Items where Subject is "S Agriculture (General)" |
Group by: Authors | Item Type Number of items at this level: 391. Bhati, Jagdish and Mohammed , Umar and Desai, Nandakumar (2017) Enhancing Market-Oriented Agricultural Production in the Pacific Island Countries: Implications for Extension Systems. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 20 . pp. 34-43. ISSN 1018-7774 Sultana, Tahmina and Hossain, Mohammad M. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2020) Potentially mineralizable nitrogen in ten important sub - tropical soil series of Bangladesh. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 23 . pp. 8-14. ISSN 1018-7774 AAalbersberg, William G.L. (1993) Agriculture and climate change: double feedback. In: Climate and Agriculture in the Pacific Islands: Future Perspectives. Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, pp. 21-25. ISBN 9820200830, 9789820200838 Aalbersberg, William G.L. (1993) Climate and Agriculture in the Pacific islands: Future perspectives. Institute of Applied Science, The University of the South Pacific. ISBN 9820200830 Aalbersberg, William G.L. (1999) Food security: Value-added horticultural products. [Professional and Technical Reports] Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2010) Total diet study: Fiji. In: Total Diet Studies. Springer, New York, pp. 125-134. ISBN 9781441976888 Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2010) Vetiver: the proven soil conservation technique: a training manual for communities and field workers. [Professional and Technical Reports] Aalbersberg, William G.L. (1993) The mutual interactions of agriculture and climate change/sea level rise. [Conference Proceedings] Aalbersberg, William G.L. and Kenny, G. and Howden, M. (1995) Effect of climate change on agriculture in Oceania. Asia-Pacific Journal on Environment and Development, 2 (2). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1023-7895 Ahluwalia, Pal (1993) Contradictions in Uganda's development: the case of the Sugar Industry. The African Review, 20 (1-2). pp. 81-93. ISSN 0856-0056 Ahmed, F. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Sultana, R. and Ahmed, O. and Begum, S.A. and Iqbal, M.T. (2018) Combined application of foliar fertilizer with basal NPK enhances mulberry leaf yield and silkworm cocoon productivity in calcareous soil. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 21 . pp. 18-25. ISSN 1018-7774 Ahmed, Firoz and Islam, Majharul and Rahman, Md. M. and Chowhan, Sushan and Bhuiyan, Md. S.H. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2022) Effect of long term manuring and fertilization on carbon sequestration in terrace soil. Agricultural Science Digest, 42 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 0253-150X Akter, F. and Moslehuddin, A.Z.M. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Sarker, M.M.H. and Mori, Y. (2015) Mineralogy of soils from different agroecological regions of Bangladesh: region 18 – young Meghna Estuarine Floodplain. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 60 (2). pp. 457-462. ISSN 0023-6152 Akter, Masuda and Deroo, Haleen and De Grave, Eddy and Van Alboom, Toon and Kader, Md. Abdul and Pierreux, Sofie and Amena Begum, Mili and Boeckex, Pascal and Sleutel, Steven (2018) Link between paddy soil mineral nitrogen release and iron and manganese reduction examined in a rice pot growth experiment. Geoderma, 326 . pp. 9-21. ISSN 0016-7061 Akter, Masuda and Deroo, Heleen and Kamal, Ahammad Mostafa and Kader, Md. Abdul and Verhoeven, Elizabeth and Decock, Charlotte and Boeckex, Pascal and Sleutel, Steven (2018) Impact of irrigation management on paddy soil N supply and depth distribution of abiotic drivers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261 . pp. 12-24. ISSN 0167-8809 Akter, Masuda and Kader, Md. Abdul and Pierreux, Sofie and Gebremikael, Mesfin and Boeckex, Pascal and Sleutel, Steven (2016) Control of Fe and Mn availability on nitrogen mineralization in subtropical paddy soils. Geoderma, 269 . pp. 69-78. ISSN 0016-7061 Akther, J and Kader, Md. Abdul and Rahman, M. and Shawkhatuzzaman, M (2014) Changes of land use in Fulbaria and Trishal upazila of Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 12 (1). pp. 13-18. ISSN 1810-3030 Alam, M.K. and Bell, R.W. and Haque, M.E. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2021) Conservation agriculture in intensive rice - based cropping systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plain. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Alam, M.K. and Bell, R.W. and Haque, M.E. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2018) Minimal soil disturbance and increased residue retention increase soil carbon in rice - based cropping systems on the Eastern Gangetic Plain. Soil and Tillage Research, 183 . pp. 28-41. ISSN 0167-1987 Alam, Md K. and Bell, Richard W. and Haque, M.E. and Islam, M.A. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2020) Soil nitrogen storage and availability to crops are increased by conservation agriculture practices in rice - based cropping systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research, 250 . pp. 1-14. ISSN 0378-4290 Ali, Sadaquat and Read, R. and Sotheeswaran, Subramaniam (1995) An antimicrobial natural product from buabua. Fiji Agriculture Journal, 51 (1). pp. 7-8. ISSN 0015-0886 Allen, Matthew G. and Bourke, R.M and Evans, B.R. and Iramu, E. and Maemouri, R.K. and Mullen, B.F. and Pollard, A.A. and Wairiu, Morgan and Watoto, C. and Zotalis, S. (2006) Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study. Volume 4. Provincial Reports. [Professional and Technical Reports] Amosa, Falaniko (2016) Indigenous and modern practices in yam cultivation in the Pacific Islands. UNSPECIFIED. Amosa, Falaniko and Ebenebe, Adama A. and Enosa, B. (2012) Present geographical occurrence of the giant African snail (Achatina fulica Bowdich) in Samoa. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 16 (1 & 2). pp. 64-68. ISSN 1018-7774 Amosa, Falaniko and Ebenebe, Adama A. and Tofinga, Mareko and Hunter, David (2007) Nursery Tool Kit. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, Institute of Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture, Samoa. Amosa, Falaniko and Tofinga, Mareko (2008) Selection of suitable vegetable varieties for hydroponics production with regards to habits of plant growth, climatic needs and adaptation. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Anand, Sanjay (2018) Influence of Selected Cover Crops and Biochar on the Yield Advantage of Two Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Cultivars in Samoa. [Conference Proceedings] Anand, Sanjay (2018) Nutrient Use Efficiencies of Taro Cultivars Genetically Improved for Leaf Blight Resistance. [Conference Proceedings] (Unpublished) Anand, Sanjay and Guinto, Danilo (2013) Comparison of selected biochemical soil health indicators of taro soils in Samoa. [Conference Proceedings] Anand, Sanjay (2022) Soil organic carbon: associating the Walkley - Black wet oxidation method to loss on ignition (gravimetric method) and clay content for selected Samoan inceptisols. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (2). pp. 219-227. ISSN 2634-9221 Anand , Sanjay (2018) Evaluation of Nutrient Uptake of Selected Cover Crops and Biochar on the Yield Advantage of Two Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Cultivars in Samoa. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 36 (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 1013-9877 Anand , Sanjay and Guinto, Danilo (2017) Dry matter accumulation, nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency of two improved cultivars of taro (Colocasia esculenta) under screen house conditions in Samoa. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 11 (4). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2394-1073 Anand , Sanjay and Guinto, Danilo F. (2019) Nutrient use efficiency of two improved cultivars of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) under screen house conditions in Samoa. In: New Perspectives in Agriculture and Crop Science. Book Publisher International, West Bengal, India. ISBN 9788194061380 Aregheore, Eroarome M. and Kumar, Ashish and Manueli, P. (2003) Dietary Levels of Energy and Protein for Optimal Growth of Crossbred Anglo-Nubian Goats in Samoa. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 5 (4). pp. 428-431. ISSN 1560-8530 Aregheore, Martin (2003) Dry matter, nutrient composition and palatability/acridity of eight exotic cultivars of cocoyams-taro (Colocassia esculenta) in Samoa. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 58 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 0921-9668 Aregheore, Martin (2004) Nutritive value of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas (L) Lam) forage as goat feed: voluntary intake, growth and digestibility of mixed rations of sweet potato and batiki grass (Ischaemum aristatum var. indicum). Small Ruminant Research, 51 (3). pp. 235-241. ISSN 0921-4488 Aregheore, Martin and Abdulrazak, S.A. and Fujihara, T. (2003) Evaluation of some agri-industrial by-products available in Samoa for goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 16 (11). pp. 1593-1598. ISSN 1011-2367 Aregheore, Martin and Becker, K. and Makkar, H.P.S. (2003) Detoxification of a toxic variety of Jatropha curcas using heat and chemical treatments, and preliminary nutritional evaluation with rats. The South Pacific Journal of Natural Sciences, 21 . pp. 50-56. ISSN 1013-9877 Aregheore, Martin and Hunter, David (2007) The role of local feed resources in the economic empowerment of smallholder livestock farmers in Pacific Island countries. Pacific Economic Bulletin, 22 (3). pp. 145-151. ISSN 0817-8038 Aregheore, Martin and Hunter, David and Malaki, Ioane and Bhati, Jagdish P. (2008) Proceedings of a regional workshop on improving the efficiency of small scale dairy farming in the Pacific. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Aregheore, Martin and Hunter, David and Perera, Hewage G.D. and Mautoatasi, Mose T. (2007) The soil-plant-animal phenomena: serum mineral status of Fiji fantastic sheep grazing Batiki grass (Ischaemmum aristatum Var. indicum) and Pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) in Samoa. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6 (3). pp. 349-357. ISSN 1680-5593 Aregheore, Martin and Perera, Hewage G.D. (2003) Dry matter, nutrient composition and palatability/acridity of eight exotic cultivars of cocoyams-taro (Colocassia esculenta) in Samoa. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 58 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0921-9668 Aregheore, Martin and Perera, Hewage G.D. (2004) Effects of Erythrina variegata, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala on dry matter intake and nutrient digestibility of maize stover, before and after spraying with molasses. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 111 (1-4). pp. 191-201. ISSN 0377-8401 Aregheore, Martin and Perera, Hewage G.D. and Yahaya, M.S. (2004) Nutritive value of Batiki Grass (Ischaemum aristatum var. indicum) supplemented with leaves of browses (Gliricidia sepium and Leucocephala) on performance of goats. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6 (1). pp. 143-148. ISSN 1560-8530 Asaduzzaman, M. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Begum, S. A. and Islam, M. A. (2017) Comparative performance of two extractants in colorimetric determination of soil organic matter in paddy soil. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 20 . pp. 1-15. ISSN 1018-7774 Augustine, C. and Kwari, D.I. and Igwebuike, U.J. and Adamu, B.S. and Diarra, Siaka S. (2017) Nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chickens fed processed tropical sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia (L.) seed meal based - diets. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 62 (4). pp. 371-384. ISSN 1450-8109 BBanks, N. C. and Hodda, M. and Singh, Sunil K. and Matveeva, E. M. (2012) Dispersal of Potato Cyst Nematodes Measured Using Historical and Spatial Statistical Analyses. Phytopathology, 102 (6). pp. 620-626. ISSN 0031-949X Begum, K. and Kuhnert, M. and Yeluripati, J. and Ogle, S. and Parton, W. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Smith, P. (2018) Model based regional estimates of soil organic carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation potentials from rice croplands in Bangladesh. Land, 7 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2073-445X Begum, K. and Kuhnert, M. and Yeluripati, J. and Ogle, S. and Parton, W. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Smith, P. (2018) Soil organic carbon sequestration and mitigation potential in a rice cropland in Bangladesh – a modelling approach. Field Crops Research, 226 . pp. 16-27. ISSN 0378-4290 Begum, S. A. and Kader, Md. Abdul (2018) Intercropping Short Duration Leafy Vegetables with Pumpkin in Subtropical Alluvial Soils of Bangladesh. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 36 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 1838-837X Begum, S.A. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Sleutel, S. and De Neve, S. (2016) Assessing the influence of rice roots and root exudates on nitrogen mineralization using a novel protocol. [Conference Proceedings] Begum, S.A. and Kader, Md. Abdul and Sleutel, Steven and De Neve, Stefaan (2012) Nitrogen mineralization in a simulated rhizosphere as influenced by low molecular weight organic substances. Acta Horticulturae, 958 . pp. 99-104. ISSN 0567-7572 Beyer, R. and Aalbersberg, William G.L. (2002) Root crop and breadfruit processing: a study on the technology uses and promising developments in the industry. [Professional and Technical Reports] Bhati, Jagdish P. (2006) Beyond homogeneous thinking: importance of context and situation in natural resource management in agriculture and environmental conservation. Environmental Planning and Coordination Organization, Bhopal, India. Bhati, Jagdish P. (2008) Economics of milk production: a case study in Samoa. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Bhati, Jagdish P. (2008) Needs, priorities and problems of smallholder dairy farmers in the Pacific Islands. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Bhati, Jagdish P. (2008) Policy issues affecting smallholder dairy farming in the Pacific region. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Bhati, Jagdish P. (2006) Value of socio-economic factors in agro-forestry and mixed crop planning and management. Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA) with assistance from Technical Centre for Agricultural Cooperation, Apia, Samoa. Bhati, Jagdish P. and Garg, R.K. (2006) Raising income of smallholder farmers by organic-agricultural development. Artha Vikas, 42 (2). pp. 13-20. ISSN 0004-3567 Bhati, Jagdish P. and Kumar, Sunil (2010) Policies for developing agriculture in Fiji. UNSPECIFIED. Bhati, Jagdish P. and Singh, Pradeep K. (2011) Managing sustainable development of rural economy through integrated planning of farming systems and natural resources. UNSPECIFIED. Bhati, Jagdish P. and Singh, R. and Vaidya, C.S. (2008) Impact assessment of resettlement implementation under Nathpa-Jhakri hydroelectric power project. In: Glimpses of Indian Agriculture: Macro and Micro Aspects ( A set of 2 volumes). Academic Foundation, New Delhi, India, pp. 1009-1014. ISBN 9788171885978 Bhati, Jagdish P. and Umar, Mohammed (2006) Making South Pacific organic agriculture development and marketing broad-based. Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Apia, Samoa. Bhati, Jagdish P. and Umar, Mohammed (2012) An overview of crops experimental designs: comparing their layout arrangements, merits and limitations. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 16 (1&2). pp. 47-59. ISSN 1018-7774 Biggs, Eloise and Boruff, Bryan and Bruce, Eleanor and Wales, Nathan and Duncan, John and Haworth, Billy (2018) Using the Environmental Livelihoods Security (ELS) framework for developing climate - smart landscapes: a preliminary investigation for informing agricultural policy in the South Pacific. [Collaborative Research] Bird, Zina and Yuen, Linda B.K. (2020) Climate Change and Peri - Urban Household Food Security - Lessons from West Taraka, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. In: Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Climate Change Management . Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 171-195. ISBN 978-3-030-40551-9 Bolabola, Cema (1994) Women at work: Fiji women in the ginger industry. UNSPECIFIED. Bourke, R.M and McGregor, A. and Allen, Matthew G. and Evans, B.R. and Mullen, B.F. and Pollard, A.A. and Wairiu, Morgan and Zotalis, S. (2006) Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study. Volume 1. Main findings and recommendations. [Professional and Technical Reports] Brodie, Gilianne D. and Copeland, Lekima (2010) Land snails and slugs of the Nakorotubu Range, Ra and Tailevu Provinces, Fiji. [Professional and Technical Reports] Brodie, Gilianne D. and Lako, Jimaima and Lowry, Brenda (2017) The Value of Snails: Prestige & Innovation Beyond Amazing Biodiversity. In: Snails: Biodiversity, Biology and Behavioral Insights. Animal Science, Issues and Research . Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 13-49. ISBN 978-1-53611-847-6 CCeliz, Rex J. and Ubaub, Leslie (2018) Insecticidal effects of Matrine against flower thrips, Thrips hawaiiensis Morgan on ‘Cavendish’ banana. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 21 . pp. 9-17. ISSN 1018-7774 Chandra, Vineet V. and Hemstock, Sarah L. (2016) The Potential of Sugarcane Bioenergy in Fiji. Sugar Tech, 18 (3). pp. 229-235. ISSN 0974-0740 Chandra, Vineet V. and Hemstock, Sarah L. and Mwabonje, O.N. and De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Woods, J. (2018) Life cycle assessment of sugarcane growing process in Fiji. Sugar Tech, 2018 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 0972-1525 Chen, Hong and Rauqeuqe, L. and Singh, S.R. and Wu, Y. and Yang, Y. (2014) Pacific Island countries: in search of a trade strategy. International Monetary Fund, Washington. DDakuidreketi, A. and Perera, Hewage G.D. and Selu, Aaitui and Faumuina, N. and Hunter, David and Eaqub, Mohammed (2006) Earthworm species, population and biomass in some Upolu soils of Samoa. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 10 (1 & 2). pp. 40-43. ISSN 1018-7774 Davies, K.P. and Duncan, J. and Wales, Nathan and Varea, Renata and Shojaei, H. and Bruce, Eleanor and Boruff, B. and Biggs, Eloise (2019) An open - source mobile geospatial platform for promoting climate - smart livelihood - landscape systems in Fiji and Tonga. [Conference Proceedings] De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Iese, Viliamu (2013) Assessment of a seaweed bloom issue on Funafuti atoll and associated solutions; conducting awareness sessions for the local communities. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished) De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Iese, Viliamu (2014) Sustainable agro - fertilizers from marine plants in Pacific small island developing states (SIDS). In: Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Small Island Developing States. Research Essentials Collection . IGI Global, Trinidad and Tobago. ISBN 1466665017, 9781466665019 De Ramon N'Yeurt, Antoine and Iese, Viliamu (2015) The proliferating brown alga Sargassum polycystum in Tuvalu, South Pacific: assessment of the bloom and applications to local agriculture and sustainable energy. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27 (5). pp. 2037-2045. ISSN 0921-8971 Deesh, A.D. and Swamy, B.N. and Khan, Mohammad G.M. (2013) Distribution of coconut stick insect, Graeffea crouanii and its parasitoids in selected islands of Fiji. Fiji Agricultural Journal, 53 (1). pp. 18-24. ISSN 0015-0886 Deesh, Aradhana D. and Jokhan, Anjeela D. and Joshi, Ravindra C. and Khan, Mohammad G.M. and Jerard, B. Augustine (2020) Seasonal abundance and host plants of coconut stick insect (Graeffea crouanii Le Guillou) in coconut plantations of Fiji islands. Journal of Plantation Crops, 48 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0304-5242 Devi, Ashika (2016) Effect of Diet Composition on the Utilization of Copra Meal by Finishing Broiler Chickens. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) Devi, Ashika (2020) High copra meal (CM) in corn - animal protein - based diets with and without challenzyme for poultry. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished) Devi, Ashika and Diarra, Siaka S. (2018) Feed Resources for Poultry Feeding in the South Pacific: Dietary Recommendations, Issues and Prospects. [Conference Proceedings] Devi, Ashika and Diarra, Siaka S. (2017) Influence of Dietary Protein Source and Utilisation of Copra Meal in Finishing Broiler Chicken. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 34 (2). pp. 193-200. ISSN 0970-3209 Diarra, Ivan and Kotra, Krishna K. and Prasad, Surendra (2020) Assessment of biodegradable chelating agents in the phytoextraction of heavy metals from multiemetal contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2020 . pp. 1-14. ISSN 0045-6535 Diarra, Siaka S. (2016) Effects of enzyme products in the diet on growth, dressing-out percent and organ weights of light pigs fed copra-meal-based diets. Animal Production Science, NA . NA. ISSN 1836-0939 Diarra, Siaka S. (2016) Poultry Industries in the South Pacific Region: Challenges and Opportunities. [Conference Proceedings] Diarra, Siaka S. (2017) Poultry industries in the South Pacific region: issues and future direction. Worlds Poultry Science Journal, TBC . TBC-TBC. ISSN 0043-9339 Diarra, Siaka S. (2021) Prospects for the utilization of Senna obtusifolia products as protein supplements for poultry. Poultry Science, 100 (8). p. 101245. ISSN 0032-5791 Diarra, Siaka S. (2016) Utilisation of giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza) root meal with or without coconut oil slurry by layers and broilers. Animal Production Science, NA . NA. ISSN 1836-0939 Diarra, Siaka S. and Devi, Ranita and Rogers, Samantha and Vaeluagas, Papayaia and Moli, Junior (2017) Cage row arrangement affects the performance of laying hens in the hot humid tropics. UNSPECIFIED. Diarra, Siaka S. and Kant, Rashmi and Tanhimana, Jemarlyn and Lela, Patrick (2015) Utilisation of Giant African snail (Achatina fulica) meal as protein source for laying hens. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 116 (1). pp. 85-90. ISSN 1612-9830 Diarra, Siaka S. and Oikali, C. and Rasch, Isabell M. and Taro, Lenior and Vatigava, Michael and Amosa, Falaniko (2016) Giant Taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza) Root Meal with or without Coconut Oil Slurry as Source of Dietary Energy for Laying Hens. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science, 19 (2). pp. 31-38. ISSN 1394-3227 Diarra, Siaka S. and Omelanga, Frank and Waedala, Hudson and Niufilia, Eddie and Prasad, Hirmal and Manu, Lingitoni (2017) Allzyme SSF supplementation improves the utilisation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vine meal by growing pigs. Journal of Applied Animal Research, TBC . pp. 1-4. ISSN 0971-2119 Diarra, Siaka S. and Rusa, Shawn and Wati, Naomi and Biloko, Sarita and Gaunalomani, Siteri and Hazeem, Mohammed (2017) A comparative evaluation of moringa (Moringa oleifera) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) leaf hays as foraging substrates for laying hens. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 29 (173). pp. 173-178. ISSN 0121-3784 Duncan, John M.A. and Boruff, Bryan and Biggs, Eloise M. and Haworth, Billy T. and Wales, Nathan and Bruce, Eleanor (2021) Do integrated landscape approaches moderate climate impacts on livelihoods? A review of the evidence from agricultural landscapes. Regional Environmental Change, 21 (25). NA. ISSN 1436-3798 Duncan, Ronald C. and Sing, Y.W. (2009) The failure of agricultural policymaking in Fiji. Pacific Economic Bulletin, 24 (2). pp. 168-184. ISSN 0817-8038 Dutra, Leo and Thébaud, O. and Boschetti, F. and Smith, A.D.M. and Dichmont, C.M. (2015) Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine resource decisions: participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 116 . pp. 382-395. ISSN 0964-5691 EEbenebe, Adama A. and Amosa, Falaniko (2008) Managing pests and diseases in hydroponic gardens. School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Ebenebe, Adama A. and Amosa, Falaniko and Eaqub, Mohammed and Ebenebe, AC C. and Hunter, David (2006) Biofertilisers and biopesticides: prospects in sustainable agriculture in the South Pacific Islands. IInstitute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Apia, Samoa. Ebenebe, Adama A. and Sulifoa, J.B. and Boe, G.P. (2006) Species complex and importance of leaf-eating caterpillars of head cabbage in Samoa. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 13 (1 & 2). pp. 6-10. ISSN 1018-7774 Ebenebe, Adama A. and Umar, Mohammed (2010) FAO/ USP-IRETA consultations for accreditation of national agriculture institutes in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished) FFaamatuainu, Walter and Amosa, Falaniko (2018) Growth and Development of Taro Plants Applied with Controlled and Fast-release Nitrogen Fertilizers. [Conference Proceedings] Fangupo, Sateki and Kant, R. and Palomar, Manuel K. and Furlong, M.J. (2016) Effect of insecticides on Trichogramma chilonis L., egg parasitoid of large cabbage moth, Crocidolomia pavonana F. Journal of South Pacific Agriculture, 1 & 2 . pp. 36-42. ISSN 1018-7774 Fa’amatuainu, Walter and Amosa, Falaniko (2016) Dry Matter Accumulation and Partitioning Of Two Taro (Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott) Cultivars under Inceptisol Soils in Samoa. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science, 34 (2). pp. 40-43. ISSN 1013-9877 Fa’amatuainu, Walter and Amosa, Falaniko (2016) Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Physiological Aspects of Two Improved Taro Cultivars (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott in Samoa. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 16 (8). pp. 1462-1466. ISSN 1818-6769 Fonoti, P. and Tofinga, Mareko and Hunter, David (2008) Screening a cycle 1 breeding population of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) for resistance to taro leaf blight in Samoa. Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3 (8). pp. 888-891. ISSN 1815-8846 GGani, Azmat (2008) Food production, food imports and WTOs special and differential provisions to trade: the case of Pacific Island countries. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 7 (2). pp. 91-112. ISSN 1569-1500 Gapasin, Ruben and Lim, Jesusito and Oclarit, Elvira and Ubaub, Leslie T. and Alde, Mannylen (2017) Occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes in sweet potato fields in the Philippines and their implication in the biological control of sweet potato Weevil. Horticulturae, 3 (1). pp. 1-5. 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