USP Electronic Research Repository

Evolving Practice in Flexible Learning

Chand, Rajni K. and Hussein, Mohammed J. (2024) Evolving Practice in Flexible Learning. [Conference Proceedings]

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The use of distance learning in the New Zealand schools sector can be traced to the
creation of The Correspondence School around 1922. By the 1990s and early 2000s
the development of virtual learning programs were well underway with more than 20
being reported by 2010. During that time there were several isolated examinations of
how the various government-sponsored initiatives aided in the development of virtual
learning. However, the Primary and Secondary e-Learning: Examining the Process
of Achieving Maturity report was the first comprehensive study of the development of
virtual learning in New Zealand and the barriers faced in achieving sustainability and
maturity. In addition to documenting this growth, the report also recommended the
Ministry of Education expand its provision of centralized technology and support,
individual programs consolidate to avoid duplication of resources, and foster the
ability of individual programs to address local needs. Interestingly, over the past
decade each of these three recommendations have been enacted in some way. The
Ministry of Education expanded the services its provides to virtual learning programs
from just video conferencing hardware to include software like Zoom, Moodle,
Google Classroom, and others. Similarly, the number of virtual learning programs
has decreased from over 20 in 2010 to only three as the 2023 school year begins.
Finally, several of the virtual learning programs have begun to specialize their
offerings to focus on specific areas of need (e.g., the Virtual Learning Network
Primary on Asian languages or NETNZ on New Zealand Qualifications Authority
examinations). The current nationwide follow-up study will provide an examination
into the current state of schools sector distance learning, as well as an updated
framework for its future development.

Item Type: Conference Proceedings
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL)
Depositing User: Nirma Narayan
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2025 00:00
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2025 00:00

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