USP Electronic Research Repository

Development Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Small States: Experiences from the Pacific, Southern Africa, and the Caribbean

Theodore, Karl and Reddy, Mahendra and Siphambe, Happy (2011) Development Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Small States: Experiences from the Pacific, Southern Africa, and the Caribbean. Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London. ISBN 978-1-84929-058-6

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This is a text about the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(HIV/AIDS) and about the experience of the epidemic in small countries. The intention has been
to provide a reasonably detailed picture of the impact of the epidemic and the response to it in
circumstances where the countries, because of their small size, cannot afford to play host to this
crippling pandemic. While it is obvious that in a small country environment the impact of an
epidemic of this variety will not be insignificant, it is important to know what the scale and the
nature of the impact is if the policy response is to be appropriate. Recent literature on vulnerability
has highlighted the special circumstances of small states, and has pointed to the importance of
building resilience as a countervailing force. The rationale for this text is that in small countries,
HIV/AIDS adds another dimension to economic and social vulnerability as a result of the way in
which it can disproportionately affect output and productivity, and also because of the real threat
of extinction. Specifically with resilience in mind, the depiction of the impact of the epidemic
in the small countries of Southern Africa, Fiji Islands and the Caribbean is policy focused. The
analysis presented presumes that there have been specific responses to the epidemic, but recognises
the need to strengthen the calibre of these responses by proffering a more in-depth understanding
of the character and the course of the epidemic.
Between the start of the research for this book and the completion of the manuscript, there have
been two updated Joint United Nation Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) World reports on
HIV/AIDS. The latest information suggests that the epidemic may have peaked in the late-1990s,
and is on an (admittedly slight) downward trend in terms of new infections.1 However, the total
number of PLWHA has continued to rise (and will do so as treatment programmes continue to be
rolled out). Given the enormity of the human effort and the vastness of the financial resources
expended in the fight against the epidemic, the implication is that success against HIV/AIDS will
depend on the degree of commitment, the ingenuity and the willingness to adopt new behaviours
on the part of the leadership and the populations of the countries of the world. For the small
countries, the challenge is to exploit the reality of size in a way that promotes efficiency and
sustainability in the fight against the epidemic.

Item Type: Book
Uncontrolled Keywords: n/a
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) > Graduate School of Business
Depositing User: Mahendra Reddy
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 23:49
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 23:49

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