Number of items at this level: 12.
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
Cabotage Restriction Rules and the Shipping of Disaster Relief Aid-Navigating the Climate Change Induced Risk for Security in the Pacific.
World Maritime University.
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
Pacific Ocean Trade – Navigating the shipping decarbonisation between comparative and disproportionate disadvantage in the middle of the climate change cyclone.
Victoria University Wellington.
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
Parte II - O quadro legal geral da exploração e da produção de petróleo no mar.
Novos Estudos Jurídicos, 2
pp. 417-460.
ISSN 2175-0491
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
“A Resolução Normativa n°18/2017 da Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários(Antaq) como quadro jurídico das sobre-estadias de contêiner e a teoria do contrato de fornecimento de contêiner”.
Teoria E Pratica da Demurrage de Contêiner.
Aduaneiras, São Paulo, pp. 285-315.
ISBN 978-85-7129-832-3
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
Pacific States battles at the IMO negotiations to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions from shipping.
Fiji Sun.
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean and Irvin, Andrew
Comparative assessment of possible cabotage restriction between Fiji/ Tuvalu/ Kiribati/ RMI for a Fiji registered ship.
[Professional and Technical Reports]
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean and Prehn, Michael and Nuttall, Peter and Dobson, Michael
Consideration of concrete proposals for mid- and long-term measures and associated impact assessments in the context of phase I of the work plan as well as the proposal to establish an international maritime research board.
IMO, International Maritime Organisation.
Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean and prehn, Michael and Nuttall, Peter and Dobson, Michael
Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships:
Establishment of an International Maritime Research and Development Board and an IMO Maritime Research Fund.
International Maritime Organisation.
Nuttall, Peter and Irvin, Andrew and Newell, Alison and Bordahandy, Pierre-Jean
Tax or Not to Tax: the case for a 1.5°C Carbon Price on International Shipping - Perspective from the Climate Most Vulnerable Nations.
Ocean Yearbook, 35
pp. 173-209.
ISSN 0191-8575
Nuttall, Peter and Kaitu’u, John
The Magnus Effect and the Flettner Rotor: Potential Application for Future Oceanic Shipping.
The Journal of Pacific Studies, 36
pp. 161-182.
ISSN 1011-3029
Nuttall, Peter and Newell, Alison
Transitioning to Low Carbon Shipping Module – Sustainable Sea Transport Solutions for SIDS: Pacific Island Countries Case Studies.
UNCTAD, Geneva.
Weber, Eberhard and Waqavonovono, Zen and Petueli, Anaseini
Closeness in Fiji.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 09:05:21 2025 +12.