Collins, Timothy and Coote, Trevor and Cowie, Robert H. and Fiedler, G.C. and Griffiths, Owen L. and Florens, F.B.V. and Hayes, Kenneth A. and Kim, Jaynee and Meyer, J-Y and Meyer III, Wallace M. and Richling, Ira and Slapcinsky, John D. and Winsor, Leigh and Yeung, Norine W. (2020) Negative impacts of invasive predators used as biological control agents against the pest snail Lissachatina fulica: the snail Euglandina ‘rosea’ and the flatworm Platydemus manokwari. Biological Invasions, NA . NA. ISSN 1387-3547

Glaus, Kerstin and Genter, Franziska and Brunnschweiler, Juerg (2023) Red eyes in juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) from Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology, 29 (5). NA. ISSN 1038-2097

Glaus, Kerstin and Gordon, Luke and Vierus, Tom and Marosi, Natasha D. and Sykes, Helen R. (2024) Rays in the shadows: Batoid diversity, occurrence, and conservation status in Fiji. Biology, 13 . NA. ISSN 2079-7737

Haynes, Alison (2002) Freshwater molluscs in Fiji. Domodomo (Scholarly Journal of the Fiji Museum), 15 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0257-1668

Hodge, Simon and Marshall, S.A. and Marris, J. and Berry, J. and Oliver, H. and Andrew, I. (2010) A preliminary survey of the insects collected using mushroom baits in native and exotic New Zealand woodlands. New Zealand Entomologist, 33 (1). pp. 43-54. ISSN 0077-9962

Hudson, Lawrence N. and Newbold, Tim and Katovai, Eric (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24). pp. 4701-4735. ISSN 2045-7758

Hudson, Lawrence N. and Newbold, Tim and Katovai, Eric (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (1). pp. 145-188. ISSN 2045-7758

Ingram, Daniel J. and Prideaux, Margi and Hodgins, Nicola K. and Frisch-Nwakanma, Heidrun and Avila, Isabel C. and Collins, Tim and Cosentino, Mel and Keith-Diagne, Lucy W. and Marsh, Helene and Shirley, Matthew H. and Van Waerebeek, Koen and Djondo, Maximin K. and Fukuda, Yusuke and Glaus, Kerstin and Jabado, Rima W. and Lang, Jeffrey W. and Lueber, Sigrid and Manolis, Charlie and Webb, Grahame J.W. and Porter, Lindsey (2022) Widespread use of migratory megafauna for aquatic wild meat in the tropics and subtropics. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 . NA. ISSN 2296-7745

Kour, Sumeet and Khurma, Uma R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2021) Ecological characterisation of native isolates of Heterorhabditis indica from Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Journal of Nematology, 53 (e2021). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0022-300X

Kour, Sumeet and Khurma, Uma R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Hazir, Selcuk (2020) Natural occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) in Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. The Journal of Nematology, 52 . pp. 1-17. ISSN 0022-300X

Kour, Sumeet and Khurma, Uma R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Singh, Sunil K. (2022) Modelling the potential global distribution of suitable habitat for the biological control agent Heterorhabditis indica. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (6). NA. ISSN 2045-7758

Lal, Monal M and Macahig, Deo A S and Brown, Kelly T. and Juinio-Menez, Marie A and Southgate, Paul C and Ravago-Gotanco, Rachel (2021) Preliminary population genomic study on the sandfish Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra. Animal Genetics, N/A . TBC. ISSN 0268-9146

Lal, Ronal and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Riley, Ralph and Kininmonth, Stuart J. and Rico, Ciro (2018) The effects of a stressed inshore urban reef on coral recruitment in Suva harbour, Fiji. Ecology and Evolution, 2018 . pp. 1-44. ISSN 2045-7758

Loganimoce, Epeli M. and Brown, Kelly T. and Savou, Rusila and Kitolelei, Jokim V. and Tukana, Max and Southgate, Paul and Lal, Monal (2023) Octopuses in the south - west Pacific region: a review of fisheries, ecology, cultural importance and management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, NA . NA-NA. ISSN 0960-3166

Lowe, Christopher and Keppel, Gunnar and Waqa, Kalisi and Peters, Stefan and Fisher, Robert N. and Scanlon, A.T. and Osborne-Naikatini, Tamara and Thomas-Moko, Nunia (2022) Fijian sea krait behavior relates to fine - scale environmental heterogeneity in old - growth coastal forest: the importance of integrated land – sea management for protecting amphibious animals. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (4). NA. ISSN 2045-7758

Luedtke, Jennifer A. and Chanson, Janice and Neam, Kelsey and Osborne-Naikatini, Tamara (2023) Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats. Nature, 622 . pp. 308-314. ISSN 0028-0836

Marinov, Milen and Rashni, Bindiya (2023) Contribution to the Odonata of Kadavu, Fiji with erection of three new species (Insecta: Odonata). Faunistic Studies in South-East Asian and Pacific Odonata: A Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund, 41 . pp. 1-34. ISSN 2195­-4534

Miller, Cara E. and Batibasaga, A. and Chand, P. and Dulunaqio, S. and Fox, M. and Jupiter, S. and Naisilisili, W. and Nand, Y. and Sharma-Gounder, S. and Smith, B. (2016) Cetacean diversity, common occurrence and community importance in Fijian waters. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22 . pp. 272-280. ISSN 1038-2097

Morley, Craig (2004) Has the invasive mongoose Herpestes javanicus yet reached the Island of Taveuni, Fiji? Oryx, 38 (4). pp. 457-460. ISSN 0030-6053

Morrison, Clare (2007) Rising threats endanger Pacific amphibians. Pacific Ecologist, 13 . pp. 67-69. ISSN 1175-6543

Morrison, Clare and Osborne, Tamara and Harlow, Peter S. and Thomas, Nunia T. and Biciloa, Pita N. and Niukula, Jone (2007) Diet and habitat preferences of the Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) on Yadua Taba, Fiji: implications for conservation. Australian Journal of Zoology, 55 (6). pp. 341-350. ISSN 0310-9089

Munoz, J. and Gomez, A. and Figuerola, J. and Amat, F. and Rico, Ciro and Green, A.J. (2014) Colonization and dispersal patterns of the invasive American brine shrimp Artemia franciscana (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in the Mediterranean region. Hydrobiologia, 726 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 0018-8158

Naikatini, Alivereti N. and Keppel, Gunnar and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Kleindorfer, Sonia (2022) Avian diversity and abundance across years: consistent patterns in forests but not grasslands on Viti Levu, Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology, NA . NA. ISSN 1038-2097

Naikatini, Alivereti N. and Keppel, Gunnar and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Kleindorfer, Sonia (2022) Interspecific competition and vertical niche partitioning in Fiji’s forest birds. Diversity, 14 (3). NA. ISSN 1424-2818

Narayan, Edward J. and Molinia, F.C. and Christi, Ketan S. and Morley, Craig and Cockrem, J.F. (2010) Urinary corticosterone metabolite responses to capture, and annual patterns of urinary corticosterone in wild and captive endangered Fijian ground frogs (Platymantis vitiana). Australian Journal of Zoology, 58 (3). pp. 189-197. ISSN 0004-959X

Osborne, Tamara and Naikatini, Alivereti N. and Morrison, C. and Thomas, Nunia T. (2013) The distribution of the Fiji frogs, Platymantis spp.: new records and ramifications. Pacific Conservation Biology, 19 (2). pp. 175-183. ISSN 1038-2097

Pollard, E. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Morrison, C. (2015) Threatened biodiversity and traditional ecological knowledge: associated beliefs, customs, and uses of Herpetofauna among the 'Are'Are on Malaita Island, Solomon Islands. Ethnobiology Letters, 6 (1). pp. 99-110. ISSN 2159-8126

Pollard, E. and Thaman, Randolph R. and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Morrison, C. (2014) The use of herpetofauna and cultural values to identify priority conservation forests on Malaita, Solomon Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (4). pp. 354-362. ISSN 1038-2097

Prakash, Shritika and Tuiono, Malakai and Clay, Sophie and Qarau, Pita and Philip, Colin and Miller, Katy and Meo, Semisi and Tamata, Laitia and Sharma-Gounder, Saras and Piovano, Susanna (2020) Temporal and geographic distribution of hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) nests in Fiji, South Pacific. Testudo, 9 (2). pp. 12-23. ISSN 0265-5403

Prasad, R. and Christi, Ketan S. (2014) Physical Method of control on common myna (Acridotheres tristis) in Sigatoka - Fiji Islands. International Journal of Engineering and Science, 3 (3). pp. 26-31. ISSN 2319-1805

Prasad, Ravikash and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Vanderwoude, C. and Hodge, Simon (2016) Extracts of the rosary pea, Abrus precatorius, are toxic to the invasive termite, Coptotermes gestroi. The Weta, 50 (1). pp. 38-47. ISSN 0111-7696

Prasad, Ravikash and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Vanderwoude, C. and Hodge, Simon (2015) Potential of the weed Abrus precatorius Linnaeus(Fabales: Fabaceae) for control of insect pests in the South Pacific: a review. International Journal of Entomological Research, 3 (3). pp. 113-124. ISSN 2310-5119

Rashni, Bindiya and Brown, Kelly T. and McLenachan, Patricia and Lockhart, Peter J. and Southgate, Paul C. and Lal, Monal (2023) Leech breach: a first record of the invasive freshwater leech Helobdella europaea (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) in Fiji. Pacific Conservation Biology, NA . NA. ISSN 1038-2097

Rashni, Bindiya and Donelly, Thomas and Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Osborne-Naikatini, Tamara and Raituva, Jone and Maiwaqa, Manoa and Maiwaqa, Penaia V. and Marinov, Milen (2023) On the Fijian endemic Nesobasis brachycerca Tillyard, 1924 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with first description of the female and updated description of the male. Zootaxa, 5311 (2). pp. 251-266. ISSN 1175-5326

Rollings, Nicholas and Moss, Graeme (2016) Predicting the distribution of Eastern Grey Kangaroos by remote sensing assessment of food resources. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (11). pp. 26-56. ISSN 2455-7676

Schwabe, E. and Sirenko, B. and Seeto, Johnson (2008) A checklist of Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from the Fiji islands. Zootaxa, 1777 . pp. 1-52. ISSN 1175-5326

Singh, Ashneel A. and Ram, Ravinesh and Kumar, Sheemal V. and Aashna, Sheenal and Verma, Shipaldika and Naaz, Zafiar T. and Hatha, Abdulla M. (2021) Depuration of a freshwater clam (Batissa violacea) from Rewa River in Fiji using a bio - filter set-up in closed and open water circulatory system. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 20 (2). e824-e824. ISSN 1338-6905

Singh, Ashneel A. and Sakuramoto, Kazumi and Suzuki, Naoki and Roshni, Swastika and Nath, Paras and Kalla, Alok (2016) Environmental conditions are important influences on the recruitment of North Pacific albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15 (1). pp. 299-319. ISSN 1589-1623

Singh, Sunil K. and Khurma, Uma R. and Lockhart, P.J. (2012) Distribution and diversity of root-knot nematodes in agricultural areas of Fiji. Nematropica, 42 (1). pp. 16-25. ISSN 0099-5444

Singh, Sunil K. and Kriticos, Darren J. and Ota, Noboru and Hodda, Mike (2022) Potential distribution and biosecurity risks from three economically important plant - parasitic nematodes. Annals of Applied Biology, 180 (3). pp. 371-382. ISSN 0003-4746

Singh, Ashneel A. (2023) Role of environmental conditions in structuring the stock trajectory of Thunnus albacares, Th. alalunga and Th. obesus in the South Pacific region. Biosystems Diversity, 31 (2). pp. 238-245. ISSN 2519-8513

Tawake, Alifereti and Parks, J. and Radikedike, Pio and Aalbersberg, William G.L. and Vuki, V. and Salafsky, N. (2001) Harvesting clams and data: involving local communities in implementing and monitoring a marine protected area. Conservation Biology in Practice, Fall 2 . pp. 32-35. ISSN 1526-4629

Tikoca, Siteri and Clayton, J. and Hodge, Simon and Tuiwawa, Marika and Pene, Sarah and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2016) A record of Dactyloplusia implusa (Walker, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) new to Fiji. Australian Entomologist, 43 (1). pp. 35-37. ISSN 1320-6133

Tikoca, Siteri and Hodge, S. and Pene, Sarah and Clayton, J. and Tuiwawa, Marika and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2016) Temporal variation in macro - moth abundance and species richness in a lowland fijian forest. Pacific Science, 70 (4). pp. 447-461. ISSN 0030-8870

Tikoca, Siteri and Hodge, Simon and Tuiwawa, Marika and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Pene, Sarah and Clayton, John (2016) An appraisal of sampling methods and effort for investigating moth assemblages in a Fijian forest. Austral Entomology, 55 . 0-0. ISSN 2052-174X

Tikoca, Siteri and Hodge, Simon and Tuiwawa, Marika and Pene, Sarah and Clayton, John and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2017) A comparison of macro-moth assemblages across three types of lowland forest in Fiji. The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 49 . pp. 69-79. ISSN 0022-4324

Titoko, Richard and Lowry, John and Osborne, Tamara and Naikatini, Alivereti N. and Comely, James and Riley, Ralph (2019) Relationship of bird richness, abundance and assemblage to the built environment in a small island tropical urban setting: a Suva, Fiji case study. Urban Ecosystems, 22 (4). pp. 709-719. ISSN 1083-8155

Verbruggen, H. and De Clerck, O. and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Spalding, H. and Vroom, P.S. (2006) Phylogeny and taxonomy of Halimeda incrassata, including descriptions of H. kanaloana and H. heteromorpha spp. nov. (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 41 (3). pp. 337-362. ISSN 0967-0262

Waegele, Heike and Brodie, Gilianne D. and Klussmann-Kolb, A. (1999) Histological investigations of Dendrodoris nigra (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Dendrodorididae). Molluscan Research, 20 (1). pp. 79-94. ISSN 1323-5818

Wagele, H. and Burghardt, I. and Anthes, N. and Evertsen, J. and Klussmann-Kolb, A. and Brodie, Gilianne D. (2006) Species diversity of opisthobranch molluscs on Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 69 . pp. 33-59. ISSN 0312-3162

Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Hodge, Simon and Winder, L. (2018) Distribution of Long-horn Beetles (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) Within the Fijian Archipelago. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 36 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1838-837X

Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Stewart, Alan and Cizek, Lukas and Hodge, Simon (2014) Patterns of Tree Species Usage by Long-horned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Fiji. Pacific Science, 68 (1). pp. 57-64. ISSN 0030-8870

Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Winder, L. and Lingafelter, S. (2015) Review of the genus Ceresium Newman, 1842 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Fiji. ZooKeys, 532 . pp. 15-53. ISSN 1313-2989

Yabaki, Mere and Winkworth, Richard C. and McLenachan, P.A. and Aalbersberg, William G.L. and Winder, Linton H. and Trewick, Steven A. and Lockhart, P.J. (2016) Placing the Fijian Honeyeaters within the meliphagid radiation: implications for origins and conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22 . pp. 262-271. ISSN 1038-2097

Professional and Technical Reports

Aguila, G. and Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Winder, L (2016) GIS For Conservation: Using Predicted Locations and an Ensemble Approach to Address Sparse Data Sets for Species Distribution Modelling: Long-horned Beetles (Cerambycidae) of the Fiji Islands. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Copeland, Lekima (2010) Land snails and slugs of the Nakorotubu Range, Ra and Tailevu Provinces, Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Carlson, Bruce and Lovell, Edward and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Sykes, Helen R. (2018) Republic of Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Feussner, Klaus D. and Kumar, R. (2008) Marine invertebrates of Northern Lau with the inclusion of Actinomycetes bacteria from sediments. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Haynes, Alison and Carter, N. and Rashni, Bindiya (2011) Report on the freshwater habitat characteristics and macroinvertebrates in the Waisoi area. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Tebano, Temakei (2002) Anadara (Gray 1847) of Kiribati and Fiji: length-height-biomass relationships. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Tebano, Temakei and Riinga, T. (2002) Some deep water eels of Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati: the Gymnothorax sp. (Muraenidae) and their spawning season. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Waqa-Sakiti, Hilda F.V. and Liga, Apaitia E. and Cakacaka, Tokasaya (2011) Entomology report of the upper Wainavadu and Waisoi, Namosi Province. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Watling, Dick (2008) Birds of the Northern Lau group. [Professional and Technical Reports]

Watling, Dick and Thomas, Nunia T. (2011) Report on the birds and herpetofauna fieldwork – Wainavadu and Waisoi valleys. [Professional and Technical Reports]


Brodie, Gilianne D. (2012) IUCN Redlist Assessment of Placostylus fulguratus. International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica (Bowdich, 1822). UNSPECIFIED.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Bradybaena similaris (Rang, 1831). UNSPECIFIED.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Euglandina rosea (Ferussac, 1821). UNSPECIFIED.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Gulella bicolor (Hutton, 1834). UNSPECIFIED.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Laevicaulis alte (Ferussac, 1822). UNSPECIFIED.

Brodie, Gilianne D. and Barker, G.M. (2012) Factsheet Parmarion martensi Simroth, 1893. UNSPECIFIED.

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This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 03:00:02 2025 +12.