Items where Subject is "PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania" |
Group by: Authors | Item Type Number of items at this level: 107. BBlevins, J. and Lynch, John D. (2009) Morphological conditions on regular sound change? A reanalysis of *l-loss in Paamese and Southeast Ambrym. Oceanic Linguistics, 48 (1). pp. 111-129. ISSN 0029-8115 CCarlston, Erin G. and Hayward, Matthew C. and Reed, Brian M. (2020) Modernisms: Aotearoa New Zealand-Australia-Fiji, 1926–1986. Modernist Cultures, 15 (3). pp. 263-275. ISSN 2041-1022 Carlston, Erin G. and Hayward, Matthew C. and Reed, Brian M. (2020) Special Issue—Modernisms: Aotearoa New Zealand-Australia-Fiji, 1926-1986. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] DDuhamel, Marie-France (2020) Borrowing from Bislama into Raga, Vanuatu: borrowing frequency, adaptation strategies and semantic considerations. Asia-Pacific Language Variation, 6 (2). pp. 160-195. ISSN 2215-1354 Duhamel, Marie-France (2022) The role of older men in a phonological change (ɣ) in Raga, Vanuatu. Asia-Pacific Language Variation, 8 (2). pp. 206-239. ISSN 2215-1354 EEarly, Robert (2012) Languages of Outlier Polynesia. In: Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art. Ethnology Monographs . Ethnology Monographs, University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, USA, pp. 49-75. ISBN 9780945428152 Early, Robert (2002) Niuafo’ou. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, Richmond, Surrey, pp. 848-864. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Early, Robert (2007) Review of Thieberger, N. (ed.) a grammar of South Efate: an Oceanic language of Vanuatu. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] FFimone, Wilfred (2020) Onset glottal stop deletion in Suva Rotuman. Asia-Pacific Language Variation, 6 (2). pp. 196-221. ISSN 2215-1354 Fua, Seu'ula J. (2016) ‘Ilo. In: Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-981-287-532-7 (online) Funaki, Fakahula Mitimeti and Ioane, Tifaole and Early, Robert (2014) Tohi Tauakina He Vagahau Niue. Pacific Languages Unit, USP, Port Vila, Vanuatu. ISBN 978982010962 GGeraghty, Paul (2008) Fait de langues: revue de linguistique n 23-24: les langues austronésiennes. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Geraghty, Paul (2017) Languages of Eastern Melanesia. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 821-851. ISBN 9781107051614 Geraghty, Paul (2016) Placenames of Fiji 10: Of what? Taveuni and other truncated place-names of Fiji. Placenames Australia Inc ABN 39 652 752 594, Australia. Geraghty, Paul (2017) Placenames of Fiji 12: where souls jump off. Placenames Australia (Inc), Australia. Geraghty, Paul (2018) Placenames of Fiji 13: To the heart of Fiji. Placenames Australia Inc ABN 39 652 752 594. Geraghty, Paul (2019) Placenames of Fiji 14: The island of Koro. Placenames Australia Inc ABN 39 652 752 594. Geraghty, Paul (2016) Placenames of Fiji 9: The island of Taveuni. Placenames Australia Inc ABN 39 652 752 594, Australia. Geraghty, Paul (2018) Tongan wordlists. In: Collecting in the South Sea The Voyage of Bruni d’Entrecasteaux 1791-1794. Sidestone Press, Netherlands, TBC. ISBN 9789088905742 Geraghty, Paul and Tent, Jan (2021) Australian Aboriginal Toponyms in Fiji. Placenames Australia Inc ABN 39 652 752 594. Geraghty, Paul (2023) Vanuabalavu: the long and winding land. Placenames of Fiji 21. Placenames Australia Inc, Australia. Goebel, Zane and Jukes, Anthony and Morin, Izak (2017) Linguistic enfranchisement. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, 173 . pp. 273-295. ISSN 0006-2294 HHayward, Matthew C. (2018) Indigenizing Intertextuality: Literacy and Orality in Albert Wendt's Pouliuli. Journal of Modern Literature, 41 (2). pp. 96-111. ISSN 0022-281X Hayward, Matthew C. (2018) Movies and Pacific modernities in Wendt and Subramani. Symploke, 26 (1-2). pp. 109-123. ISSN 1069-0697 Hayward, Matthew C. (2019) Our Own Identity: Albert Wendt, James Joyce and the Indigenisation of Influence. In: New Oceania: Modernisms and Modernities in the Pacific. Routledge, New York, TBC. ISBN 9780367250157 Hayward, Matthew C. and Long, Maebh (2019) New Oceania: Modernisms and Modernities in the Pacific. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Hayward, Matthew C. and Long, Maebh (2021) Towards an Oceanian Modernism. Modernism/Modernity, 28 (2). pp. 209-228. ISSN 1071-6068 Hopf, Suzanne C. and McCleod, Sharynne and Geraghty, Paul (2016) A contrastive analysis of the phonologies of two Fiji English dialects: A diagnostic guide for speech–language pathologists. Speech, Language and Hearing, 19 (2). pp. 96-104. ISSN 2050-571X KKikusawa, Ritsuko and Tamata, Apolonia (1999) Standard Fijian language learning dictionary = Hyoojun Fiji-go gakushuu-jisho. Language training standard Fijian teaching materials . Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 9784872977523 LLal, Brij V. and Prasad, Rajendra (2021) Hindi in the Fiji Islands. In: Indian Languages in the Diaspora. People's Linguistic Survey of India, 47 . Orient Blackswan Private Limited, Hyderabad, pp. 62-69. ISBN 978-93-5442-106-8 Long, Maebh and Hayward, Matthew C. (2020) For I have fed on foreign bread: Modernism and Colonial Education in the Pacific Islands. Modernist Cultures, 15 (3). pp. 377-398. ISSN 2041-1022 Long, Maebh and Hayward, Matthew C. (2019) The Space Between: Oceanian Literature and Modernist Studies. In: New Oceania: Modernisms and Modernities in the Pacific. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature . Routledge, new, TBC. ISBN 9780367250157 Lynch, John D. (2002) Anejoü. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 723-752. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (2001) Article accretion and article creation in Southern Oceanic. Oceanic Linguistics, 40 (2). pp. 224-246. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2004) Bilabial reflexes of proto-Oceanic *q in Southern Vanuatu languages. Oceanic Linguistics, 43 (1). pp. 214-220. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Cèmuhî. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 753-764. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (2005) Final consonants in remote Oceanic. Oceanic Linguistics, 44 (1). pp. 90-112. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Iaai. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 776-791. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (2005) In memoriam: Terry Crowley 1953-2005. Oceanic Linguistics, 44 (1). pp. 223-241. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2009) Irregular sound change and the post velars in some Malakula languages. In: Austronesian Historical Linguistics and Culture History: A Festschrift for Robert Blust. Pacific Linguistics, 601 . Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9780858836013 Lynch, John D. (2009) Leo Tuai: a comparative lexical study of North and Central Vanuatu languages. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Lynch, John D. (2000) Linguistic subgrouping in Vanuatu and New Caledonia. [Conference Proceedings] Lynch, John D. (2008) Liquid vocalization and loss in Central Vanuatu. Oceanic Linguistics, 47 (2). pp. 294-315. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2003) Low vowel dissimilation in Vanuatu languages. Oceanic Linguistics, 42 (2). pp. 359-406. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Marquesan. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 865-876. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (1996) On the relative instability of *tina- ‘mother’ in the languages of eastern Oceania. Language and Linguistics in Melanesia, 27 (1). pp. 67-81. ISSN 0023-1959 Lynch, John D. (2001) Passive and food possession in oceanic languages. In: The Boy from Bundaberg: Studies in Melanesian Linguistics in Honour of Tom Dutton. Pacific Linguistics, 514 . Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp. 193-214. ISBN 0858834456, 9780858834453 Lynch, John D. (2002) Potent roots and the origin of kava. Oceanic Linguistics, 41 (2). pp. 493-513. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (1996) Proto Oceanic possessive marking. [Conference Proceedings] Lynch, John D. (1997) Proto-Oceanic *paRiu ‘cyclone’? Oceanic Linguistics, 36 (1). pp. 180-181. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Puluwatese. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 804-814. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (2000) Reconstructing proto-oceanic stress. Oceanic Linguistics, 39 (1). pp. 53-82. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (1999) Southern oceanic linguistic history. In: Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 BP: Suppléments à l’histoire d’une colonisation. Institut de recherche pour le développement, Paris, France, pp. 423-449. ISBN 2-7099-1431-X Lynch, John D. (2001) Too much to swallow: on terms meaning ‘swallow’ in proto-Oceanic. Oceanic Linguistics, 40 (2). pp. 336-341. ISSN 00298115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Ulithian. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 792-803. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (1999) Wanderings of a Polynesian root. Oceanic Linguistics, 38 (2). pp. 376-382. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2002) Xârâcùù. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 765-775. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. (2005) The apicolabial shift in Nese. Oceanic Linguistics, 44 (2). pp. 389-403. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. (2003) The bilabials in proto loyalties. In: Issues in Austronesian Historical Phonology. Pacific Linguistics, 550 . Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp. 153-173. ISBN 858835037, 9780858835030 Lynch, John D. (2001) The development of morphologically complex possessive markers in the Southern Vanuatu languages. In: Issues in Austronesian Morphology: A Focusschrift for Byron W. Bender. Pacific Linguistics, 519 . Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp. 149-161. ISBN 0858834855, 9780858834859 Lynch, John D. (2002) The proto-oceanic labiovelars: some new observations. Oceanic Linguistics, 41 (2). pp. 310-362. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. and Crowley, T. (2003) More reflexes of proto-Oceanic *q in Vanuatu languages. Oceanic Linguistics, 42 (1). pp. 233-238. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. and Horoi, R. (2002) Arosi. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 562-572. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 Lynch, John D. and Ozanne-Rivierre, F. (2001) Some shared developments in pronouns in languages of Southern Oceanic. Oceanic Linguistics, 40 (1). pp. 33-66. ISSN 0029-8115 Lynch, John D. and Ross, M. (2002) Banoni. In: The Oceanic Languages. Curzon Press, London, pp. 440-455. ISBN 0700711287, 9780700711284 MMishra, Sudesh R. (2018) Acts of Rememory in Oceania. Symploke, 26 (1-2). pp. 19-32. ISSN 1069-0697 Mishra, Sudesh R. (2019) Narrating the Global South Asian Diaspora. In: The Novel in South and South East Asia since 1945 (10th Vol). Oxford University Press, CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, UK, pp. 564-577. ISBN 978-0-19-874541-9 Moyse-Faurie, C. and Lynch, John D. (2004) Coordination in oceanic languages and proto oceanic. In: Coordinating Constructions. Typological Studies in Language, 58 . John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, pp. 445-497. ISBN 902722966X, 9789027229663, 9781588114792 Mut, Tsz C. and Simard, Candide and Tamata, Apolonia and Lee, Albert (2023) Focus Prosody in Fijian: a Pilot Study. [Conference Proceedings] Mut, Tsz Ching and Simard, Candide and Tamata, Apolonia and Lee, Albert (2023) Focus prosody in Fijian: In-situ focus marking. [Conference Proceedings] NNanau, Gordon (2017) 'Na Vanuagu': Epistemology and Personhood in Tathimboko, Guadalcanal. In: The Relational Self: Decolonising Personhood in the Pacific. The University of the South Pacific Press & Pacific Theological College, Suva, Fiji, pp. 177-201. ISBN 978-982--01-0968-1 Nishino, Ryota (2017) From Memory Making to Money Making? Japanese Travel Writers' Impressions of Cross-Cultural Interactions in the southwestern Pacific Islands Battlesites, 1961-2007. Pacific Historical Review, 86 (3). pp. 443-471. ISSN 0030-8684 Nishino, Ryota (2014) Pacific Islands Women in the Eyes of the Travel Journalist Kanetaka Kaoru: Impressions from Her First Journey to the Pacific Islands in 1961. Pacific Asia Inquiry, 5 (1). pp. 130-144. ISSN n/a Nishino, Ryota (2018) Toward a future of travel writing and history: collecting, researching, and reflecting on Southwestern Pacific Islanders' experiences of the Pacific war. [Conference Proceedings] Nishino, Ryota (2017) The awakening of a journalist’s historical consciousness: Sasa Yukie’s Pacific Island journeys of 2005–2006. Japanese Studies, TBC . TBC-TBC. ISSN 1037-1397 PPrasad, Rajendra (2024) Language and Identity. [Book Review or Scholarly Comment] Prasad, Rajendra and Willans, Fiona (2023) Debunking ten myths about Hindi in Fiji: taking some of the hot air out of the Mirchi FM debate. Te Reo, 66 (1). pp. 39-59. ISSN 2703-4135 SSarwal, Amit (2018) “Surya mein koi tapu nahin, bas sahab hain.”. [Creative Works] Smith, K. and Otunuku, Mo'ale (2015) Heliaki: transforming literacy in Tonga through metaphor. The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education, 1 (1). pp. 99-112. ISSN 2381-5183 Strickland, Emmett and Lachetet-Dujour, Anne and Simard, Candide (2022) Prosody and cognitive accessibility in left - detached topics: lessons from Nigerian Pidgin. [Conference Proceedings] Subramani, Anurag (2021) Dakuwaku. [Creative Works] TTamata, Apolonia (2013) Na ketekete qele: na itukuni kei Di Nono. iTaukei Trust Fund Board, Fiji. ISBN 9789829160010 Tamata, Apolonia (2021) Regional Consultation in the Pacific for the preparation of the Global Action Plan of Indigenous Languages. A report. [Professional and Technical Reports] (Unpublished) Tamata, Apolonia (2000) The story of the Fijian storyteller. Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 22 (2). pp. 93-113. ISSN 1011-5B46 Tamata, Apolonia and Thomas, Larry (2011) Lakovi. iTaukei Trust Fund Board, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789829805911 Tamata, Apolonia and Thomas, Larry (2010) Lakovi, na drama vakaviti. [Creative Works] Tamata, Apolonia and Thomas, Larry (2015) Na iLululu. iTaukei Trust Fund Board, Suva, Fiji. ISBN 9789829160065 Tent, J. and Geraghty, Paul (2004) Borrowing: a Pacific perspective. [Book, Journal, Proceedings Edited] Toumu'a, Ruth (2014) Pasifika success as Pasifika. Pasifika conceptualisations of literacy for success as Pasifika in Aotearoa New Zealand. [Professional and Technical Reports] VVandertop, Caitlin (2015) Travel literature and the infrastructural unconscious. In: New Directions in Travel Writing Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 129-144. ISBN 978-1-137-45725-7 Vranken, Thomas and Dutt, Atele (2024) Speaking in Tongues: The Texts Haunting Stevenson’s Samoan Adaptation of “The Bottle Imp”. Victorian Popular Fictions Journal, 6 (2). pp. 81-94. ISSN 2632-4253 WWillans, Fiona (2019) 50 years of the University of the South Pacific’s languages: who will take them forward? Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, 33 (1). pp. 79-89. ISSN 1011-5846 Willans, Fiona (2017) Another early - exit transitional model doomed to fail? Or is this the wrong model at the right time in Vanuatu? Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38 (8). pp. 699-711. ISSN 0143-4632 Willans, Fiona (2015) Globalised discourses within and around spaces for multilingualism: Prospects for education policy change in Vanuatu. Current Issues in Language Planning, 16 (1-2). pp. 97-113. ISSN 1466-4208 Willans, Fiona (2015) “Hem i Broken English nomo”: Interrupting the same old story about pidgins and creoles in school. UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona (2020) Old languages in new academic spaces: emergent pedagogy for tertiary programmes in Pacific languages. The Language Learning Journal, 48 (3). pp. 346-355. ISSN 0957-1736 Willans, Fiona (2015) Quality education through the medium of English: What does (or can or should) this mean for the Pacific region? UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona (2013) The engineering of plurilingualism following a blueprint for multilingualism: The case of Vanuatu’s education language policy. Tesol Quarterly, 47 (3). pp. 546-566. ISSN 0039-8322 Willans, Fiona (2015) A major strategy to improve English:But what do we all mean by ‘English’? UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona (2015) The multilingual turn in Sociolinguistics: What use is it to educators?’. UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona (2016) A sustainable linguistic future for the Pacific: What role does the University of the South Pacific play? UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona and Early, Robert and Tamtam, Helen and Robert, Charley and Thieffry, Christelle and Vandeputte-Tavo, Leslie (2015) Corpus development of Bislama for Anglophone and Francophone education: Bae yumi yusum blakbod o tablo? UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona and Early, Robert and Tamtam, Helen and Robert, Charley and Thieffry, Christelle and Vandeputte-Tavo, Leslie (2015) Re-shaping language policy in Vanuatu education: Complexity, challenges and chances. UNSPECIFIED. Willans, Fiona and Gure, Jim and Koro, Salanieta (2020) Signs of multilingualism in the urban linguistic landscapes of Fiji and Vanuatu: reflections of national identity. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 26 (4). pp. 475-498. ISSN 1350-4630 Willans, Fiona and Jukes, Anthony (2017) How far can the language ecology metaphor take us? A Pacific perspective on language vitality (Response to Mufwene). Language, 93 (4). pp. 263-274. ISSN 0097-8507 Willans, Fiona and Leung, C. (2016) Empirical foundations for medium of instruction policies: Approximate replications of Afolayan (1976) and Siegel (1997b). Language Teaching, 49 (4). pp. 549-563. ISSN 0261-4448 Willans, Fiona and Prasad, Rajendra (2025) Multilingual, multimodal insights into the online learning experience: getting in the zone. In: Researching Multilingually: Conceptual and Methodological Failures, Struggles, and Successes. Multilingual Matters, Bristol. ISBN 9781788925709 |